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What is in Poland that England doesn't have?

Bartolome 2 | 1083  
28 Sep 2008 /  #31
They've got Disco angolo instead. Just go upstairs on any double-decker out here where tracksuit-clad sh!theads play it with their fancy-schmancy wee effin' mobiles. I'm just so glad I've got a car and don't have to suffer this scum.
JustysiaS 13 | 2235  
28 Sep 2008 /  #32
ha ha true, they walk down the street and play some rąbanka with their chav little phones. why? get a pair of bloody headphones on, not everybody wants to listen to that cr*ap. i catch a bus to work and it's a nightmare now kids started school, bus is always late cos it has to pick them all up and drop them off right outside the school entrance. it could easily stop on the other side of the road, there's a crossing with lights there, but no. i say let those little chavs play with the traffic and let the natural selection rule out who's gonna get to school today. lol.
osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Sep 2008 /  #33
Disco polo

England has that too, unfortunately.

I know people have mentioned nice rural bits of England, but what about London with Soho's Seven Dials, Neal's Yard or the view from Waterloo Bridge? What about the Ouseburn valley in Newcastle? What about Cambridge? Edinburgh's got quite a few nice bits (even if it is in Scotland rather than England - a lot of foreigners don't even notice)... and so on and so on...
Switezianka - | 463  
28 Sep 2008 /  #34
Bartolome, JustysiaS,
We've got the same thing in Poland. It's one of the reasons I got my MP3 player - not to have to listen to any sh*t every day on the tram...

What do we have in Poland that's not in England?
1) free higher education
2) real winter (you know, with snow, ice and frost)
3) forests - an English forest looks like a Polish park
4) good bread in every shop
5) żubrówka
osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Sep 2008 /  #35

Do endless pine plantations really count as forest?

good bread in every shop

Who wants good bread in a bookshop?

real winter

Does that mean it happens around November to March rather than the British wintertime which is from about April to September?
Switezianka - | 463  
28 Sep 2008 /  #36
Does that mean it happens around November to March

Usually November to early April.

Do endless pine plantations really count as forest?

osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Sep 2008 /  #37

That's nearly all of the woodland I've seen in Poland, and very little of what I've seen in England, so...
osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Sep 2008 /  #39
Try Puszcza Białowieska

Nice park!

Only joking.

Britain was one of the earliest parts of Europe to have the forest cleared out and turned into agricultural land or heath. There are some ancient forests (the American term is "old growth forest") and there is actually too much conifer plantation (such as Kielder forest, England's largest). Having said that, there are still patches of ancient woodland even in London (Highgate wood) and nearby (Epping Forest). There's no way I could go without mentioning the New Forest.

Travelling through Poland, I saw so many huge stretches of conifer plantations (which are low on biodiversity, low on interest and so on), although interspersed between the fields and farms, there did seem to be plenty of small woods with proper native trees.
Switezianka - | 463  
28 Sep 2008 /  #40
I agree that most forests in Poland are 'pine farms' but there are still some places with quite big areas of quite descent woodland, not just patches. A place to walk around for a long time, gather mushroom, where one can get lost :)
osiol 55 | 3921  
28 Sep 2008 /  #41
I do like a proper forest.

What does Poland have that England doesn't?

A large number of land borders with foreign countries.
Little dishes you put your money on on shop counters.
Washing machines in bathrooms.
ParisJazz - | 172  
29 Sep 2008 /  #42
There are beautiful old cities and traditions kept alive by the local people for their own sake - not just by some nutters who have an axe to grind about other countries.


Gets tiresome after a while listening to all the unconditional Poland enthusiasts.

Now if you lot didn't have a life in your own countries and then somehow found your own happiness in Poland, fair enough, but it doesn't mean the place is everybody's Eldorado. Far from it, it still is an ex communist country that doesn't come up to scratch when compared to western Europe.

