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Polish Labor Is Scarce as Workers Go West

uk_  8 | 85  
19 Nov 2006 /  #1
This is the "second" Poland, a diaspora of 800,000 Poles estimated by officials here to have left the country since it joined the European Union in May 2004. The exodus is believed to be one of the largest migrations by Europeans since the 1950s, when a wave of Irish crossed the Atlantic to escape poverty.

But in Poland, this huge movement of people has created a labor shortage so severe that the government may not be able to spend the money that is due to begin arriving in January from the European Union for projects like improving roads and the water supply."


Now is the time


source: The New York Times, November 19
Maati  1 | 178  
19 Nov 2006 /  #2
Why they did not mention, that they already have Ukrainian, Belarusian etc. workers
(some of them holding university diplomas) to do this job illegaly and/or almost for free?

They are filing the gap very quickly. Many of the people I know here in Warsaw have Ukrainian/Belarusian nannies for their kids. Some of these women with proper education work also in hospitals, since most of the Polish staff is in the UK/EU. Many strong and poor men from these countries work here often illegaly for low wages doing all kind of odd jobs... so what's the problem ?

When Polish government stop discussing condoms and contraceptions influence on people's health , and make this country more civilized in terms of economy and life standards , migrant workers may come back, if they are stilll alive...

The only one thing that prevents me from going to the UK, is that I do not want to use my university diplomaS as a toilet paper, like my well-educated, young, beautiful Polish friends .

I wouldn't like to see myself as a modern slave.But who knows, maybe if I am not able to feed my kids you will meet me there...
19 Nov 2006 /  #3
Why you are trying to make Muslim a derogatory name? What's wrong with living in a Muslim country? Isn't racist too?
BTW I am an atheist and Polish...

Why muslims can be racist and I cant? Look at uk he is muslim and all his posts are anti-polish but noone yet said him that he is racist, ppl try to discuss with him but its pointless because you cant discuss with trolls.
Decorator  4 | 291  
19 Nov 2006 /  #4
I fully understand you getting upset at times Ola, we all do but by deflecting that anger on another nation like the UK where i come from doesn't serve any real purpose..

I have visited many Forums recently, especially Vancouver ones where i am moving too, and believe me the venom and racists remarks made there are remarkable. I think this is an excellent, well maintained and good natured forum compared to them. So you get a few trolls from UK, big deal !! does that mean you believe it reflects the opinion all all UK people. Many of whom write in this forum with intelligent and constructive comments?

I came here to learn more about Polish culture and opinions myself, because i never really knew much. A few comments anger me, but nobody will completely agree with other people.

Wouldn't that be boring?
OP uk_  8 | 85  
19 Nov 2006 /  #5
anti-polish but noone yet said him that he is racist

OI i'm not anti-polish. I don't hate polish peoples at all but i don't want them in UK anymore. I always complain about poles in UK not in poland. You guys downgrading our economy, our education systems & taking all our money ( benefit, NHS)

Poles comes here like ant (one after another) so stop coming here like that.

Stop agreeing to work with low wages

Stop calling others racist... btw we all know who really don't intregrate with other europians
( poles)
Maati  1 | 178  
19 Nov 2006 /  #6
I guess it's too late now to change it.

Many people in PL suffer from poverty, that's why they go there believing that they will change their lives.

They work hard, sometimes they also study and really are too tired to socialise.
It's about survival for them, not about having fun, unfortunately.

Many of these folks do not speak English or are at intermediate level and do not understand British accent.

Such is life.

And this is both governments' fault ...
Decorator  4 | 291  
19 Nov 2006 /  #7
UK_ Don't you think it is the British goverment you should be venting at and not the Polish people, Like every other E.U member state the Polish are entitled to come and go as they please. I believe that the UK cannot cope with the number of migrant workers that will soon follow. But that is down to goverment and nobody else.
19 Nov 2006 /  #8
Stop calling others racist... btw we all know who really don't intregrate with other europians
( poles)

They integrate and at least they are not trying to explode metro stations and kill the ppl like muslims.

Interesting that the most anti-polish are other immigrants or born in UK kids of immigrants.

where? In school, workplace even in clubs i find first they look for polish. Yea they may be but very rare.

Not your business, go back to your own life and leave us alone you muslim.
19 Nov 2006 /  #9
and make this country more civilized in terms of economy and life standards , migrant workers may come back, if they are stilll alive...

