What is the tax structure like in Poland?
Hi All,
I am still curious about the tax rate structure in Poland. I wasn't knocking anyone in my original post. I just have a natural curiosity about taxes since I deal with them for a living.
I did some research, but it was at a very high level.
Here are 2006 Statistics:
Tax Base (PLN) Tax %
0 - 37,024 19%
37,025 - 74,048 30% of base exceeding PLN 37,024
74,049 and over 40% of base exceeding PLN 74,049
I also saw that Polish Social Security Taxes were 18.71%
I am assuming that you would deduct the social security to come up with the base (they did this in Denmark). I am also assuming that you go through a graduated rate. For example, if the taxable base was PLN 50,000 you pay 19% of 37,024 and then 30% of the difference between 50,000 and 37,024.
In my example of a 250,000 gross, is this how it would work in Poland?
Gross 250,000
Social Security -46,750
Taxable Base 203,250
Tax 19% -7,035
Tax 30% -11,107
Tax 40% -51,680
Net 133,428
Overall Tax Rate 53.37%
Any comments would be appreciated!