There are good people, timeless traditions and beautiful places all over the world, including Afghanistan mind you, and Poland is no exception.

osiol 55 | 3921  
29 Sep 2008 /  #43
whats there in Poland which is not present/found/felt in England

Why England? Why not Scotland, Wales, Norway, Sweden or Paraguay?
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
29 Sep 2008 /  #44
Why not Mars?

( :D ... here they go again :) )
RubasznyRumcajs 5 | 495  
29 Sep 2008 /  #45
poland has nice food - a lot better than fish&chips or old-english meal- chicken tikka masala ;p
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
29 Sep 2008 /  #46
old-english meal

You've probably never had a proper cooked English meal or know exactly what "traditional" English food is, so I'll forgive you for your ignorance.

This thread was about comparables, not to start slagging off England again!! As for nice food in Poland, I can't honestly say it was out of this world, it was at best ordinary, it hardly compares with Spanish or Italian or for that matter Greek!
29 Sep 2008 /  #47
poland has nice food - a lot better than fish&chips or old-english meal

What can you expect from a person who has gone the UK on a budget and lived on ASDA specials for food lol
ParisJazz - | 172  
29 Sep 2008 /  #48
it hardly compares with Spanish or Italian or for that matter Greek!

Shelly, you disappoint me.

Surely u forgot to type "French" right before Spanish? :)

Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Sep 2008 /  #49
It's just a matter of preference. There is nothing quite like fish&chips after not having had them for some time!! Bangers and mash, mince and tatties, quality stuff. Polish food is great too.

An abundance of Maluchs is probably a good answer to the question. People are getting steadily richer here, but there are still plenty Maluchs to be seen. There is a FIAT factory near here, in Tychy. I bet they do a roaring trade.
29 Sep 2008 /  #50
I thought they stopped building Maluchs in 2000, and it's hardly a barometer of a richer society lol
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Sep 2008 /  #51
Bart, you live in Glasgow, that's not even a good representaion of Scotland, never mind the rest of UK
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Sep 2008 /  #52
I thought they stopped building Maluchs in 2000

Yes, they did, but it doesn't mean that people would get rid of them instantly.

sapphire 22 | 1241  
29 Sep 2008 /  #53
Hot English men

and women! :)
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Sep 2008 /  #54
Bart, you live in Glasgow, that's not even a good representaion of Scotland, never mind the rest of UK

Perhaps you're right, but big cities are very likely to host such patterns of behaviour. I visited London this summer and since I was using public transport I had the dubious opportunity to observe similar groups of youths.
29 Sep 2008 /  #55
Yes, they did, but it doesn't mean that people would get rid of them instantly.

Bartolome, the URL is not working...and no one is talking about getting rid of them, I am just saying that it's hardly a barometer of a richer society as you see less and less of them on the roads today.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
29 Sep 2008 /  #56
Surely u forgot to type "French"

I like French but it's not something I cook often, I just prefer Mediteranian food it's so tasty :)
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Sep 2008 /  #57
Perhaps you're right, but big cities are very likely to host such patterns of behaviour. I visited London this summer and since I was using public transport I had the dubious opportunity to observe similar groups of youths.

You should carry on of these around with you
Bartolome 2 | 1083  
29 Sep 2008 /  #58
Bartolome, the URL is not working...and no one is talking about getting rid of them, I am just saying that it's hardly a barometer of a richer society as you see less and less of them on the roads today.

Fixed :) Just a wee joke.
I would say that it's a barometer of a society _getting_ richer. Steady, but consistently.

You should carry on of these around with you

A car was good remedy for that.
OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522  
29 Sep 2008 /  #59
chicken tikka masala

It sounds indian (masala)..

Actually he lays out a point that England have a diverse cuisine. There you find more for various tastes... while Poland dont have it so much ...
Daisy 3 | 1215  
29 Sep 2008 /  #60
A car was good remedy for that

I hope you didn't use it to exterminate them...Although if one of them was Noimmigration, you could be forgiven...awarded a medal even

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / What is in Poland that England doesn't have?Archived