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The Daily snot rag (Mail) removes anti-Polish content

5 Aug 2008 /  #1
The Federation of Poles in Great Britain has won a battle with British Daily Mail which has removed “offensive” stories.

The British tabloid Daily Mail has given in to the pressure applied to the newspaper by the Federation of Poles in Great Britain and removed from its website the content that the Polish community on the British Isles regarded as offensive, informs the Radio Information Agency (IAR).

About time that racist rag had its comeuppance!! LINK
osiol 55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #2
That's one bit of good news. Unfortunately, the Daily Mail is still only there to provide fear, loathing and crosswords to the small minds of middle England.
OP ukpolska  
5 Aug 2008 /  #3
Unfortunately, the Daily Mail is still only there to provide fear, loathing and crosswords to the small minds of middle England.

True, and I am not sure if its true either, as I have read some other reports where there is no mention of them removing the content, only that they have been singled out for criticism by The Federation of Poles in Great Britain.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
5 Aug 2008 /  #4
I forced myself to go on their website to see what they had to say for themselves.

They are critisizing some members of the press for writing negative articles, nowhere do they mention that it was their rag writing this stuff, they assume that all people share the same low level of intelligence as their readers...

They should be made to write a public apology
OP ukpolska  
5 Aug 2008 /  #5
nowhere do they mention that it was their rag writing this stuff

And I don't know if you noticed but it was the only story in The Daily snot rag that didn't have a comments section after the so-called article.

One of the problems with this rag is that they stir-up people with the article and watch the comments breading themselves afterwords.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
5 Aug 2008 /  #6
I don't know if you noticed but it was the only story in The Daily snot rag that didn't have a comments section after the so-called article.

I did notice the lack of comments section.

I didn't know it was the only article that didn't have this section , but that's because I didn't look at the other articles, I'm not interested in who is too fat or too thin or who they have or haven't slept with
Mister H 11 | 761  
5 Aug 2008 /  #7
The Federation of Poles in Great Britain has won a battle with British Daily Mail which has removed “offensive” stories.

The British tabloid Daily Mail has given in to the pressure applied to the newspaper by the Federation of Poles in Great Britain and removed from its website the content that the Polish community on the British Isles regarded as offensive, informs the Radio Information Agency (IAR).
About time that racist rag had its comeuppance!! LINK

I take it you don't agree with freedom of the press then ?

Why is anything that's against mass immigration in its current form always seen as "racist" ?

Playing the race card is very easy.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2008 /  #8
To me it just shows how soft the Polish are, they simply cannot take criticism of any kind, whether it be heavy handed or normal. The Poles think they get a hard time, think about the arabic population, homeless population, unemployed population amongst others.

You bunch of soft fairies :) it just makes me laugh at Poland as a whole, i've not come accross anything so soft in all my life. ppfffff, hahahahahaha, belive me this is not anti polish i'm just astonished at how they cannot take criticism or bad press and feel that they are worst off.
osiol 55 | 3921  
5 Aug 2008 /  #9
they simply cannot take criticism of any kind

Can you take criticism?
Mister H 11 | 761  
5 Aug 2008 /  #10
I do think that the "Federation of Poles in Great Britain" have done little to help their countrymen by making them out to be totally unable to stand up for themselves.

The DM have always got it in for someone and it's best to come out fighting and put the other side of the argument and have a proper debate.

These kinds of tactics just anger the British against the Polish even more.
OP ukpolska  
5 Aug 2008 /  #11
The DM have always got it in for someone and it's best to come out fighting and put the other side of the argument and have a proper debate.

Like when you complained to your MP about the Polish immigration policy, was that a proper debate.
I ask you, how far did that get you?

I take it you don't agree with freedom of the press then ?

I totally support freedom of the press, but you know as well as I do that sometimes they go to far, and have to be reminded that they report the news, not make it.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
5 Aug 2008 /  #12
Can you take criticism?

yes on many occassions, not only in the forum but at work, in sport (The most!!!!), family life and many other areas which i really cannot be bothered to go into.

Criticism can be positive/negative depending on how you react to it. Thats my view anyway.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
6 Aug 2008 /  #13
I don't want to go into details whether it was a good or a bad move from The Federation of Poles in GB, but let me just ask you how exactly an article about Poles eating swans (lol) is being a criticism because I don’t get it?

You bunch of soft fairies :) it just makes me laugh at Poland as a whole, i've not come accross anything so soft in all my life. ppfffff, hahahahahaha, belive me this is not anti polish i'm just astonished at how they cannot take criticism or bad press and feel that they are worst off.

Lol. This must be my favourite post of all time. :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
6 Aug 2008 /  #14
an article about Poles eating swans

I thought it was a mistake made by a journalist after a Pole said he'd eaten słoń.
You're allowed to eat elephants in the UK, as long as you eat them whole.
Matyjasz 2 | 1543  
6 Aug 2008 /  #15
How about if I don't eat it all but pickle the remaining stuff? Is that legal or will a make the headlines again? ;)
Mister H 11 | 761  
6 Aug 2008 /  #16
Like when you complained to your MP about the Polish immigration policy, was that a proper debate.
I ask you, how far did that get you?

I wrote to my MP about immigration in general and didn't single out the Polish. Did it get me anywhere ? No, of course not. I wrote back and said I didn't feel I was being taken seriously, which generated a phone call from one of her assistants who gave me a patronising lecture on the benefits of immigration.

I totally support freedom of the press, but you know as well as I do that sometimes they go to far, and have to be reminded that they report the news, not make it.

Yes, they go too far, but I think the Polish Federation would use their time better by putting the other side of the argument and standing up for their people, rather than getting a few paragraphs removed from a website.

