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2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign people

lesser 4 | 1,311  
10 Jan 2008 /  #31
Obama Obama Obama for 08

OP Dice 15 | 452  
10 Jan 2008 /  #32
Why? Because Obama has a vision for the future and he's not a part of the establishment.
lesser 4 | 1,311  
10 Jan 2008 /  #33
What kind of vision? What kind of promises he made during election campaign?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
10 Jan 2008 /  #34
To soon to tell, really did not find to much on Obama. What do you think of Edwards?
hello 22 | 890  
10 Jan 2008 /  #35
There's no sense in these pre-elections where media suggest whom to choose. Each candidate should have equally the same coverage in the media and only then it would make sense.

Obama - he's a hope for the change, but he needs to specify what the change is all about. He also should work on appearing to look... older. Currently he looks too young and too "cool" to be the US president. He needs more grey hair, more tired eyes. Now he's more like a cool Snoop-Dog rather than a future president.

Clinton - I somehow don't see her as a president. Maybe a president of a city, but not the whole country. It takes guts to do the job. It seems she wants to find "her own voice" in every state - as long as people vote for her. She doesn't have her own and strong personality.

Edwards - I like his little fights with Clinton. But he doesn't look like a strong personality which is needed for a president. At times looks too intimidated or shy.

McCain - would be fine, but his being superstitious (and openly talking about it in the media) disqualifies him. When there's a threat to the country and it's not raining, he won't make a decision until it rains..?

Romney - needs to be more open and show more energy. I don't exactly know what is his stake on the main issues. But that's probably because of uneven time in the mass media..

I would like to see Ron Paul and other candidates more on the media, but there's no chance.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
10 Jan 2008 /  #36
Currently he looks too young and too "cool" to be the US president.

Remember JFK anyone??

she wants to find "her own voice"

crumbs,it shouldnt count but she didnt half come across as a nagging housewife in NH

McCain -

Ruther have a real vet' in charge than a draft dodger,maybe a little more empathy for the mil' situation the US is going thru right now?

(glad I used to watch West Wing or this whole election procces would shoot way over my head:) )
JumpinJuniper 1 | 21  
10 Jan 2008 /  #37
McCain would be a good frontman for USA, I have respect for warvets like him, he wont get votes from the youth of America, they're all in love w/ Hillary and obama, which the LIBERAL and BIAST media has been driiling in our heads scince day 1. someone like Romney should take the rep. ticket for the sake of he can reach all types of people. Edwards ran as vise pres. in 04 and they couldnt even win his homestate of SC. thats an indicater. He reminds me of a used car salesman. Ive considered picturing obama doing the job, but he is to inexperienced(4years in senate) and needs a solid anchor besides"change" Ron Paul should be running as a socialist and not republican. His followers are like robots trying to promote him. Hillary is fake, phony, wishy washy, and all of a sudden a wannabe New Yorker. Yuck....Ptuey!! Follow who is more realistic and down to earth, I have yet to see that from the Dem. party. Yes I am conservative, but at the same time open minded. I vote for the person and not the party. this is my opinion which I am entitled to. and im not bashing anyone in here, so I expect the same in return please.
lesser 4 | 1,311  
11 Jan 2008 /  #38
he's a hope for the change, but he needs to specify what the change is all about.

LOL Change = he replace Bush + his people replace Bush people

I somehow don't see her as a president.

She will be president if she win Democratic nomination. I think she could be worse than Bush.

McCain - would be fine

McCain would be a good frontman for USA

Never trust a politician that openly declare a war against global warming. McCain is hardly fiscal conservative, has a soft stance against illegal immigration, his social conservatism is doubtful, voted for Patriot Act, he is a globalist. The worst thing is that he is in bed with neocons, recently declared willingness to stay in Iraq even 100 years if this would be necessary. (necessary for who? one could ask...)

1. someone like Romney should take the rep. ticket for the sake of he can reach all types of people.

I don't exactly know what is his stake on the main issues.

Romney hide his views, except the fact that he would like to increase number of troops in Iraq. Being a governor of Massachusetts he increased taxes. His state legalized homo-"marriages". He is a globalist as well.

Ron Paul should be running as a socialist and not republican. His followers are like robots trying to promote him.

Ron Paul a socialist?? I suggest you do some research, because Ron Paul is actually the last man in Congress that could be accused to be a socialist. His program is opposite to socialism in every point.

This is Republican party that betrayed its usual principles, suddenly they started to worship big goverment and abandoning social conservatism as well. They have little respect for constitution and like Democrats they are in bed with different lobbies. If Ron Paul should leave Republican Party it is only because this party is not conservative anymore.

Many Ron Paul supporters at least are aware for what their candidate stand for, as well as his opponents. One could question knowledge of supporters of other candidates. Paul supporters must promote him because media outlets wont show him too much, he is the greatest threat for establishment and all these lobbies.
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
11 Jan 2008 /  #39
over here in the UK you would think ,from the reporting,that only Hilary and Osama,sorry,Obama are in this race.....all I will say is,whoever gets in,cant do worse than the last guy.....Bush,great fun at a BBQand a ,dare I say it,pretty likeable guy,scary as fcuk as a world leader.
Zgubiony 15 | 1,553  
11 Jan 2008 /  #40
Bush,great fun at a BBQand a ,dare I say it,pretty likeable guy,scary as fcuk as a world leader.

