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Diffrence between the Usa and Canada

mariusz23  1 | 4  
18 Feb 2008 /  #1
Helo everyone we are thinking of going to canada toronto(mississauga)right now we living in usa nj maplewood,and we have enough of living without green cards,u can not move foward in us without papers.Please if u move from us to can tell us some thinks what we should know about your country...
krysia  23 | 3058  
18 Feb 2008 /  #2
How you getting to canada? Do you have a passport?
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
18 Feb 2008 /  #3
You'll have to cross the border illegally. You'll get nowhere in Canada just like the US. I won't even begin to lecture you as to why you're not "going fwd".
OP mariusz23  1 | 4  
18 Feb 2008 /  #4
I just start case with lawyer,he shoud be able to help me with visa and work permit I am applying for a green card
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
18 Feb 2008 /  #5
The taxes in Canada are very high.
plk123  8 | 4120  
18 Feb 2008 /  #6
cic.gc.ca/english/ - start here it's actually rather hard to get work permit in canada. you better have a nice nest egg of cash and be able to prove it.. you also basically have to already have a job there.. you have to qualify in other ways too. have fun surfing that site.. it has all the info you'll need. good luck.
JohnP  - | 210  
18 Feb 2008 /  #7
If you've already started your case with an attorney to correct prior mistakes (e.g. trying to become legitimate as opposed to undocumented or "illegal") you are already on the right track to moving up, whether here in U.S. or, I imagine, Canada as well.

Keep at it, if you finally advance, doing things the right way (even if a little late) will be worth it.
John P.
slyder  2 | 27  
18 Feb 2008 /  #8
The taxes in Canada are very high.

not even compared to some european countries, and at least we have good social services.
OP mariusz23  1 | 4  
19 Feb 2008 /  #9
is it so easy to find a job like in nj or ny?,how about rent let say 1 bedroom apt how much it can cost(close to toronto) I know already that alcochol is expensive(sucks:))
Davey  13 | 388  
19 Feb 2008 /  #10
close to toronto

Toronto is really expensive
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
19 Feb 2008 /  #11
Healthcare is much better in Canada. Social security is at European standards as I understand. Quality of life, I couldn't say as I've only been there once, but my best bet would be that it's a higher quality than in the US. But the US has its advantages too.

z_darius  14 | 3960  
19 Feb 2008 /  #12
is it so easy to find a job like in nj or ny?

NY is a large State. You can get a 1BR apartment for anywhere from $400 to $4000 per month.

how about rent let say 1 bedroom apt how much it can cost(close to toronto)

In general Toronto is not a nice place too live unless you're awash in money. A decent 1BR apartment will start around $1000 per month. There is a very low vacancy rate (under 1%) so it a landlord's, not a renter's city.

I know already that alcochol is expensive(sucks:))

If you buy and drink enough alcohol you can get very affordable accommodation. Just make sure that in winter you set your card boxes over the subway vents, as it may get real chilly.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
19 Feb 2008 /  #13
NY is a large State. You can get a 1BR apartment for anywhere from $400 to $4000 per month.

LOL. What a range :) Truth is, you cant find anything under $700 (suburbs) NYC nothing under $900, unless you're in the ghetto or have rent control. NY is tough, but there's plenty of work.

I'd move to Canada just to live at Lake Louise and eat lots of Poutine :)
slyder  2 | 27  
19 Feb 2008 /  #14
I'd move to Canada just to live at Lake Louise and eat lots of Poutine :)

Both great parts about Canada, problem is the best poutine is a lot of km away from Lake Louise (somewhere in Quebec probably) ;)

Speaking with Poles has lead me to believe that Toronto is to Canada as Warsaw is to Poland: you like it if you grew up there, and the rest of the country hates it. I bet if you looked hard enough on the Canadian government's website you'd find "hating Toronto" listed under 'favourite Canadian pastimes'. Toronto is probably the most "American" city in Canada.

There is a lot more Canada out there besides Toronto. If you're looking for a big city go for Vancouver, Montreal or Ottawa. There are 100s of nice cities with populations around 50 000 too. But if you want some real Canada, buy 50 acres of rural property (big house, lots of land) 30 minutes north of a smaller city for less than a crappy 70s bungalow in the burbs of Toronto.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
19 Feb 2008 /  #15
problem is the best poutine is a lot of km away from Lake Louise

I get really good poutine up by N. Troy border.

