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UK Poles attack Daily Mail 'bias'

peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Mar 2008 /  #1
* Colin Graham in Warsaw and Stephen Brook

The Federation of Poles in Great Britain has "reluctantly" filed a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission accusing the Daily Mail of defaming Polish residents in the UK.

In its letter of complaint to the PCC the federation accused the Daily Mail of printing articles that gave rise to "negative emotions and tensions between the new EU immigrants and local communities".


Note Daily Mail covers the Evening Standard and were strong supporters of Adolf Hitler and Oswald Moseley's fascist Blackshirts in the 1930's.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #2
<rubs hands together> ooooh, I so hope that NoImmi reads this...

Wasn't there a case recently where one of the DM's staffers was actively looking for employers who had experienced problems with Polish staff?
Polson  5 | 1767  
14 Mar 2008 /  #3
Hei, isn't it Noimmi fav newspaper ? ;)

We'll see what happens next... I think they are totally right to defend themselves.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #4
This is being debated on LBC 97.2 right now.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
14 Mar 2008 /  #5
We'll see what happens next... I think they are totally right to defend themselves.

Sure, but the Poles must watch not to get a bad image as the professional complainers in Europe!

Remember the tabloid affair with Germany? They complained bitterly too about "german bias".

In Europe's tabloids everybody ******* at/makes fun of another, the brits, the germans, the french....just laugh or ignore it or better even: give it back but don't complain like wussies!
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
14 Mar 2008 /  #6
The Federation of Poles in Great Britain has "reluctantly" filed a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission accusing the Daily Mail of defaming Polish residents in the UK.

sorry but this is just one f those situations where the 'polish victim' stance is taken, everybody hates, poland, polish people and the polish culture. uuuummmm no Poland and Polish people your just over defensive and paranoid, this is a prime example of that.

Yes there are a few idiots in the UK who will attack polish people for being in the country, yes there are people who will write slander about the Poles in the UK. COME ON POLAK'S get a spine, water of a ducks back for heavens sake!!!!. Imagine if you had the sort of bad press that we 'UK' got. I think you'de all be swinging from ropes by now wouldn't you, lol.
Polson  5 | 1767  
14 Mar 2008 /  #7
Sure, but the Poles must watch not to get a bad image as the professional complainers in Europe

Don't worry, the French are the champions in complaining everytime ;)

In Europe's tabloid everybody ******* at/makes fun of another, the brits, the germans, the french....just laugh or ignore it or better even: give it back but don't complain like wussies!

Of course we can make fun of each other but when it's not fun anymore and getting xenophobic/racist, then one must defend himself ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
14 Mar 2008 /  #8
Of course we can make fun of each other but when it's not fun anymore and getting xenophobic/racist, then one must defend himself ;)

Nah, ignore it!
Or you make yourself a prime target for the next joke/bashing because they now know how to get to you....

In that regard you could learn alot from the french! Or did you see them running around crying and complaining and throwing tantrums during all that french bashing taking place in the last years? (Freedom Fries etc.) No!
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #9
Is NoImmi ignoring this thread, then?
winston  1 | 14  
14 Mar 2008 /  #10
The British have had enough of the numbers of Poles that have arrived here and public opinion is turning against them.
They are looked on as parasites now and the majority want them to turn around and go back to Poland.
The Daily Mail is just voicing public opinion and they are right to do so.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
14 Mar 2008 /  #11
The Daily Mail is just voicing public opinion and they are right to do so.

No it doesn't. It is well known that its journalists use dubious practises to stir up clueless muppets like you.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
14 Mar 2008 /  #12
public opinion

Is rarely positive about anything in this country.

What you mean is you agree with the Daily Mail. That rag is certainly not voicing my opinion and I am part of the British public.

Is NoImmi ignoring this thread, then?

He's in the sin bin.
gdj67  15 | 154  
14 Mar 2008 /  #13
He's in the sin bin.

