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Polish Thoughts on Britain and the British

sapphire 22 | 1,241  
19 Feb 2007 /  #61
I'm looking for the right people who can appreciate my knowledge, enthusiasm, experience and do not care about appereance.

im not sure what you really mean about not caring about your appearance??? Pretty much all employers do care about appearance (in terms of personal grooming and clothes, not race).... in fact they will judge you on this the moment you step through the door for interview. Obviously, depends upon what type of job you are looking for
Magdushya 3 | 104  
19 Feb 2007 /  #62
I used to be a model, so sometimes people treat me like a stupid blonde, thanks gods I'm able to convict them sometimes that is not true....
Ranj 21 | 947  
19 Feb 2007 /  #63
im not sure what you really mean about not caring about your appearance???

I assume she meant that she hoped they would be interested in her for her qualifications and not just what she looked like. She's a pretty girl and some employers might want to exploit that. It's an unfair and unfortunate hazard of being attractive; people don't always take you seriously....they look at the outer shell and judge and never bother to find out the important things such as qualifications.
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
19 Feb 2007 /  #64
well I appreciate what you guys are saying, but any reputable employer would not discrimate against someome for being attractive, as it is against the law...and if they did, would you really want to work for them anyway?
Magdushya 3 | 104  
19 Feb 2007 /  #65
she hoped they would be interested in her for her qualifications

You are absolutely right! My appereance NEVER have helped me in that. Could be if I wish be a lap-dancer LOL. One of my on-line friend had the story in London, serious employer from serious background start touching her during the interviev and when she said: no, he told her she is not open on communication with him, so.......

would you really want to work for them anyway?

NO WAY!:) :):
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
19 Feb 2007 /  #66
One of my on-line friend had the story in London, serious employer from serious background start touching her during the interviev and when she said: no, he told her she is not open on communication with him, so.......

im sorry, but if this really happened.. there are many things that she could have done.. including reporting this at the highest level of the company.. or if it was a very small company.. she could have issued a formal complaint for sexual harrassment against them. Anyone who would make a pass at you during a interview for a 'proper job' (ie) not one in the sex industry, would be crazy to even attempt this kind of behaviour as it would seriously risk their job and even their company..Im not saying it doesnt go on, but there are laws there to protect us.. would be interesting to know just what kind of serious employer this was??
Magdushya 3 | 104  
19 Feb 2007 /  #67
she didn't tell me, I know only she is pregnant now with her partner, however was affraid of consequences. She is lovely girl, preety but I think quiet fragile

If I've got a problems, mainly with the girls LOL If they want to touch me I suppose only with a heavy boot:) What is more ridiculous usually I pass all the tests or phone intervievs till they see me in the reality. Even if I'm in the trousers and modest blouse
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
19 Feb 2007 /  #68
Ok well good luck to you.. I cant be bothered to respond to this anymore..since I dont think you are really serious... and if you are, then have you ever thought that perhaps it could be your English skills that are holding you back, and not your alleged beauty? Just an observation :) ..and no, Im not jealous of your looks.. as I also consider myself to have both brains and beauty.
Magdushya 3 | 104  
19 Feb 2007 /  #69
Yes, ALWAYS I consider my defects, so because of that I was a great student an how I said always I pass all tests and intervievs here, but writing or talking by the phone. I don't talk only about English employers and remember I've got a good job here, but i'm looking for something more. And hehe, I'm interpreter here! Don't worry, Italian one. I've started learning English here, I'm sure after this time you could be much better in Polish then me in English. Like I've mentioned I consider my defects. On this forum I try to polish:) my English. I'm still learning, so you don't need to be ironic.

and no, Im not jealous of your looks..

I never have told it nor to you and nor to someone else.

I also consider myself to have both brains and beauty.

I never have told that I'm pretty, because I know de gustibus non est disputandum, but I'm happy you feel like that:) Maybe I learn this confidence one day....

and English of course LOL
truebrit 3 | 196  
19 Feb 2007 /  #70
Every job available has a good side and bad side - an interesting job might require long hours and be stressful,a stress free job might be boring.Even if you are good at your job you might not be appreciated as you desire.

