I thought you meant that unnecessary taxes would take my pay check.
Oh yes. A salary of 2000zl a month will come in at around 1400zl after taxes.
Is a work permit hard to receive?
Not a clue, but I'd imagine that it relies on the employer proving that he has to hire you because he can't find someone to do the job in the European Union. Maybe so if you're a chef of international renown - but if you want to go in at the bottom (or near the bottom), then you'll find it very tough to obtain one. I'm not even convinced that many employers in your average restaurant or hotel would want to go to the hassle of getting you a work permit.
Idk if I would trust roommates... what if they steal or what not.
So in your opinion what is a average salary that I would be able to live off of in Warsaw?
An average salary, to live alone, in a reasonably good area? You'd be looking at needing 2500zl a month just to be able to live somewhat normally without any extras. Sharing a flat might cut that down to around 1500zl a month, maybe even less.
Bear in mind that a net salary of 2500zl will work out to be around 3500zl gross, or so. The average wage in Warsaw is around 3000zl a month. As you can see, it's not going to be easy to secure a job that can provide you with the lifestyle that you'll expect.