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Why aren't Polish people immigrating to Canada instead of the UK?

9 Jul 2008 /  #61
I do Miranda,trust me,there's people getting stab every day over nothing.I live in London so i know,about 2 more years i be out of here-directions Canada.

I understand that you have had bad experiance.

One thing is though: there are a lot of UK people on this board who have an interest in Poland and they are friendly towards Poland, so this is something to keep in mind. It is your call.

As for the back stubbing. You might encounter it in Canada as well. It is as common as anywhere else. Please, don't idealize Canada that much. I hope you did your research about this country.

So where you from Miranda

originally form Poland, living in Toronto.
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #62
isthatu2 you r a dip ****
I work and pay taxes,not like u lazy ass.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
9 Jul 2008 /  #63
there are a lot of UK people on this board who have an interest in Poland and they are friendly towards Poland

and Canada :)
Do you guys really want a moaning parasite aboot your parts ? ;)
9 Jul 2008 /  #64
Do you guys really want a moaning parasite aboot your parts ? ;)

It is not up to me to make that decision. From my experiance everything evens out eventually in life: what is sharp becomes dull and what is dull becomes sharp (not my words)LOL
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
9 Jul 2008 /  #65
isthatu2 you r a dip ****
I work and pay taxes,not like u lazy ass.

blah blah......who am I "andrew"? we know what you are,some Pole ,come to the UK to get what you can out of it,at the same time as slagging it off and then asuming that Canadians like people like you......muppet.
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #66
U said english people r friendly,give a break Miranda,come to London and u will see for u self.Sorry for being rude
dtaylor  9 | 823  
9 Jul 2008 /  #67
I think Andrew is being bullied by the naughty kids again. Think London is bad, try Glasgow, officially has the highest murder rates in Europe:/
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Jul 2008 /  #68
I'll be going there tomorrow, thx 4 that Davey boy :)
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Jul 2008 /  #69
officially has the highest murder rates in Europe

Wow. A few years ago the highest per capita murder rate in England was in Leamington Spa. I could explain why but the PC brigade would have a field day
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #70
19 kids got kill this year+2 french students
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Jul 2008 /  #71
How was the curry, lad?
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
9 Jul 2008 /  #72
Grand thanks Seanus
Decorator  4 | 291  
9 Jul 2008 /  #73
U said english people r friendly,give a break Miranda,come to London and u will see for u self.Sorry for being rude

Ha, i am from London and now live in Canada. Somehow Andrew i doubt if you could assimilate yourself in any country. Wish i worked for Canadian immigration, maybe i should apply after i get residency.. :)
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #74
I think u should.
Where in London did u live Mr Decorator
And look at you,British but now live in Canada,your country is gone in the bin
But anyway Good luck to you in Canada
9 Jul 2008 /  #75
U said english people r friendly

most of the ones I know are. Sometimes it takes 2 to tango - you know.
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
9 Jul 2008 /  #76
your country is gone in the bin

hahaha yeah while the UK is not having the best of time, at least its not in the bin already :) When you get out of the bin then you will have a right to comment, until then....
espana  17 | 951  
9 Jul 2008 /  #77
Where in London did u live Mr Decorator

he use to live in soho..hehe!!
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #78
Ya Miranda
Most good english people move abroad,they dont want to live in England.But anyway Miranda good luck in Toronto,see u soon
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
9 Jul 2008 /  #79
U said english people r friendly,give a break Miranda,come to London and u will see for u self.Sorry for being rude

lol,try ad find an "English" person in London these days.......sorry to burst your parasitical whinging bubble "andrew" but check out da names of the savages doing the stabbing and 95% of the victims.....coughsomaliicough.....

Somehow Andrew i doubt if you could assimilate yourself in any country.

Yep, just what I was thinking......
Decorator  4 | 291  
9 Jul 2008 /  #80
I was born in Tooting, South London, before i left for Canada i lived in Plaistow. Prior to that i was in Holland for 4 years. London has a lot to offer if you take the time to look for it. I just like travelling around and working in different places.

I'll be in Toronto Miranda if the Leafs are playing the Canucks next season :) my friend has offered to fly me out and take me to the game.
Andrew78  - | 97  
9 Jul 2008 /  #81
Hi Espana ola
Ya i think he used to live in soho,the was good.
OP Franek  8 | 271  
9 Jul 2008 /  #82
Ow and what else can i do, yeah i know, have a dig at the British for not wanting the Polish, WAKE UP YOU CANADIAN DULL HEAD, i think you will find that its a minority that don't want the Polish in the UK!!!! So take you slander and sales pitch somewhere else. We'll stick to our roast dinners and you can stick to your big flappy mouths :)

Hey Tornado.. Or should I call you the BIG WIND.
In case you havent noticed. I am not a (CANADIAN DULL HEAD) I am an American paying my respects to a Great Country with GOOD people.

It seems like you have trouble reading fast.. I will try typing slower just for you... CHEERS
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
9 Jul 2008 /  #83
well how about stop slamming countries you don't know nothing about, ove 50% of Americans including your President couldn't even pick the UK out on a map!!! What does that show!!!!!

You don't need to say anything slower for me becasue i don't care where your from the fact was you were slamming the uK and in its place promoting Canada which is no better than the UK.

so its Tornado to you, thanks :)
9 Jul 2008 /  #84
I'll be in Toronto Miranda if the Leafs are playing the Canucks next season :)

when is that? I am not into hockey as you can tell. Let me know.

my friend has offered to fly me out and take me to the game.

nice friend:)

But anyway Miranda good luck in Toronto,see u soon

Thank you.
good luck with your move too. I hope you will be happier here.
zoogle  6 | 44  
9 Jul 2008 /  #85
South Ontario the other side of the river from Detroit.

Here right now, can't wait to leave. Do reconsider your exact destination.
renatka  - | 2  
9 Jul 2008 /  #86
It's too far for me. I live in England and I can visit my family in Wroclaw every 2 or 3 months. That's why;-)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Jul 2008 /  #87
It based on an observation that Canadians aren't that bright and tend to be very large and stand around with their mouths agape with their lower lip just above their navel.

It's also an observation Canadians make about Americans. Especially those who come here in July in full skiing gear and ask about the nearest skiing resort. We tell them to keep driving north. The numbers of those who came here to pet "teddy bears" has diminished.

Not a bad place, this Canada. with only 33 million people it has a decent standard of living and it has the most powerful military in the world. Paid for by the US taxpayer, of course. As Miranda says, it's not all just roses though. What may look on a map like a city is in fact a... I dunno how to call it. Unless you like rural lifestyle, your other options are a precious few large cities, with Toronto NOT being such a great place to live.

Wroclaw Boy mentioned living across the border from Detroit. I dunno if you'll like it WB. Windsor is a featureless dump. Detroit does have a lot of features but most are ones people tend to avoid if they want to raise a family and lead somewhat decent lives.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
10 Jul 2008 /  #88
The numbers of those who came here to pet "teddy bears" has diminished.

I hear the grizzlies have an inbuilt feeding frenzy trigger such that they know when the salmon will run and now when the American 'gee honey ain't that big bear cute' type of tourist will turn up.
Andrew78  - | 97  
11 Jul 2008 /  #89
To Decorator
6 kids die in 6 days and u calling your country Grea Britain,that's why you left this **** hole,u r a joker man
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
11 Jul 2008 /  #90
6 kids die in 6 days and u calling y

In LONDON you muppet,and thats only because its full of forgien FKwits like you....

Archives - 2005-2009 / USA, Canada / Why aren't Polish people immigrating to Canada instead of the UK?Archived