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Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home

Mister H  11 | 761  
15 Apr 2009 /  #61
I agree, he's got a point but unfortunately he's not using the right words to get more positive attention from majority of people on this forum.

He does have a point and I don't dispute that, but he needs to do more than have a point. Having views is all fair enough, but when someone doesn't want to listen to someone else's views, or be open to the fact that they might actually be wrong, then how can you ever get anywhere ?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Apr 2009 /  #62
Polish people should not be given benefits after just working one year, only british citizens should have access to benefits.

as for british spongers, hang them up with piano wire or whatever; its a completely differant topic.

Yes they should, because they have contributed more than some scraggy British scroungers ever have. Some British citizens shouldn't even be given that title as they only scrounge from Britain themselves. Fact is, majority of Polish people contribute more than some British scroungers do. Read my previous replies in this thread because I'm not going to repeat them for someone who couldn't be bothered to read something written before they posted.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
15 Apr 2009 /  #63
as for british spongers, hang them up with piano wire or whatever; its a completely differant topic.

Note - the weegie scrounges off taxpayers.
Note - the weegie has never been in full time employment.
Note - the weegie takes money from the state.

OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #64
Having views is all fair enough, but when someone doesn't want to listen to someone else's views, or be open to the fact that they might actually be wrong, then how can you ever get anywhere ?

I only listen to people if they have at the very least a university education like myself. Most poles are strawberry pickers and toilet cleaners. How could they possibly have a valid point.

In Britain there is a class system, poles naturally being between the underclass and the working class.
freebird  3 | 532  
15 Apr 2009 /  #65
You defend yourself, therefore you're defending at least one scrounger.

Don't get me wrong man but if he's a British scrounger in his his own country, he still has more rights to get some help than non-Brits living in his country.
OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #66
I am a student with a part time job, I also ssurvive mostly on my parents financial contribution other than SAAS. I have also worked previously fulltime for a number of years at a stockbroker. I am not a scrounger, not like some polish peasant picking strawberries while holding five children fighting for the same nipple, trying in vain to suck the milk out of the dehydrated saggy polacks bap.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
15 Apr 2009 /  #67
In Britain there is a class system, poles naturally being between the underclass and the working class.

This is from someone who calls themselves a Glaswegian !!!

I only listen to people if they have at the very least a university education like myself.

You haven't graduated yet ba'heid.
Why dont you go to the Stairs Building tomorrow and ask about doing your LLB with the Polish language as offered by the department?
You could do your third year in Poland - lets face it, you've been a member of the forums for long enough and you have posted more than most.

Edit - and buy a fecking dictionerry or get a spellchaker
freebird  3 | 532  
15 Apr 2009 /  #68
Yes they should

No, they shouldn't. They live in their own country and still should have more rights than anyone else. I'm not saying that what they're doing is right but they're British and should have more rights than foreigners because if not then why even have something like citizenship?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Apr 2009 /  #69
Tell me why scroungers should have more rights? My grandparents worked and fought their arses off to give this country freedom. That doesn't mean any scrounging git should benefit from that. Why should this country pay for scroungers just because they are British? My grandparents didn't give it all up for that. They gave it up for people that respected freedom and what freedom gave them. Freedom didn't suggest that some of us should work like idiots for 60 hours a weeks to receive the same entitlements as some one who doesn't know what work is. Get the scroungers working. Meanwhile, if someone from Poland was contributing to the country then suddenly finds themselves unemployed and needing help to stay afloat I'll help them, no worries.
freebird  3 | 532  
15 Apr 2009 /  #70
Tell me why scroungers should have more rights?

Not just scroungers.
I said British scroungers in UK, just like Polish scroungers in Poland, American in USA etc. It's all about being a citizen of one country. I'm not trying to convince you, you have the right to believe whatever you want, I'm just saying how I feel about it. No matter how long we'll be discussing about this subject, it won't change a thing.

Have a good one :-)
Mister H  11 | 761  
15 Apr 2009 /  #71
I only listen to people if they have at the very least a university education like myself. Most poles are strawberry pickers and toilet cleaners. How could they possibly have a valid point.

I didn't go to university, but I don't seem to be the narrow-minded bigot that you seem to be.

I can spell too.

In Britain there is a class system, poles naturally being between the underclass and the working class

Where do you put the people from the council estates, where three generations of the same family have never worked ?

Don't get me wrong man but if he's a British scrounger in his his own country, he still has more rights to get some help than non-Brits living in his country.

I don't really see either as really deserving help from the British tax-payer.

What you get out should be based upon what you put in. I don't see how anyone that has lived here less than five years or anyone that has never held down a job can consider themselves as qualifying for much.
OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #72
Where do you put the people from the council estates, where three generations of the same family have never worked ?

where do you think. if we already have them why do we need to import more from poland
Mister H  11 | 761  
15 Apr 2009 /  #73
That wasn't what I asked. Anyway, it's too late, in every sense of the word, to argue with the likes of you.
freebird  3 | 532  
15 Apr 2009 /  #74
I don't see how anyone that has lived here less than five years or anyone that has never held down a job can consider themselves as qualifying for much.

