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We welcome Polish people to Britain!

12 Dec 2007 /  #151
lol, let it be so friend. they are "infesting" your country quite well to my knowledge. have fun over there ya cranky ol' tart!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
12 Dec 2007 /  #152
i have total knowledge of them

No, you don't.
The truth is worse than you think.
Poles decided that the only way to feel safer from the Russians will be oto relocate Poland to the British Isles. The English can still rule the waves though ;)
The Codfather  1 | 6  
13 Dec 2007 /  #153
Lennyd. You accuse me of exploitation.Do you even know what the word means??

Exploit....to use for gain.You say nobody works an 18 hour day.YES they do!!.I have never ever had a job where I worked less than 12 hours a day.Whether it be at sea fishing or in the Merchant Navy,a 12 hour day is standard.

I would put a bet on that you are not employed.What is your exscuse for not working? Oh yeah,the "Pollacks" ( Sorry everyone,no offense intended.Im just quoting this idiot),have stolen all the jobs.There is no excuse for anybody not working these days.The work is there for all,you just need to get off your brain and go find it.

Do you enjoy Chinese and Indian food??.Are you not exploiting that resourse everytime you have a takeaway?.And then........just to prove you are a racist thug....you bring football into the equation.You moron!.

My factory was full of hardworking,honest,reliable Polish workers because the locals DONT WANT to work.I didnt advertise for Polish ONLY,I would employ anyone who wanted to work.

If by exploitation you mean........did I pay above average wages,yes.Guilty.
Did I provide health and dental expenses,yes.Guilty
Did I provide extra financial aid if needed,yes.Guilty.

I had atleast 7 workers who were with me for 3 years or more.Does it really sound to you that I was exploiting them?.When I sold the company they all got a large financial pay off ( something that I wasnt obliged to do),and I made sure they all had other jobs to go to.Exploitation? LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY.

If all the Polish and other immigrant workers left England tomorrow,this country would grind to a halt,fact!!

So,as per the title of this post..." I WELCOME ALL YOU POLISH PEOPLE TO BRITAIN".Dont be put off by narrow minded views of brainless,lazy thugs like this idiot Lennyd!.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
13 Dec 2007 /  #154
Do you mean that the EU grants for Poland should be used for wage increase for Polish workers?

not like you stated it, but the fact remains that the pay people are expected to work for in poland isn't enough. If it were then this mass emigration wouldn't be underway.

Anyhow i suppose this isn't the thread for it (or maybe it is) but i still feel that there is enough money in poland for better wages, it's just hiding in big pockets.

Overall you have definitely given me some food for thought. I can only (mostly) nod my head in agreement with your last post. cheers.
19 Dec 2007 /  #155
polish actually take jobs from disabled people and those on low wages the most vulnerable members of our society
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Dec 2007 /  #156
polish actually take jobs from disabled people

You mean that polish performance in work resembles this of disabled people?
Daisy  3 | 1211  
19 Dec 2007 /  #157
polish actually take jobs from disabled people

evidence please!
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Dec 2007 /  #158
I would think that part of money for disabled people come straight from taxes paid by polish workers.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2007 /  #159
Seems to me Unions fought for the downfall of the country...We would still have a car industry , and a coal industry if not for the unions.....

Hmmm, not quite true and many an English man would disagree with you too.
Curtis  3 | 73  
19 Dec 2007 /  #160
People in britian can moan about polish robbing jobs, but at the end of the day, they're most likely the people that want to be rich from sitting on their ass's.

The most qualified, harder working people that work for the least are always going to get the job from an employer, no matter what country your in.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Dec 2007 /  #161
The most qualified, harder working people that work for the least are always going to get the job from an employer, no matter what country your in.

Are not the Anglosaxons the ones who support the freedom in trade and labor?
Kilkline  1 | 682  
19 Dec 2007 /  #162
Quoting: wildrover
Seems to me Unions fought for the downfall of the country...We would still have a car industry , and a coal industry if not for the unions.....

Hmmm, not quite true and many an English man would disagree with you too.

The unions existed pre-1974. Saying that all the unions have ever done is destroy the car industry is like saying the all feminism has ever done is produce the Spice Girls.

The working conditions and benefits that each and everyone of us enjoy in our work were not given by employers willingly but had to be fought, and often died for.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
19 Dec 2007 /  #163
Sorry , but i am just anti trade union , i agree that in the old days they were needed to stop greedy bosses exploiting the workers , but they grew into a monster that would not let a boss make any decision uless it involved the workers doing less work for more money....The only union i have any respect for is a certain one in Poland that helped end Communism.......
Polanglik  11 | 303  
19 Dec 2007 /  #164
many people refer to poles as pollocks like british get brits

I have always thought the term was 'Polak(s)', and I don't believe this is a racist or derogatory label.

i'm telling you polish are the most racist people in europe they come here and wouldn't work for blacks or rent from asians

where is your evidence to support such a statement ? ...... and I know plenty of Poles who are working for/renting from blacks or asians. If you have a look around London, there are many grocers which are jointly owned by asians and Poles.

claimed every time they got the ball there was racist chants from very large numbers of the polish crowd making monkey noises

it doesn't happen here so i think poles are extremely racist towards non whites , most of them hate the british yet have the cheek to come here

have you been to a football match in England recently .... these chants still go on, although less now than say 10 years ago; when England play away in other countries they will also get this sort of abuse .... admittedly more from some countries than others.

i wonder if you really know any Poles to make such a statement that most of them hate the british ...

i'm not saying no immigration whatsoever but you don't open your borders up that's just insane , points systems visas and our own native citizens should be given priority over employment rights

i have to agree with this up to a point; there should be a minimum threshold criteria which determines who can work in this country - knowledge of the English language etc.. , but once in the country then each applicant should have equal opportunity in getting the job ..... the better qualified/suited should get the job.