I agree
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Nov 2006 /  #10
university diplomaS as a toilet paper, like my well-educated, young, beautiful Polish friends .

if you got your degree after Poland joined the EU and your english is good, there is no reason you wouldnt be able to get a good job here...There was a progamme on the other evening and Polish people were interviewed, one was an accountant the other a trainee journalist....hardly toilet cleaners...Polish people with the right qualifications are doing well in the UK

Both interviewed have no intention of returning to Poland any time soon, both were female and in their early 20is and loved the fact that they were not under any pressure to marry and pop out sprogs....
Maati  1 | 178  
19 Nov 2006 /  #11
Unfortunately, I have MA in Polish Philology and Culture Studies. I graduated after PL joined EU. Most of my friends graduated from different Philology departments, Art, Philosophy, Cross-Cultural studies, European studies, Political Science etc. They live in UK for about two yrs. Most of them work in hotels and in factories. Their English is good. Some of them have even MA degree in English Philology. Sad but true.
19 Nov 2006 /  #12
At least they have money and make normal living unlike those young who stayed, proud but poor.....
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Nov 2006 /  #13
Unfortunately, I have MA in Polish Philology and Culture Studies

I dont want to sound rude when I say this, but its not really a practical degree.. English with these kinds of degrees dont end up in their chosen field, but a degree will get them in the door for other kinds of jobs most large companies in the UK run graduate schemes that are funded by the government, so the education isnt completely wasted..
rafik  18 | 589  
19 Nov 2006 /  #14
uk i told you once that you try to be more british than the brits are.you want to be regarded as an english man but make so many grammatical errors.this only shows how british you feel,having lived in this country all your life,you should speak perfect english but it shows that the only people you mix with are your fellow muslims who also don't speak english. i am gonna show you your grammar errors and don't tell that your scottish cos it is pathetic.

in UK

correct me if i am wrong but it should be" in the uk"

guys downgrading

"you guys are"

here like ant

"like ants"

who really don't



anyone else want to have a go?
btw uk_ if you really love your country move back there your goat is already there
19 Nov 2006 /  #15

Hi Uk . I see your saying go back. Poland needs workers. Whats the going Rate for an experienced contractor . For example A backhoe operator here makes anywhere from 20 to 65 dollars an hour. A contractor here with a licence can demand up to 110 an hour with a crew or by himself.

So tell me what was the going wage , or insentive to work there .
Did the article say anything about what project.

I know from my cousins in poland who came here they said it was hard in poland to find a good job.
My cousins huband is an arkitect. Polish university degree. What would he be worth drawing all the new roads and buildings or what ever is planned.
Maati  1 | 178  
20 Nov 2006 /  #16
I'm not sure if having two s****, low paid jobs and studying/ continuing education at the same time makes a "normal" living. When I was 19, I came to the US. I was working then in the sandwich bar as well , I believe it was called "Au Bon Pain".It was extremely positive experience for me AT THAT TIME. I met many nice, interesting, artistic people. I lived and worked not far from Harvard Sq.,Cambridge, MA.

Then I came back to PL to finish my studies. I am not going to work as a waitress or baby- sitter anymore. Here in Warsaw where I was born, I work as a teacher in a private languages school and as a proofreader for translation company. I am involved in cultural projects in The Center for Contemporary Arts. I am trying to get a job in PR corporations.

I know I would not have such a good position in the UK. And I'm 26.

And I may have less money than my frends... Obviously, they have British Pounds or Euros and I have Polish Złoty...Howewever, I do not have to work two jobs 16 hours a day and then study for my school, having aleady gained a degree from Warsaw University. Most of my friends do not live in well-standard places, because they cannot afford to rent a good place. I do not want that kind of life....

If I leave Poland , it will be mostly because of the government and the right-wing mentality that is domineering here, not because of the money.

I was in the UK before. I was invited there by the PL Embassy for the linguistic show as a qualified teacher of Polish as a second language to present my workshop on teaching Polish. It was a good experience as well. I may get a job over there as a teacher unless I have some special education and methodical courses done in England. They are too expensive right now for me. Maybe in the future... But working as a baby-sitter, waitress, cleaning lady, factory worker is not for me... I do not want this kind of job.
gjene  15 | 203  
14 May 2008 /  #17
I do not have a degree. But from my understanding my grandparents and mother were and still are a Polish citizen. Right now I am trying to get the necessary documents to prove it. I am more than willing to immigrate from Canada to Poland. For I worked on a farm, railway track maintenance, renovation and as a security guard. So what can I find for work? I also have a TESOL certificate.
14 May 2008 /  #18
Unfortunately, I have MA in Polish Philology and Culture Studies

does that mean you work at mcdonalds. Did you study at the university of useless degrees lol
RockyMason  19 | 250  
14 May 2008 /  #19
should have gotten a business degree!
Puzzy  1 | 150  
23 May 2008 /  #20