Or re-registered as Winston?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
15 Mar 2008 /  #15
The Daily Mail,hate filled and biased? No,never,say it aint so!
Headline for Daily Mail;
Polish peodo implicated in Diana crash discovered to be a gay muslim single mum on benifits,causes breakdown of Britain and Queen to stub her toe and dosnt realy like armymen very much.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2008 /  #16
Do u like follow baseball PolskaDoll?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Mar 2008 /  #17
Not especially. Why?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2008 /  #18
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's his 2nd time in the sinbin. Isn't it 3 strikes and u r out, as in baseball?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Mar 2008 /  #19
Oh, right. I only know sin bin from ice hockey and rugby ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2008 /  #20
So, will he get back in?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
15 Mar 2008 /  #21
Well, when you look at in the long term you realise that it is better to have a known enemy than an unknown. If we unsuspend him and he posts again, most people will ignore him (as happens already) and he'll remain mostly insignificant.

If he remains suspended he will eventually re-register with another user-name. So I suppose it's a case of "better the devil you know than the devil you don't"...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
15 Mar 2008 /  #22
Plus, we are all subjected to views that we don't necessarily agree with, often on a daily basis. I find him pretty amusing, I don't take what he says to heart. He sometimes has some valid arguments.
dimitris  - | 3  
25 Apr 2009 /  #23
i am from Cypr and when i was a student in UK i got attacked for just being in the country so we are all the same to them polish or cypriot or any other
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2009 /  #24
I don't think so. I can speak for many Scots and we feel neutral towards Cypriots. You certainly wouldn't be attacked for being Cypriot amongst the majority of Scottish people.

You were just unlucky to encounter such morons.
PolishCowboy  1 | 48  
26 Apr 2009 /  #25
Mar 14, 08, 13:01


The British have had enough of the numbers of Poles that have arrived here and public opinion is turning against them.
They are looked on as parasites now and the majority want them to turn around and go back to Poland.
The Daily Mail is just voicing public opinion and they are right to do so.

Poles have come to your country because your politicians in their greed have chosen to exploit them with cheap labor.
So they opened the gates and unemployed Poles flooded the available market place. Its easier to pay a Pole a fraction of the wage than full price to a Brit because they know damn well a Brit can not live off those wages.

This is nothing new, this is globalization.
Poles don't want to be in your country any more than you want them there; they are there for the money. Its the same in the US, companies hire people from India because its the largest English speaking country on earth, so why pay an American $12.00 an hour when an Indian will work for that a day.

So if you don't want foreigners in your country tell it to your "democratically" elected leaders.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Apr 2009 /  #26
Poles don't want to be in your country any more than you want them there;

Funny that, cos a number of my Polish friends have said they want to stay in UK and have no desire to return to Poland (probably trying to avoid me!).
Mister H  11 | 761  
27 Apr 2009 /  #27
So if you don't want foreigners in your country tell it to your "democratically" elected leaders.

It's not a case of not wanting foreigners here as you put it, it's more a case of wanting some managing over the numbers.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Apr 2009 /  #28
Like Mister H says, it's not a case of not wanting foreigners, it's a case of wanting control. As well as all the Europeans, UK and Ireland have incomers from Africa, Middle East, Antipodes etc. I personally don't mind, it's interesting listening to the changing accents of the sandwich sellers.

Lots of people DO try to tell our 'leaders' but they won't do anything because they don't want to be branded as racist. Mind you, it never stopped them when it came to refusing British servicemen like the Gurkhas.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Apr 2009 /  #29
Like Trevek said, it's not a case of not wanting foreigners, it's a case of wanting control ;) ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Apr 2009 /  #30
The Daily Mail,hate filled and biased? No,never,say it aint so!
Headline for Daily Mail;
Polish peodo implicated in Diana crash discovered to be a gay muslim single mum on benifits,causes breakdown of Britain and Queen to stub her toe and dosnt realy like armymen very much.

You forgot to mention they were disabled too.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / UK Poles attack Daily Mail 'bias'Archived