However you can't blame the Poles, or any other group of immigrants for the poor state in which this country is in at present..... the Labour government is the one to blame.

Start by kicking out Gordon Brown and his cronies, who after all don't seem to have England's best interests at heart ... maybe Scotland's , but not Englands !

I sometimes get the feeling that Labour is trying to instill a communist regime in this country .... Brits are not happy with this government and if we had an election today I would bet on a Conservative win.
19 Dec 2007 /  #165
i'm telling you polish are the most racist people in europe they come here and wouldn't work for blacks or rent from asians

Go to Bradford in England and you will see that many Asians are extending their sheds into apartments in their back gardens so that they can make money out of renting them to Polish settlers in the town
Polanglik  11 | 303  
19 Dec 2007 /  #166
Go to Bradford in England and you will see that many Asians are extending their sheds into apartments in their back gardens

same is happening in Slough, and no doubt many other places !

ukpolska, in your last post it appears that I (Polanglik) have made the quote about Poles being the most racist people in europe .... when in fact it was lennyd who made this comment.
espana  17 | 951  
19 Dec 2007 /  #167
most racist people in europe ..

are they?
its not fair!!!!!!!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Dec 2007 /  #168
Scotland more so than England. The mass exodus of Poles to England certainly brought the bigots and racists out from hibernation. Granted, the Poles have accepted low grade work but at least they have provided variety. One of the guiding principles of the EU Treaty was the freedom of workers to move, just look at the Van Binsbergen case in EU Law, so they are merely exercising a freedom bestowed upon them. Yeah, they don't always register with the relevant authorities but nor do other nationalities. I also should have registered here in Poland earlier than I did but that's the way the cookie crumbles. We are not homogeneous in Scotland like in Japan when I was there, which is why we entertain fresh blood. John Lennon said, "Give peace a chance", I say "Give Poles a chance".
osiol  55 | 3921  
26 Dec 2007 /  #169
Scotland more so than England

Although the worst poster on this forum claims to be Scottish.
Edit: Or at least to live in Scotland whilst not believing in immigration, so if he's English, he;s an even bigger hypocrite than even I had imagined.

We are not homogeneous in Scotland

True, but neither are we in England.

Let's talk about Wales next.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Dec 2007 /  #170
England is not homogeneous either I agree so Wales, the taffy's, hehehe. Ignore the worst poster, there are losers everywhere. Wales, hmm, u'd better start my friend. One thing, I'm not anti-English as i prefer to evaluate people. I have many English friends so that should put things on an even footing
27 Dec 2007 /  #171
Mass immigration is killing this country. So as a whole, immigrants should not be welcomed.

But that doesn't mean that they should be reviled or hated. I think the best way of looking at the immigration question, and that of the immigrants themselves, comes from the BNP:

"While we often pass critical comment on the impact of mass immigration, multiculturalism and even foreign relations on the indigenous people of our land, we have no animosity towards immigrants, their descendants or the followers of non-native religions.

Where there is "hate" we seek to turn it into righteous anger and political action against the only people who deserve to be hated - the politicians who use our taxes to turn our country into a place where we often feel like strangers in our own land."
isthatu  3 | 1164  
27 Dec 2007 /  #172
this being the same bnp that has that nazi song from the musical Caberet as its unofficial theme song...yes.lets listen to those be suited wanna be nazis shall we,or not.....
Lettuce  1 | 23  
27 Dec 2007 /  #173
Come on what is Britain anyway? What is any country, after all? - A piece of turf, land, and island. A load of fields and rivers with buildings and maybe a few hills or even a mountain or two. If someone wants to come here who was born somewhere else, why stand in their way? If the government's policies are flawed it's their fault and any critics should be writing to them. Immigration has enriched and improved Britain for centuries - the UK would still be in the stone age if people didnt come and go so much.
markinlondon  1 | 3  
28 Dec 2007 /  #174
Some people here are being very critical of the UK. But in my view it's not such a bad place. After all, many people want to make their lives here...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Dec 2007 /  #175
I agree, the UK has many great places to go to. We should welcome fresh blood but those immigrants who don't get the jobs they want shouldn't be too dispirited as the same rings true for many Brits.
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Dec 2007 /  #176
Hey, all you Polish people, welcome to Britain! We need you here.

Dont you mean welcome to Scotland Jock?
Macduff  9 | 69  
28 Dec 2007 /  #177
So far in the North of Scotland I have not seen to many racist remarks about the Polish imigrant workers.

But next year the UK growth is set to slow down and unemployment rise, this will see a rise in incidents involving Polish people and British people (I hope I am wrong)
Wroclaw Boy  
28 Dec 2007 /  #178
Dats because nobody lives in the North of Scotland and there is not any work, in time you will feel it if your patriots keep posting silly comments such as forget England and come to Scotland. I really dont know why the Scots hate us so much, must be history I guess. They just cant figure out how we ended up ruling 1/4 of the World. OHH and how the the Scottish football team is soooooo shite.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Dec 2007 /  #179
The Scots have been remarkably tolerant as maybe they are more sure of the skills that they have and what they can bring to the job market. I'd like to see it this way but maybe the reality is that Scotland hasn't experienced the second wave of Poles. The English were initially welcoming to Poles but when hordes starting coming across, the tide turned and the tune changed. The job market was swamped. I have the same fears of Macduff. Scots and Poles are quite alike and that may help keep down any flare-ups
Macduff  9 | 69  
28 Dec 2007 /  #180
A question to you wroclaw BOY have you been an ******* all your life or is this just a faze your going through?

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