- We shouldn't have come to your country at all. Those Poles who remain in UK must be masochists, to put up with all the hate (spread by media psychopaths), rip-offs and stupidity levelled at them every step they take. By the way, also scores of your fellow British live abroad and there is an acute labour shortage in UK (filled-up partially, among others, by Poles). Do you also go to UK websites and in capital letters tell those British they should show ther love for UK and go back home? Do you understand what I mean?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
23 May 2008 /  #21
We shouldn't have come to your country at all. Those Poles whereremain in UK must be masochists, to put up with all the hate (spread by media psychopaths), rip-offs and stupidity levelled at them every step they take. By the way, also scores of your fellow British live abroad and there is an acute labour shortage in UK (filled-up partially, among others, by Poles). Do you also go to UK websites and in capital letters tell those British they should show ther love for UK and go back home? Do you understand what I mean?

First off Pissy, a lot of British that live abroad are in high paid jobs or have their own companies or have retired to warmer climates in one way or another they contribute a hell of a lot more than they take out! Just to clarify as well if you ask most British why they want out of this country it's because they feel that it's a sh*t hole full of immigrants.....who come here to f*cuk over the system.....

Nice to see you back, the forum has been missing you!
Puzzy  1 | 150  
24 May 2008 /  #22

- I like that. :)

a lot of British that live abroad are in high paid jobs or have their own companies or have retired to warmer climates

- Well, Shtelly, even if the above is true, why still shouldn't they show their patriotism and come back home?

they contribute a hell of a lot more than they take out

- Even those on high paid jobs and those having their own companies? They just most benevolently give most of their dough away to the natives, right? Wow. :) Now, are you suggesting that Poles toiling in UK 'take out' more than UK employers rip off of them? What would you mean by that? Prove your point. :)

re: if you ask most British why they want out of this country it's because they feel that it's a sh*t hole full of immigrants.....who come here to f*cuk over the system.....

- Would they mean the Poles - and only the Poles - as those alleged 'immigrants' and f...cukers of 'the system' (what system, btw)? If yes, on what rational grounds would they base their perception? Do you mean that the British leave Britain because of Poles coming in to work? Why? Wouldn't it contradict your earlier assertion that the British abroad 'are in high paid jobs or have their own companies or have retired to warmer climates'?

PS. Where did you take your attitude towards the Poles from? From e.g. Daily Express (owner: Jewish pornographer and slanderer Desmond)? Two or so days ago another hate-mongering psychopath and compulsive liar from this rag puked out a new nauseating load of hate against the Poles. I can see their tactics has been working with some.
Jukrek  - | 58  
24 May 2008 /  #23
Poles are coming back home because pound is crap ! We don't need your help puzzi. We welcome british investors in Poland.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
24 May 2008 /  #24
We don't need your help puzzi

- And what do you mean by that? Who are those 'we' on behalf of whom you seem to be speaking? Who the hell would you be?
Jukrek  - | 58  
24 May 2008 /  #25
Why a hell you want to start talking about polonophobia or what ever. We need Poles home they are comming back. What is more we need more and more other imigrants. Brits, French Ukrainians. Some of them make good money here some work on construction.

Polish invasion on UK is history! Still a lot of people will stay there but it isn't issue any more.
espana  17 | 951  
24 May 2008 /  #26

i dont think shelleys is not against polish people or other eastern or western european people .
she is against the typical asians and africans,who come to her country just for take and not give nothing back to england .
polish people give a lot to england and england give a lot to polish people too ,this is how it should be .
these asians and africans are not coming to england asking for help they only come here ordering to the english what they want

welcome back pissy
the forum miss you :)
southern  73 | 7059  
24 May 2008 /  #27

work on construction

It will be a pleasure to see some Brits work on construction in Poland.
Jukrek  - | 58  
24 May 2008 /  #28
Ukrainians on construction. Brits don't work there. Your posts as guest are charming.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 May 2008 /  #29
Brits don't work there

It is a pity.But I do not see you complaining about the ukrainian invasion.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
24 May 2008 /  #30
Why a hell you want to start talking about polonophobia or what ever

- What's wrong with my talking about Polonophobia or whatever else?

We need

- Who are 'we'? On what grounds do you speak on behalf of those 'we'?

Polish invasion on UK is history!

- So there was a 'Polish invasion on UK' (sic)? What would you mean by that?

Still a lot of people will stay there but it isn't issue any more.

- How do you know that 'a lot of people will stay there'? Do you know them all? What 'isn't issue' (sic) any more? Jeszcze jeden polaczek-polonofob atakujacy Polaka przy obcych, zeby tylko blysnac? Wiec ciagle sa w Polsce takie kreatury? Ja myslalem ze wyginely razem z PRL-em. Aha, twoj angielski jest bardzo kiepski.


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