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wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #1
Tobiasz minski , a Polish student living in Huddersfield Yorkshire went missing after a night out in the town on 9th november......Tobiasz , age 23 , from Poznan was living in the UK , with his girlfriend , and was studying at university there....Police said today that a body has been found by a canal in the area where Tobiasz went missing....The body has not yet been identified.....A man age 25 , and a woman age 22 have been arrested.......

Detectives investigating the disappearance of a Polish student in West Yorkshire have found a body.

Police said a body had been found near to the Huddersfield Narrow Canal, one-and-a-half miles from Slaithwaite, on Tuesday afternoon.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
19 Dec 2007 /  #2
A man age 25 , and a woman age 22 have been arrested.......

So foulplay is suspected?

that's awful :(
OP wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #3
So foulplay is suspected?

It looks that way , its possible it was some kind of accident , but somehow i don,t think so.....
rose - | 4  
19 Dec 2007 /  #4
The British Tourist Bureau WARNS NEWCOMERS to be aware of their surroundings and the people who approach you at the tube and bus station.
Ronek 1 | 261  
19 Dec 2007 /  #5
british hospitality?
19 Dec 2007 /  #6
What do you mean by that Ronek? Or is it just another sweeping generalisation?
OP wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #7
be aware of their surroundings and the people who approach you

Good advice for anyone in a strange country......
rose - | 4  
19 Dec 2007 /  #8
Not all Brits are bad boys and girls. The members of the Dvorak's Society are a friendly group.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
19 Dec 2007 /  #9
british hospitality?

It doesnt mention the nationality of the people arrested, dont think it really matters a murder is a murder regardless of where they come from.

My thoughts are with his parents, Christmas is a terrible time of year to lose someone.
lonely 2 | 97  
19 Dec 2007 /  #10
My thoughts are with his parents, Christmas is a terrible time of year to lose someone

Yes our thoughts should be with the family and not trying to apportion blame to one nationality or another.
19 Dec 2007 /  #11
It doesnt mention the nationality of the people arrested

true it just states on the news about the male and female arrested in connection with the body being found as i have just watched the lunchtime bulletin on itvlocal:yorkshire on interweb... maybe more will be known on the evening slot at 6pm ....
OP wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #12
the nationality of the people arrested

We don,t yet know if the guy was murdered , although its looking this way...If he was murdered , we don,t why , and i suspect as in Previous cases of Polish deaths in the UK that the fact he was Polish had nothing to do with his death...

The only fact that is really important is that a young man has met his death long before his time, and his girlfriend and family have lost someone they love....

I am sure we will get the usual anti British yapping from some on this forum ,which i am sure my Polish friends on here will despise as much as i do.....England is not full of thugs hunting down Polish workers , but it does have thugs , who don,t much care where you come from.....A stranger in town is seen as a vunerable target to these thugs , and they don,t much care if you come from another town or another country....I am English , but i have no love for the scum in my country of birth or any other... Lets just be sad that this happened and not use it to start a verbal war between the anti Brits , and the anti Poles....
Daisy 3 | 1215  
19 Dec 2007 /  #13
Lets just be sad that this happened and not use it to start a verbal war between the anti Brits , and the anti Poles....

I second that one
19 Dec 2007 /  #14

you quoted shelleyS posting as my own ... just thought i would point that out ... but police still havent confirmed who the body is nor whom they are questioning nationality wise!!
Michal - | 1865  
19 Dec 2007 /  #15
british hospitality?

People are murdered every single day in Poland. Anyway, it is too early to speculate. He might have simply been very drunk and fallen in. The police are legally required to treat all such deaths as suspicious from the outset but tend to downscale their activities later on.
the bage cab  
19 Dec 2007 /  #16
nothing to do with an ex Rotherham resident i hope.
OP wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #17
you quoted shelleyS posting as my own ...

iApolagies....not paying attention as usual....
19 Dec 2007 /  #18
its ok ill be starting to see blur must be the vodkas
OP wildrover 98 | 4431  
19 Dec 2007 /  #19
very drunk and fallen in.

The body , who we are assuming is Tobiasz , was found by the side of the canal , its possible he did fall in , and died after getting out , but we are all just guessing , we must wait and see what the Police say....The fact that two people have been arrested suggests to me that the Police think it wasn,t an accident...

The latest news , is that the body has been identified as the missing Polish man....A 25 year old man has been charged with murder.....A woman arrested earlier has been released......I am so sad for his girlfriend , and family....
Kilkline 1 | 682  
20 Dec 2007 /  #20
british hospitality?

Your paranoia?
lonely 2 | 97  
20 Dec 2007 /  #21
yoo hoo, it's me mr kilkline!
Kilkline 1 | 682  
20 Dec 2007 /  #22
Kilkline wrote:
Your paranoia?

yoo hoo, it's me mr kilkline!

It over Andrea, move on.
lonely 2 | 97  
20 Dec 2007 /  #23
Not until i have you all for myself ;o)
cezarek - | 14  
21 Dec 2007 /  #24
The person arrested has an English name (Daniel Sykes), is aged 25 and lived in the same neighbourhood. They didn't give any other details, except that Tobiasz had travelled by taxi to three cashpoints that night and withdrawn 40 pounds each time.

What a dreadful Christmas present for the families concerned!

This link, to the local police website has quite a bit on the story. Poor guy...
rose - | 4  
21 Dec 2007 /  #25
My HEART goes out to the victim and his family. WHAT A LOST !
26 Dec 2007 /  #26
As a resident in the area and having walked past where Tobiasz minski's body was without knowing, I feel very sad that another human being can have caused his death, they not only have destructed Tobiasz minski' family's future but the future of their own family.

It is not known what happened, just that a young man is arrested and charged with his murder.
It does seem to be known that heavy drinking was involved and Tobiasz minski came back to Slaithwaite in a taxi, not near his home, so why?

Perhaps Students should look at the drinking that they do and then maybe they should moderate and then will be able to look after themselves better. Students wherever they are from suffer from this problem.

As a parent of sons, my heart goes out to his Mother but also to the Mother of the young man who is on remand for the murder of him.

This is nothing to do with Nationality but foolish young adults.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / POLISH STUDENT MISSING IN YORKSHIRE UK.... BODY FOUND..Archived