What sort of work are you looking for Magdushya?
20 Feb 2007 /  #71
if you want to experience the upperclass british people cornwall is the place great weather(unlike most uk), great people, no crime, beautiful language and best of all surfing capital of europe depends where you live, on how good things are go on the bbc cornwall site, it's said in some tales king arthur came from cornwall
20 Feb 2007 /  #72
I came to Britain in 1994, many years before EU membership, so my views may be different from newer arrivals. I think that nowadays just by being able to come and work people can appreciate your country more -having a legal status allows full praticipation in Britain's daily life and opens plenty of new opportunities to them -apart from being able to use day to day "services" they can really dive in the country's cultural life by joining clubs, libraries etc...I had done all that in the past but it was somehow through the back door which I do not regret as found it exciting at the time but many people wouldn't bother and after saving a bit of money for another year's university fees, a car etc they would go back to PL with their knowledge of UK same as it was before they arrived (believe me I knew people who came to UK just to work and counted EVERY PENNY- they worked all day/night long, took the same bus to work/home and didn't do much beyond that). There was another group of people who had come to work having known it was going to be illegal and hard but despite that having

reached the budget their estimated for they would leave the country with a bit of "bad taste" -feeling exploited and not treated right. There was 1 thing people had in common in the past -everybody dreamt to have legal work and pay the taxes -people didn't like

the idea of working on the black market...but they didn't have a choice if they picked GB as their destination.This is l of coursethe thing of the past now.

Now there will be people who see the country as their opportunity to fix their financial situation (I think this is more likely to be the older generation with very limited language skills) but I'd like to think that the young ones recognise it more as an experience and opportunity to learn about the country's culture, its people etc. Britain is a country that shelters so many different contrasting cultures -it is no longer just the Scots,

the English, the Irish or the Wels that can call themselves British (although many prefer to call themselves that instead of British) but people from any sides of the world (Africa, India etc) that made Britain home. It is only natural that they will say I'm British but I come from India -recognising Britain as the country they live in but also the nation that

they come from ....

My parents have visited me many times now in London. I am not sure what picture they had in their mind about "britishness" before I had gone to UK and got married (to english guy). It wasn't long after Poland was hidden behind the iron curtain -those days travel out of Poland was still pretty limited and restricted to the rich and privileged so was any feedback from abroad - I can only imagine that they based their opinions mainly on books/films watched which means they idea of britishness was very stereotyped - British people mostly seemed serious,very well educated, exteremely

polite and well mannered but somehow stiff and lacked spontaneity -their behaviour seemed more of an act in some ways. Of course they would associate Britain with the Queen and Royal Family which somehow explain all the above. They would definetely recognise the freedom of opinions/speech watching The House of Commons (?) on

news etc Another thing I remember that there would be talk of speaking English, going to England etc rather then going to Great Britain. I think that there are still many people who assume that English and British mean exactly the same.

I think since I got married and they both had had a chance to come and experience the country themselves they would definetely have more to say on the subject especially that they have actually been to the in-law's house and taken part in their daily life. I think they would recognise your country more as a place that holds the roof for so many nations and what follows cultures etc. I remember my dad being so suprised that there were so many Indian, African, European and Polish people in the park when he was taking my daughter along. He has known that there are immigrants in the country etc but didn't realise there were so many I think.....

I think that Britain has become a country of many nations but I am not sure how the 'original" British recognise the changes themselves? I think many look at other nations that have settled in there and hold British passports as foreigners and do not quite recognise them as part of the country? Of course I am generalising here but I was suprised on so many occasion how -having greater access to all these different sometimes literally distant cultures - little knowledge or interest of them SOME of the

"original British" people had or shown...or vice versa.I think if there are different nations coming together as 1 country their knowledge of "each other" should be somehow greater

Remember that people who come and make a living in your country (or any other country) will always compare it/refer to their roots and backgrounds and however bad their country is or was it wil be in their hearts somehow idealised just because it is a distant home for them now -so if you have for example someone who "originated" from the country where people had very little but managed to be happy and full of joy despite that (I'm definetely not refering to Poland here..)that person might be looking at "original" British people thinking "why are they so miserable etc" -not considering that these people might have problems of their own etc...
21 Feb 2007 /  #73
as I also consider myself to have both brains and beauty. Sapphire.


Do you consider yourself to be a comedian?
szarlotka 8 | 2,206  
21 Feb 2007 /  #74
but I am not sure how the 'original" British recognise the changes themselves?