As far as the "scroungers" :-) don't get me wrong, it's not like I love them but I do see their rights as citizens of one country to get help before any foreigners (including my person if I lived in UK). Obviously if someone lived in your country for a long time, it changes everything but this thread is about people who lived in UK for only one year, right?
15 Apr 2009 /  #75
Poles claim UK benefits after working only one year instead of going home

What I want to know is why this wasn't merged with NoImmi's other threads.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Apr 2009 /  #76
As far as the "scroungers" :-) don't get me wrong, it's not like I love them but I do see their rights as citizens of one country to get help before any foreigners (including my person if I lived in UK). Obviously if someone lived in your country for a long time, it changes everything but this thread is about people who lived in UK for only one year, right?

I think it's because the UK recognises that it has so many scroungers that it welcomes people who have contributed something, anything to the UK. The UK also invests in who they hope will be the future of the country, sadly not many Brits are forecasting themselves as being part of the future of the country.

This thread is about people who lived here for 1 year, you're right. Also, worth noting, some of those who have only been here a year contribute more than Brit Citz's who haven been here their whole lives. Who should get more? In my eyes, the person who contributes more.
OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #77
This thread is about people who lived here for 1 year, you're right. Also, worth noting, some of those who have only been here a year contribute more than Brit Citz's who haven been here their whole lives. Who should get more? In my eyes, the person who contributes more.

You keep going on about the british being scroungers. Only tiny, tiny fracition have been long term unemployed. EL THICKO
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Apr 2009 /  #78
I think you need to look again, EL THICKO, grab some stats from college about the people on benefits. It's mostly Scottish people in Scotland. Brits are scroungers, big style.
15 Apr 2009 /  #79
Forum Rules
- Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!
- Do not personally attack others to avoid temporary or permanent suspension.

Only tiny, tiny fracition have been long term unemployed. EL THICKO

Toss him out,

I think you need to look again, EL THICKO, grab

Then toss yourself out.

OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #80
British unemployment rate as of 2009 -Labour Market Statistics

March 18 2009 - The unemployment rate rose to 6.5%

Polish unemployment rate as of 2009 - WARSAW (Dow Jones)--Poland's unemployment rate rose to 10.5% in January, from 9.5% in December, according to data released Tuesday by the Central Statistical Office, or GUS.


And the Special olympics prize goes to polskadoll

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Apr 2009 /  #81
Cool by me. I need a week dedicated to research anyway.

Have good one folks. :)
OP glaswegians  
15 Apr 2009 /  #82
Polska so how is polands unemployment rate almost double that of Britains. And we are worse hit by the reccession. How does that make the British the biggest scroungers.

I would also like to add that the muslim population of Britain has an unemployment rate that is 3 times the average compared to other ethnic minorities and indigenous Brits.

so Telll me how are we the scroungers. Dipshit.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
15 Apr 2009 /  #83
What was first law, agreement, rules, regulations or Poles?
If you are unhappy with that just change the regulations. Do not expect that people won't be very well-versed.

Tough new powers to remove Europeans who are not exercising their Treaty Rights - by working, studying or by being self-sufficient - were also introduced today. This will mean that anyone from Europe who is not playing by the rules will not be allowed to stay.


I would say that we are doing something ;0) I think the above means that people will get zip and will have no other option than to either work or return home.
Cenowski  - | 63  
15 Apr 2009 /  #84
muslim population of Britain has an unemployment rate that is 3 times the average compared to other ethnic minorities and indigenous Brits.

no supprise to me what so ever
Ironside  50 | 12941  
15 Apr 2009 /  #85

Its good that at last you are able to assess yourself so you are not total halfwit after all.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
15 Apr 2009 /  #86
This will mean that anyone from Europe who is not playing by the rules will not be allowed to stay.

I would say that we are doing something ;0)

nice. more room for me and my five brothers ;)
fabryka  - | 2  
15 Apr 2009 /  #87
your government should take care of your own people before anyone else.

They do this by employing migrant labour to keep industry afloat.
wiesiek  1 | 36  
15 Apr 2009 /  #88
Polish people should not be given benefits after just working one year, only british citizens should have access to benefits.

as for british spongers, hang them up with piano wire or whatever; its a completely differant topic.

Glaswegians are you noimmigration in disguse ?
Do you really think that the UK's problems will be solved if all the Poles go away ?
Do you think that the reason that unemployment has gone up is because the Poles have taken all the low paid jobs, and now that we have a credit crunch you want the jobs back.

Below is a picture from London a couple of weeks ago it is about Britons protesting.
Ask yourself if Poles are the problem

  • protest
tretos  - | 4  
15 Apr 2009 /  #89
You know what sucks ?

I am Polish living in the UK, working here 3 years. Now get redundant and I got the job now, however, I was claiming JBA for 2 months and what they said at the end ?

You are not entitled to Income Based JBA. This is because we have decided that you do not meet the requirements for the right to reside test and therefore for benefit purposes you are not considered to be habitually resident in the uk...

I think im going tomorrow to JC...

If stupid english see this article in some stupid paper they think that all poles are like this !
time means  5 | 1309  
15 Apr 2009 /  #90
stupid english

as you say tretos only the "stupid" ones.

Having worked here for three years you have contributed in taxes a lot more than quite a few, indeed a lot of indigenous people i know.

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