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Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw???

olito  6 | 53  
2 Oct 2009 /  #1
Wondering how much per month could I be able to save?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
2 Oct 2009 /  #2
It's good anywhere in Poland...
pawian  226 | 27561  
2 Oct 2009 /  #3
It is good.

However, its twofold amount, 16.000, is much better.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Oct 2009 /  #4
i think 32000 is the minimum...
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
2 Oct 2009 /  #5
Pah! I wouldn't get out of bed for that.....
Nika  2 | 507  
2 Oct 2009 /  #6
yes, it is good salary anywhere in PL.
Now your savings would depend on your life style: your rent (an appartment on your own or shared with someone), how much you spend on going out, shopping etc. but with 8000 gros per month you will be able to put money aside, that's for sure.
2 Oct 2009 /  #7
Is 8000zl Brutto per Month a good salary in Wroclaw???

Of course it is, it's nearly double the minimum wage in the UK, and more than double the Polish average.

Wondering how much per month could I be able to save?

That depends entirely on your lifestyle.

Pah! I wouldn't get out of bed for that.....

I used to know an IT consultant over here who used to say he wouldn't get out of bed for less than £40 an hour.

He soon changed his mind when the dotcom bubble burst :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
2 Oct 2009 /  #8
It's good anywhere in Poland...

For once I agree with Grzegorz!

In Wrocław it's fine, even in Warsaw it's not bad.

How much you can save depends on how much you like the good life.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Oct 2009 /  #9
Plenty of good restaurants to spend your money in. 8000PLN is fantastic in these times :)
pawian  226 | 27561  
2 Oct 2009 /  #10
Wondering how much per month could I be able to save?

If you walk instead of going by the underground, you may save a lot. Polish "tubes" are expensive.
OP olito  6 | 53  
3 Oct 2009 /  #11
yes, it is good salary anywhere in PL.
Now your savings would depend on your life style: your rent (an appartment on your own or shared with someone), how much you spend on going out, shopping etc. but with 8000 gros per month you will be able to put money aside, that's for sure.

Let's say I have no problems with sharing an apartment as long as I have my private room, I have no fancy hobbies (just piwo).

Any idea how much a room not so far from Rynek is? How much I would be giving monthly for food?
rafik  18 | 589  
3 Oct 2009 /  #12
check this;

renting a single room may be cheaper.
food for a single person;around 200zł
bottle of cheap vodka 15złx30days=45zł
bottle of good vodka 25złx30 days=75zł
bread 2-3zł
cola 2l-5zł
beer in a market 2.5zł-4.5zł
beer in a pub 8-10zł
tirówka -60zł
you should make the ends meet
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Oct 2009 /  #13
Let's say I have no problems with sharing an apartment as long as I have my private room, I have no fancy hobbies (just piwo).

So I think you should be able to save no less than 60% of that money.
rafik  18 | 589  
3 Oct 2009 /  #14
food for a single person;around 200zł----a week
bottle of cheap vodka 15złx30days=45zł----450zł
bottle of good vodka 25złx30 days=75zł---750zł

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Oct 2009 /  #15
Pah! I wouldn't get out of bed for that.....

Would you get IN bed for that? :D (just a question not a proposition)
poleaxe  2 | 32  
3 Oct 2009 /  #16
That you dont even know the value of money in Poland suggests the employer is wasting 8000zl on you to be honest!
OP olito  6 | 53  
4 Oct 2009 /  #17
I know the value of money in Warszawa and Lublin but not in Wroclaw, that's why I'm asking!
esek  2 | 228  
4 Oct 2009 /  #18
Cost of living in Warsaw, Lublin and Wroclaw is very similar! Maybe you will have to pay a bit more for renting a flat in Warsaw than in Wroclaw and Lublin will be the cheapest, but... the differences aren't so big.

It's totally different thing though if you want to buy a flat.... then Warsaw is much more expensive than Lublin.

Ok... in Warsaw also pubs, restaurants are more expensive, but still... not everyone like to visit such places and generally speaking food cost is almost the same everywhere in Poland.

I'd say that Lublin is 20-30% cheaper than Warsaw and Wroclaw maybe 10-15%.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #19
Wondering how much per month could I be able to save?

It depends only on your lifestyle. It's easy to live on 3000 zl per month, but it's also easy to spend 10 000 zl per month.

But if you want to save money, you can do it for sure. You don't seem to be a huge "money-waster".

Cost of living in Warsaw, Lublin and Wroclaw is very similar!

I'd say that Lublin is 20-30% cheaper than Warsaw

I think 20-30% is a considerable difference.

But I agree with you that cost of living in Wrocław is somewhere between Wawa and Lublin.
esek  2 | 228  
4 Oct 2009 /  #20
I think 20-30% is a considerable difference.

Yes, you are right ..... but those 20-30% is when you like to go to pub and restaurant from time to time... if you prefer to stay at home then the difference is lower. What is also important you can earn even 50% more in Warsaw than in Lublin working on the same position ( I'm talking here about my field - IT stuff ... ).
OP olito  6 | 53  
4 Oct 2009 /  #21


Thank you guys, it is a relief that is not as expensive as Warszawa (once I had to pay 12zl for a beer in a bar, whereas in Lublin I usually pay maximum 6zl)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #22
once I had to pay 12zl for a beer in a bar

Especially if you go where there are a lot of tourists it will be expensive. But normally outside Wawa and Krakow 6-8 zl for a beer in a bar.

