As for the Pole stating that free movement of labour cannot be over ruled. Err, err. Wrong. It can be revoked, at a stroke of a pen in Brussels.
We've already done it with the Bulgarians, we "imposed" restrictions, so as for "free" movement to all, its simply a matter of adjusting things and considering another goodness how many jobs are going at General Motors are going in the UK and Threshers and the rest who are going to the wall on a daily basis, its only a matter of time the government HAVE to do something with regards to immigration, not just from the new member states but all who want to come to my Island...When times are lean, you have to look after your own, its nothing personal, but I dont suppose foreigners understand this.
The above are just articles from today, there are jobs going on a daily basis in the UK...
The above are last year.