Of course there are going to be negative stories about immigration as it's a situation that has been foisted on the UK and much of what people read in the press is happening in their own town anyway, so they know it's not totally without foundation.

Yes, they should be more sensititive, but if the powers that be listened for a change and stopped sweeping stuff under the carpet, maybe the headlines wouldn't be so "anti".
welshguyinpola 23 | 463  
6 Aug 2008 /  #17
Tell me, whats the difference in the Poles recieving bad press and all the other immigrants recieving it? Poles expect to be treated with a pinch of salt (due, in part, to all those years of presecution) but its time to stop P**** footing around them and for them to start viewing themselves as an integral prt of Britain , not as this persecuted community who have to be defended by a federation.
antiimmigration - | 9  
30 Aug 2008 /  #18
That's one bit of good news. Unfortunately, the Daily Mail is still only there to provide fear, loathing and crosswords to the small minds of middle England.

shut ur mouth. if english are so stupid, whydo u live here?
**** off back to ur own country. ur unwanted here. i cant wait til asses like u get deported
30 Aug 2008 /  #19
maybe because osiol is actually english you moron ..... and i think you need to come down a tad or two to earth ...

sh1t rag reader
Seanus 15 | 19668  
30 Aug 2008 /  #20
Osioł IS English, little girl. And a damn fine gentleman too. Telefonitika is right. Stop bringing nationality into it. Judge people for being people, regardless of nationality. Listen to David Gilmour's song, On the Turning Away. There are MANY English people whom I admire that take a stance opposite 2 urs.

Go and speak to Polish people's faces. U c that big guy with the big arms, go and tell him that his country stinks and watch his reaction.
truebrit 3 | 196  
30 Aug 2008 /  #21
I do think that the "Federation of Poles in Great Britain" have done little to help their countrymen by making them out to be totally unable to stand up for themselves

I disagree.What the Daily Mail was doing was running stories with headlines about
'Polish Migration' accompanied by photos of Romanian/Albanian gypsies begging for money.It was a deliberate attempt to turn their small minded readers(many of whom have never met Polish people) against Poles.
Mister H 11 | 761  
31 Aug 2008 /  #22
shut ur mouth. if english are so stupid, whydo u live here?
**** off back to ur own country. ur unwanted here. i cant wait til asses like u get deported

You're vile and a disgrace to the English (I'm English before you start!)
osiol 55 | 3921  
31 Aug 2008 /  #23
**** off back to ur own country

I already have a few countries of my own. I'm in some of them right now, namely England, Great Britain, the UK and Osiolia.

Listen to David Gilmour

Always bringing Pink Floyd into proceedings somehow!
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
31 Aug 2008 /  #24
**** off back to ur own country.

Yeah Osiol gol back into your shed, ha ha ha

I already have a few countries of my own. I'm in some of them right now, namely England, Great Britain, the UK and Osiolia.

Would I need a visa to get into Osiolia?
sausage 19 | 775  
31 Aug 2008 /  #25
Would I need a visa to get into Osiolia

hoof and mouth vaccination certificate at the very least?
Michelle1980 - | 2  
15 Sep 2008 /  #26
I am white English, my family have always lived here etc etc perfect Daily Mail reader? no! I hate their racist, biggoted rubbish and I am ashamed that this is produced and allowed in this country. I congratulate the people who have forced the Daily Mail to sort themselves out and although it only goes a small way and we have a lot more to sort out I hope its a move in the right direction. Everyone is welcome here :-)
OP ukpolska  
15 Sep 2008 /  #27
I am white English, my family have always lived here etc etc perfect Daily Mail reader? no! I hate their racist, biggoted rubbish and I am ashamed that this is produced and allowed in this country.

Luckily, intelligent people like yourself know the difference between what is right and what is wrong.
Unfortunately, this paper is aimed at the council estate middle class wannabes who share the collective brain cell and bleat as one.
15 Sep 2008 /  #28
To me it just shows how soft the Polish are, they simply cannot take criticism of any kind, whether it be heavy handed or normal. The Poles think they get a hard time, think about the arabic population, homeless population, unemployed population amongst others.

You bunch of soft fairies :) it just makes me laugh at Poland as a whole, i've not come accross anything so soft in all my life. ppfffff, hahahahahaha, belive me this is not anti polish i'm just astonished at how they cannot take criticism or bad press and feel that they are worst off.

you cannot be serious writing this Torny. Writing constructively about something or somebody and writing taken out of context negative comments are two different things.
Kilkline 1 | 682  
15 Sep 2008 /  #29
People should remember that the Mail is a paper that hates everything. They were the biggest critics of Princess Diana when she was alive, calling her all sorts of names. The minute she died she was on the front page everyday for a year saying that she was a saint etc. The paper is for curtain twitching old dears who live in fear that their neighbourhood will be overrun with foreign hoards, eating funny smelling foods and lowering the value of their property.

The Daily Mail has become a bit of a joke now in the same way that people used to joke about Sun readers(fyi-The Sun is the top tabloid in Britain)

An interesting thing is how the Sun has actually reacted against the Mail's actions and been pro-Polish, even producing a Polish language version (Polski Sun) which they have never done for any other ethnic group.
whyikit 6 | 102  
15 Sep 2008 /  #30
Typical front page of an edition of the Daily Mail for the last 10 years or so:

EXCLUSIVE: Princess Diana has died
It rained in London today - immigration To blame

Back page Exclusive - Princess Diana has just died in a car crash!!!

As has been said above, the Daily Mail is written for a certain section of the population that the rest of the UK is very ashamed of.

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