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to share the views of a long term Polish resident. I found your comments to be very constructive and insightful

I think that the British, in general, are a tolerant and phlegmatic people. We have a long term history of accepting immigrants from around the world. We have had influxes of people from all around the world and in general they have been well received and our country is richer for their influences upon our culture and certainly from the economic benefits that have accrued. There have been tensions from each wave of immigration and there have been far too many instances of racialism from some sections of our society. Any group of newcomers that have made the effort to integrate are largely welcomed. Groups that have chosen not to integrate or have sought to demand special treatment are the ones where antagonsim from the 'original' Brititish has been at its strongest.

In terms of Polish people, I believe most of us welcome your presence openly. Yes there are some people who blindly repeat the mantra of some of our popular press that you are stealing our jobs. Mainly these people do not want to work as hard as the Poles, want everything on a plate and see hard working, intelligent people as a threat. I guess that is an indication of a complacent but currently successful economy. You pay our taxes so you are benefitting our economy and culture so good on you.

There has to be a time when the pressure on our infrastructure and services from large number of migrants reaches a crisis point. My own belief is that this time is here or just around the corner. It is a factor of numbers not race.

In summary I think we welcome people who will integrate and pay their way but there is a finite limit to the population that these small islands can sustain.
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
21 Feb 2007 /  #75
In summary I think we welcome people who will integrate and pay their way but there is a finite limit to the population that these small islands can sustain.

I am British and I agree with this. Most educated people welcome migrant workers from all parts and readily accept them as part of the community.. however, with such huge numbers arriving in recent years, many people are worried about the longer-term effects that this might have on our economy/resources. (e.g.) a drain on the already vastly under funded health service. With many people prepared to work for less than the minimum wage, this also has an effect on the job market, both for original Brits and those who came here earlier are not prepared to work for a pittance. Also, its untrue to say that all contribute to the economy by paying taxes as sadly our system is flawed and many people know only too well how to avoid doing so (and I include Brits in that too).

Dont get me wrong, this is not an attack on Polish people or any other immigrants.. it is merely an observation of an attitude that is spreading throughout Britain. Although Im sure some may disagree.

Do you consider yourself to be a comedian?

Yes, I am also a comedian.. why do you ask?.. .
21 Feb 2007 /  #76
Oh my deares God, How it annoys me when polish people, like Magdushya go abroad and expect to be given everythingh. Why on earth shoul foreigners come to UK and get all the good jobs while there is plenty of Brits who need to work themselves?

People wander why they cannot get a job they think they deserve, well maybe they think to highly about themselves!!!! Sure you have to aim high but you need to realize that there is always a competition and you are not always the best one.

Magdushya do you honestly think your english is as good as native speaker's? Well mine isn't and i know so and i am completely happy with a minor office job that gives me an opportunity of development.

You couldn't get a great, up to your standards job in your own country what makes you think that you can come to England and say 'hey I am a well eucated polish, why don't you take me on? give me some terrific well paid job that no other Brit deserves?

England owes as nothing so accusing the country of not giving us enough, instead of being grateful of what it is actually giving us, that is just being greedy and unthankful
21 Feb 2007 /  #77
How can lower wages benefit the economy? I see so many people talking about how econonic immigration has increased our great country, how can we sustain services to a high level with the the thousands flooding the country each week? Yes they are paying tax but the lower the wage the less tax, and this tax does not cover the services which they use, from an economics point of view, yes GB is doing well, as a country we are falling apart. IMHO.

21 Feb 2007 /  #78
Yes they are paying tax but the lower the wage the less tax, and this tax does not cover the services which they use,


Can you please clarify what are the services that we use fo free? That is apart from medical service( that i use maybe twice a year) ? We pay for accomodation, pay travel, phone etc what comes to us free?

when i was applying for my job, the salary was already set , noone said to me, hey you are polish we can pay you a lower wage. So whoever is working in my position Brit or not brit is paying exactly the same amount of tax!!!!!
21 Feb 2007 /  #79

Please let me explain, I wasn't referring to just Polish people, I was referring to the newcomers, the bulgarians etc., who are prepared to work for a wage that a person in this country with a family and children could not live on.

The services to which I refer to are hospitals, doctors, libraries, job centres, schools I could go on but I dont have the time, public services to sum it up. You may not use these services, but those coming over with families are and there are lot more coming with families.