6-8 zl

Or 5-6 zl if you are really lucky.
4 Oct 2009 /  #23
If you walk instead of going by the underground, you may save a lot. Polish "tubes" are expensive.

Where's this "Metro wrocławskie" then? I must have missed it when I was last there ;) :D

The more I read these type of threads, the more glad I am that I live in the UK. Sure, we've got problems, but even my last flat in London only cost me about the equivalent of 3800 PLN a month. But even after that, I was left with about 8000 PLN to spend on everything else. It makes me wonder why anyone over here would move to Poland?
esek  2 | 228  
4 Oct 2009 /  #24
London only cost me about the equivalent of 3800 PLN a month. But even after that, I was left with about 8000 PLN to spend on everything else.

Ok, let's make some math now.... so you earn 12k pln and spend ~4k for a flat monthly which is 1/3 of your salary.

Now, olito (probably) have a job offer where he can earn 8k brutto which is ~5500zl netto. He will spend about 1800zl for a 2 room, ~50sqr meters flat in Wroclaw which is also about 1/3 of his salary...

so where is the difference? Cost of living in UK is higher than in Poland.
4 Oct 2009 /  #25
so where is the difference?

He has a much lower disposable income. And lives in a city which is hardly a major player in global terms. Although it's a great city, it cannot even begin to compare to somewhere like London.

I also disagree that the cost of living in the UK is so different to the cost of living in Poland - your quote of 1800 PLN is around what you would pay for a smallish flat or house round here (£400-425/month) and you would get closer to 60m/sq for the price here, as well a garden (which you wouldn't get in a Polish apartment block).

Furthermore, from what relatives tell me, it doesn't seem that gas/electric is much cheaper over there. And I have seen the price of food for myself - many Polish products cost less over here! So, that leaves what... transport. OK, I'll give you that, bus fares are cheaper than here :)

Of course, all the above is just my opinion ;)

I suppose what I'm really saying is that you get what you pay for.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #26

Gas, water etc. are really expensive here in PL.


City buses etc. are extremely cheap compared to Western Europe.
The first time I paid 1.40 zl (if not a student about 2.50 zl) for a 30 minutes bus-ride in Wawa I thought it was a joke.
esek  2 | 228  
4 Oct 2009 /  #27
The weather is better in Poland and not everyone want to live in such busy city like London :D If someone makes 5,5k pln per month in Poland he can save easily say 2k pln ( as i said 1800 for flat and say ~1500 for food/car/pubs etc per month ). It means you can save ~36% of your salary per month. How much will you save in London?

I'm not telling that London is bad... but I'm afraid that your salary isn't much better for London's conditions than 8k pln brutto for Polish.

The first time I paid 1.40 zl (if not a student about 2.50 zl) for a 30 minutes bus ride in Wawa I thought it was a joke.

I was paying about 100zl in Warsaw for a travel card which was valid for 3 months - all buses, trains, night communication, metro included :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
4 Oct 2009 /  #28
I was paying about 100zl in Warsaw for a traver card which was valid for 3 months - all buses, trains, night communication, metro included :)

If you go to Western Europe and say this, no one will ever believe you.¨

That's 33 zl per month. In Sweden I payed about 275 zl per month. City transport is extremely cheap in PL.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Oct 2009 /  #29
I also disagree that the cost of living in the UK is so different to the cost of living in Poland - your quote of 1800 PLN is around what you would pay for a smallish flat or house round here (£400-425/month) and you would get closer to 60m/sq for the price here, as well a garden (which you wouldn't get in a Polish apartment block).

Which sink estate would that be in?

You can get a nice flat in Poznan in a very nice area for 1800PLN a month. You're not going to get anything but a grimy inner city location for that in the UK.
4 Oct 2009 /  #30
If you go to Western Europe and say this, no one will ever believe you.

People in western Europe can't believe that many Poles only earn £300 a month either ;)

The weather is better in Poland

This I do agree with. London is far too warm in summer, and doesn't have proper winters. ;)

It means you can save ~36% of your salary per month. How much will you save in London?

Hmm.. let's see. This was what I was earning/paying in London 2 years ago. I've checked rents etc in the area I used to live in (and as I still travel there regularly, I'm aware of transport costs). My salary would have kept up with price rises.

Net salary: £2400-2500/month (varies according to unsocial hours payments)

Monthly outgoings:

Rent: £825
Food: £150
Bills: £150
Transport: about £75

That leaves about £1200-1350 a month disposble income. That is a LOT of money for a single person to have left each month, and explains why I used to take foreign holidays every 6th-7th week or so.

I imagine that your "friend" in Wroclaw wouldn't be able to do the same ;)

Unfortunately, I left that job (and London), so I earn a fair bit less now. This means I can only have six foreign holidays a year now :( waaaa. lol

So, it looks like I win. I could easily save 40-50% of my salary, and I didn't even have to live 10 to a room like a Pole to do it, I lived alone, lol. Only 15 minutes from central London, too :p

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