LOL so true.
Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
11 Jan 2008 /  #41
Obama can be interesting because of Brzezinski in his team ... but for Poland republicans seams better than democrats but not for USA :P
celinski 31 | 1,258  
11 Jan 2008 /  #42
Clearly I need to learn more and it's not easy to find out who, what where on "Obama". My question's have more to do with who at this point, not that it would matter if he was Muslin, rather is he a truthful person?

Was Barack Obama a Muslim?

[FPM title: "Obama and Islam"]

"If I were a Muslim I would let you know," Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim.

But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim? More precisely, might Muslims consider him a murtadd (apostate), that is, a Muslim who converted to another religion and, therefore, someone whose blood may be shed?
isthatu 3 | 1,164  
11 Jan 2008 /  #43
isthatu wrote:
Bush,great fun at a BBQand a ,dare I say it,pretty likeable guy,scary as fcuk as a world leader.

LOL so true.

He just comes across as a really likeable bloke,I loved his line yesterday ,very self depricating( a trait a lot of people seem to ignore,and very "british" in so many ways :) ) where he was asking whether the interpretation was working in palastine," You know,a lot of people say I have trouble enough speaking English ....."

re the apostate thing, I doubt very much the sort of radical muslims would hate him anymore than they would a Christian who talks about Crusades.....but an interesting point Carol.

ps, dont know much about this Ron Paul geezer,but his name just sounds like a porn star name......
lesser 4 | 1,311  
11 Jan 2008 /  #44
Clearly I need to learn more and it's not easy to find out who, what where on "Obama". My question's have more to do with who at this point, not that it would matter if he was Muslin, rather is he a truthful person?

Declared Catholic should not vote for him, Obama is socially liberal.
Krazy Kaju 2 | 35  
12 Jan 2008 /  #45
Why? Because Obama has a vision for the future and he's not a part of the establishment.

Why would you vote for someone who represents the same old inefficient system over someone like Huckabee or Paul who are presenting something new to the debate?
lesser 4 | 1,311  
13 Jan 2008 /  #46
Well, Huckabee was rather known from socialistic tendencies before. Thus his fiscal conservatism is doubtful, even if he want to be considered as such person.
Avalon 4 | 1,067  
13 Jan 2008 /  #47
I am voting for Tony Blair, President of the United States, President of the European Union and God of the known Universe. (at least he thinks he is). Why should the USA get somebody decent after Bush?.we got Brown!!!!!!!!
OP Dice 15 | 452  
17 Jan 2008 /  #48
I am voting for Tony Blair

Avalon, I think it's time to put down the pipe, dude :)


A Baptist minister and a presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee promises to amend the constitution to outlaw abortion. At least he is honest about his believes, unlike all the other politicians I can think of.
18 Jan 2008 /  #49
Romney is my man. He has a good family life and touts those values. His stances on illegal immigration, which is killing us, is great. He is anti-abortion and is good on the economy.

I just don't want Marxists like Hillary and Obama. Obama actually is left of Hillary and his Afro-centric church membership does not bode well for the inclusive socieity he claims to tout. His empty word "change" just means more taxes for those of us who work and more goodies for the "lazy" people.
OP Dice 15 | 452  
25 Jan 2008 /  #50
Did anybody see Obama doing Top 10 List on Letherman? It's hilarious! LOL

Obama (...) and his Afro-centric church membership

This is nothing but a bunch of bologna. It's just a propaganda lie made up by people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Liddy and other bottom-dwelling Murdocks from Fox News. The same people sold us lies about WMD in Iraq, NAFTA, "free trade with China", "protecting the Southern Border", these are the people who will stop from nothing, even outing a covert CIA operator. I can't believe that anybody still trust them. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... how does it go? :)

Today is the Super Tuesday - who do you think will win?
My bet: Obama amongst the Democrats and McCain amongst the Republicans.
hello 22 | 890  
5 Feb 2008 /  #51
For me the most interesting would be win of: Obama (D) and Romney (R). If McCain wins, he has no chance to beat either Obama or Clinton so on day one the money for the campain he has he had better donate to charities. That should at least in a very small part compensate the billions of dollars they have wasted while Bush was a president.
orzel - | 15  
6 Feb 2008 /  #52
Ron Paul is the best candidate but of course he's censored by the biased media, especially FOX. If it's between Obama and Hillary then I would like to see either one and the warmonger Mccain who sings bomb, bomb, bomb Iran can take a hike.
Cooler - | 2  
7 Feb 2008 /  #53
Obama is the best. His contacts with europe will be good, he understands world. USA needs new face, after Iraq USA needs Obama.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
7 Feb 2008 /  #54
for those who havent been concentrating, history is telling us its not a good idea to let members of the same family run the country twice
lesser 4 | 1,311  
7 Feb 2008 /  #55
Hillary, Obama or McCain this is one sh*t. Unfortunately...
7 Feb 2008 /  #57
Lesser for President;-P
OP Dice 15 | 452  
7 Feb 2008 /  #58
Well first of all Lesser lives in Gdansk, Poland, so that would be a bit difficult :)

Lesser for President;-P

7 Feb 2008 /  #59
well, you have asked for people's opinion.
GrandeSande 2 | 119  
7 Feb 2008 /  #60
and I'm still waiting for Lesser's.

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / 2008 U.S. Presidential Election according to Polish and foreign peopleArchived