IMO Canadians are nicer people and fun to party with.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
19 Feb 2008 /  #16
Truth is, you cant find anything under $700 (suburbs) NYC

I wrote NY State, not NYC.
In NYC I don't think you'll find anything worth looking at for under $2000K/mo
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
19 Feb 2008 /  #17
Na Prawda :)

My bad, it was just for suburbs of NYC....regardless....it's expensive :)

Maybe I should move to kingston, I hear you can actually find sth under 5
slyder  2 | 27  
19 Feb 2008 /  #18
Maybe I should move to kingston, I hear you can actually find sth under 5

Kingston is a nice city, kept beautiful by funds from the large local prison. If you can get past having convicts as neighbours, its a great place to live. Plus there is all sorts of cottage country up north, and the historial Rideau Canal connecting to Ottawa. Also the home of Bryan Adams, haha.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
19 Feb 2008 /  #19
Yeah, I lived in Woodstock in 98. I love that area, but it's too much of a commute to the office.
slyder  2 | 27  
19 Feb 2008 /  #20
Get a new office ;)
jestesjedyny  5 | 125  
19 Feb 2008 /  #21
NY is a large State. You can get a 1BR apartment for anywhere from $400 to $4000 per month.

:O An Studio Apt. is about $900(1BR), 1 room only would be like $600. There are always nice/decent studios in NYC, you must take your time searching for the best that fits your standards.

Personally, I think it's quite ridiculous to pay this amount of money monthly. I feel the money is wasted lol even though I'm living in a warm and decent place, I just feel it's been waste because you pay and pay.... and end up with nothing! If I buy a house, I pay monthly but I know that money is being invested in something!!!! In my future house!!!!!!

Have you even thought how many $ you've spent in your rent only? Let's calculate an average of $1,400 (2BR apart) = $16, 800 per year < $67, 200 for 4 years. SICK!! :)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
19 Feb 2008 /  #22
An Studio Apt. is about $900(1BR), 1 room only would be like $600. There are always nice/decent studios in NYC, you must take your time searching for the best that fits your standards.

in the 212 area code and below 100th Street or so?
jestesjedyny  5 | 125  
19 Feb 2008 /  #23
Why below not up? I'd say yes, why not? 212 646... Upper west side has some decent stuff for those prices :P
OP mariusz23  1 | 4  
19 Feb 2008 /  #24
thanks for some news about can,my friends are going to mississauga it is most polish town in canada,personaly I dont know whats better to live close to polisch people(greenpoint ny brooklyn) or (linden,garfirld nj) or to go somewere to calgary or vancouver if toronto is most american city I should not have a problem to find a job or apartment for rent.my problem is that I dont know whats major difrence between toronto areas and vancouver or ottawa does life in toronto is better then van or ott

slyder  2 | 27  
19 Feb 2008 /  #25
I couldn't say as I've only ever lived in Toronto (3 years) and I had to get out because I didn't like it. I haven't been to Vancouver, but Ottawa is really nice, it's almost a big city with a small city feeling, plus there seem to be a lot more good looking people in Ottawa than Toronto, haha.
plk123  8 | 4120  
19 Feb 2008 /  #26
but my best bet would be that it's a higher quality than in the US.

most if not all canadians i know have summer cottages and such.

Speaking with Poles has lead me to believe that Toronto is to Canada as Warsaw is to Poland: you like it if you grew up there, and the rest of the country hates it. I bet if you looked hard enough on the Canadian government's website you'd find "hating Toronto" listed under 'favourite Canadian pastimes'. Toronto is probably the most "American" city in Canada.

from my understanding vanc may also. most canadians hate anything quebec

IMO Canadians are nicer people and fun to party with.

definitely true.

canada is also metric and gas is well over $4/gal.
slyder  2 | 27  
19 Feb 2008 /  #27
most canadians hate anything quebec

I wouldn't say this is true. Canadians don't like the separatists and language police, but we like Quebec. But they haven't actually been trying to seperate too much lately, so it's okay. Montreal is one of the best Canadian cities all 'round. And all of the 18 year olds in Ottawa love Hull!!
19 Feb 2008 /  #28
most if not all canadians i know have summer cottages and such.

They are the lucky one$.

I was in Vancouver many years ago (took a plane and wasn't knocked over the head, had my wallet stolen or thrown off the plane to hide the evidence....) and was told that anyone east of Manitoba was referred to as an EPF. Eastern Pig Effer.

Let's all hate Toronto: letsallhateto.com/

IMO Canadians are nicer people and fun to party with.

Especially when drinking with fun Polish folks.
OP mariusz23  1 | 4  
20 Feb 2008 /  #29
gas cost 4$ for gal ? thats sucks realy bad
polski_zyd  2 | 72  
20 Feb 2008 /  #30
Sure does! it works out to over $2 for just a LITRE over here!!!!!!!! :(

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