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Why Foreigners Feel Need to Marry American Citizen? And Polish People

21 Jan 2009 /  #1
Why Foreigners Feel Need to Marry American Citizen? And Polish People????

I really want to tell you all that any foreigners don't need to marry American Citizens just to stay in America.

Reason Why????
1. You may marry wrong person.
2. You can stay here as long as you can and follow U.S. rules.
3. If you like living in America so much, why not become Citizen of U.S. and you can get better life on your own.
4. Learn English and understand Constitutions and you will be great American Citizen.
5. Don't get troubles with laws.
6. Don't settles for someone less than you.

I have met people who felt need to married American have lot of problems and unhappy. Their dreams fails. Some of them were send back home because of legal problems. Not right passports and so.

Enjoy your vacation and decide how you wanted to live and where do you want to live? Home or U.S.A.

Best Wishes To All!
Lotnik767 3 | 145  
21 Jan 2009 /  #2
Well this is life and every one knows what they are doing, every one is responsible for their actions!!! Every one should marry their kind!!!
1 Mar 2009 /  #3
It's very difficult at this point for someone to get legal status in America- especially someone who overstayed a visa or who entered the country illegally. Marriage seems to be the only way for these people

I'm American and my husband is from Poland. We got married out of love and despite all the evidence we had to prove that, the USCIS gave us a very hard time. I beleive that without marriage to an American citizen it would be virtually impossible to get legal status in America.

I agree that marrying someone for immigrant benefits is not a good idea- it's illegal and it could get you into alot of trouble. For example, I know another Polish man who paid an American woman 20,000 to get married and when they got divorced she turned around and sued him for alimony and he's been paying her since.
Davey 13 | 388  
1 Mar 2009 /  #4
It's very difficult at this point for someone to get legal status in America

So come to Canada? ; )
plk123 8 | 4129  
1 Mar 2009 /  #5
2. You can stay here as long as you can and follow U.S. rules.
3. If you like living in America so much, why not become Citizen of U.S. and you can get better life on your own.
4. Learn English and understand Constitutions and you will be great American Citizen.


I beleive that without marriage to an American citizen it would be virtually impossible to get legal status in America.

Trevor 6 | 66  
30 May 2009 /  #6
I hate to break it to anyone wanting to become a US citizen, from what i hear, the questions on the test are pretty bogus. I bet you most americans don't even know the answers themselves. Just a proven fact. lol.
plk123 8 | 4129  
30 May 2009 /  #7
you don't even have to take the test in most instances
Trevor 6 | 66  
30 May 2009 /  #8
Oh, I didn't know that. My bad. And if you did, as i said, most americans don't know then so i dont know why they make the other ppl take em.
freebird 3 | 532  
30 May 2009 /  #9
So come to Canada? ; )

yep, great idea, please follow :-)
plk123 8 | 4129  
30 May 2009 /  #10
Oh, I didn't know that. My bad. And if you did, as i said, most americans don't know then so i dont know why they make the other ppl take em.

i think this person that got citizenship a couple of years ago might have been asked a couple of questions from the "test" by the judge while filling the paperwork.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641  
30 May 2009 /  #11
It's so sad. Americans are so undereducated. I am not superbly gifted but I am definitely more intelligent than the average American. And that's the type who gets the job promotions. A bland illiterate with five or six kids.

It's no surprise that Americans would flunk their own citizenship test.
freebird 3 | 532  
30 May 2009 /  #12
I am not superbly gifted

agree, otherwise you wouldn't be making dumb comments like this
PlasticPole 7 | 2641  
30 May 2009 /  #13
Why is it such a dumb comment? Did you know someone can take a test without actually reading and writing and get a promotion while others have to read and write and sometimes fail anyway? How fair is that?

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