I understand what you are saying regarding your salary, I didnt say that every single immigrant in this country was paying a pitance or working in menial jobs, but they outweigh the ones like you who are in a job where there are opportunities.

I didnt want to offend I was merely making a point.

Magdushya 3 | 104  
21 Feb 2007 /  #80
P.S. ooops, I'm THANKFUL to people on this site who are HELPFUL and OPEN-MINDED, so I thank you all:) However I consider EVERY opinion IF it make sense, even if is antagonistic.

Most educated people welcome migrant workers from all parts and readily accept them as part of the community.. however, with such huge numbers arriving in recent years, many people are worried about the longer-term effects that this might have on our economy/resources.

I understand it, because I try walking in English shoes also. In the same situation I suppose my opinion could be the same.

Yes they are paying tax but the lower the wage the less tax, and this tax does not cover the services which they use, from an economics point of view, yes GB is doing well, as a country we are falling apart.

So because of that I'm looking for what I'm looking for.

"Why on earth shoul foreigners come to UK and get all the good jobs while there is plenty of Brits who need to work themselves?"

Employers look who will be good worker here, not who is British or not, however they are more open to the Brits sometimes..and it's absolutely normal.

Magdushya do you honestly think your english is as good as native speaker's?

Well mine isn't and i know so and i am completely happy with a minor office job that gives me an opportunity of development.

You have not noticed I've mentioned I'm not good in that...YET!:)

give me some terrific well paid job that no other Brit deserves?

Could you quote where I said that?

You couldn't get a great, up to your standards job in your own country

REALLY??? LACK of info. I had a very well paid job in Poland, BUT I'm traveller AND many people through the AGES were travelled LIKE ME to different countries, willing to develope, to know new cultures in the countries where they could gain some experience, knowledge and learn language non through English courses only.

i am completely happy with a minor office job

Like I said de gustibus non est disputandum. What's more I'm not suprised. However is hard to believe you are Polish, I don't know anyone who is talking like you. I!! want to GIVE something from me, I want know better Englishmen, be a FRIEND and PARTNER NOT thankfull slave (I prefer leave it for the masochists), what's more I don't think that English need it. They've got good proffessionals I'm sure they are able to find a good job, but I don't think English are terrified because our fantasic densitst, doctors or engineers coming here. Somebody who is doing minor office job maybe is not good canditate for other positions.

This is not a question to be grateful, but partner in MY opinion. For now I've got some interesting intervievs, I was ALSO invited! to come to Ireland, Google's headquarter, (kind of MAJOR office:) because their head-hunter have found! my details on-line, the same with London- sales executive position 30.000 per year etc etc so I feel appreciated in great Britain, maybe you've got the same opportunities so it's your choice to do minor jobs. It's ok, the world need different people to many other proffesions. I don't want always repeat- I'm looking here not for big money, I could get them even in Poland, Italy, Mars maybe. I'm looking for right people to work with, to feel good in my job, to know better this country and maybe go to see other places or maybe fall in love in UK and stay here? Who knows?. Life is too short to waste it. If somebody like it, ok, but do not make me to to it the same.
21 Feb 2007 /  #81
If someone has spent years educating themselves and specialising as a dentist, doctor or teacher or other specialised profession, of course they want to work in their field and not to simple warehouse work which pays less and gives them less job satisfaction. Even if they are able to earn more working in GB as a warehouse operative than a doctor in Poland (which sadly is true at the moment).

As for Polish workers paying less tax - what utter nonsense. Noone chooses what tax they pay, employment agencies slap on a tax of 25% and that is what most people pay. I would say they pay above the average until they are sorted out with a permanent NI number and a P45 from the last job.

I really get annoyed at stupid posts like this, my advice to you is stop reading the Daily Mail and start talking to people - real Poles to find out just what they are paying and what they are using.

Funny, a British person emigrates to Australia or Poland (yes there are many Brits in Poland now, most teach English :), or another country and they expect to send their child to school, get free healthcare, but they seem to think it does not work the other way round.
21 Feb 2007 /  #82
Wouldn't it be easier to just stop all topics about "British people" they always degenerate into the same thing "that pole stole my job" or "English people are lazy".

With the current multicultural tension in England I think it's a lot safer just to get back to discussing what this forum is supposed to be about.. Poland, not England.

