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Services available for polish people looking for work in UK?

19 Sep 2006 /  #1
I have a friend who had a bad experience with a job in the UK which she was recruited for back in Gdansk, she is now looking for work with no luck, even with a degree in Leisure and Tourism and good spoken and written english. Does anyone know of any services available to her, support etc? contact numbers? would be very im sure Ive heard her story before. Thank you, DZIENKUJE!
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
19 Sep 2006 /  #2
The Polish Embassy must be used to this by now. Try them. They probably have a list as long as your arm.
24 Sep 2006 /  #3
There are a few websites online posting jobs - a m8 of mine runs one in Polish - try searching google in Polish/English - where is she based also? If her ENglish is good and she has an NI number, then there are loads of agencies where she can get work for the time being.
bolo 2 | 304  
25 Sep 2006 /  #4
So she's trying to find work in Poland or the UK..?
28 Mar 2007 /  #5
Hello there,
I work from home with Europe's first ever Multilevel Marketing Company. We are always looking for people with a good work ethic who want to be their own boss and work in an environment where there isn't a limit on what you can earn. There is a small investment involved, but there is also a money back guarantee period.

People from lots of different nationalities and backgrounds are successful with us. Why not take a look, you have nothing to lose and an awful lot to gain.

Telephone (UK) 0800 093 4953 or click on
peterweg 37 | 2308  
29 Mar 2007 /  #6
>I work from home with Europe's first ever Multilevel Marketing Company.

First?? Haha very funny. Pyramid marketing schemes are so old that the have laws banning them.

Don't advertise criminal activities here please.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
29 Mar 2007 /  #7

its a great web address though :)

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Services available for polish people looking for work in UK?Archived