The reason I go to places like Poland is to get away from all this crap.
Ad Hoc  
21 Feb 2007 /  #83
I hope that the idea of being european citizens is a growing one!

Look, buddy. I really like yours castles in scotland or whatever. The problem is: Loch Ness monster. How You deal with it?
22 Feb 2007 /  #84
Could you quote where I said that?

I wasnt quoting you Magdushya, that was just a general statment

However is hard to believe you are Polish, I don't know anyone who is talking like you. I!! want to GIVE something from me, I want know better Englishmen, be a FRIEND and PARTNER NOT thankfull slave (I prefer leave it for the masochists), what's more

Well, maybe i am one of those Polish people who do not expect to be given anything just because they came to the country and are willing to work. I have a good job, it is reasonably well paid and people who i work with are just terrific plus i get free collage training. It is a minor job now but i know in a few years time i will get higher.

My point is, that people should not come to the country and think that they deserve all the best. Yes we should all be equal and i do believe there is enough opportunities for Poles in UK and i just do not get why do you always want to have everything.

If you are as great as you say and everyone wants to employ you, how come you are here moaning about not equal opportunities?

one more thing i can tell from my expierience that what is highly required and valued here is a personality. most employers will not give you work if they think that you would not fit in and get on with their staff.

Its all about first impressions, and if you come to an interview and you act like you deserve everything because people offer you great jobs and you are so well educated and everythin about you is perfect then no wonder it's hard. Have you heard about such thing as being overqualified for a position?
22 Feb 2007 /  #85
As for Polish workers paying less tax - what utter nonsense. Noone chooses what tax they pay, employment agencies slap on a tax of 25% and that is what most people pay. I would say they pay above the average until they are sorted out with a permanent NI number and a P45 from the last job.

I said that people will earn less and therefore pay less - e.g., I earn in excess of £2,500 a month therefore I will pay significant amount more than someone earning £800 per month - I didnt say "those people would be on a lower tax bracket" please read my post before slinging mud in my direction.

Funny, a British person emigrates to Australia or Poland (yes there are many Brits in Poland now, most teach English , or another country and they expect to send their child to school, get free healthcare, but they seem to think it does not work the other way round.

Did anyone say that??? Also I have noticed that private health care is also preferred in Poland, so most will pay for their health care, and howmany British are living in Poland?? certainly not 1million.

My post was not about putting down Polish people, I was merely making a point and would appreciate it if you didn't get so overheated.


I couldn't agree more with your above comments. Good luck for the future.

Magdushya 3 | 104  
22 Feb 2007 /  #86
Sorry Joey, for me this khm khm debate with you is pointless, even if I start to use Polish and believe me in this I'm sure I'm really but really good. Don't take me wrong, you've got your point of viev, I've got mine. If you didn't understand what I mean so doesn't make sense I will be trying again. Ok, maybe one LAST time, I don't WYMAGAM or ŻĄDAM it, I want to ZAS£UŻYĆ na GODNĄ work. Could somebody help me with the better translation of these words please, better than "deserve"? However, like Sadie, I wish you really good luck for the future, whatever it means to you :)
truebrit 3 | 196  
22 Feb 2007 /  #87
Hunkydory thank you for your very interesting and observant post.I agree with most of your points and it is nice to hear from someone who has been here since 1994 and the changes you have noticed.

Magdushya,these are some things you must do:

Buy or borrow the Lonely Planet guide to Britain.

Visit free London - Hyde Park,Regents Park,St James Park,British Museum,Natural History Museum,Science Museum etc.

Visit traditional English fishing villages like Shorham On Sea,Leigh On Sea (no posh yuppies)

Visit Cornwall and Devon.Here you will find many traditional,polite more laid-back English people who left South East England because it got too commercial and money obsessed.

To be honest in every town,village and city in England you will find some of those traditional,mannered,open hearted people you seek.You just need to look in the right places.
Magdushya 3 | 104  
23 Feb 2007 /  #88

Of course I have seen some of these places, BUT I'm greedy for more!:) Thank you for pointing me in the right direction
szarlotka 8 | 2,206  
23 Feb 2007 /  #89
My favourite places are:

The Western Isles of Scotland
The English Lake District
The Isles of Scilly
Selly Oak (only joking)
truebrit 3 | 196  
23 Feb 2007 /  #90
Also try Bournemouth and Brighton

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