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Modern Plantation for Poles in Ireland

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #1
Hi all,

I am sure you are well aware of the modern Polish plantation of Ireland taking place at present. Polish shops are the norm here now. Indeed, some uppity poles called for their language to be the official third language of my country.

Anyway, I am interested in the number of polish in Ireland? The CSO claims there is 63,000, the Minister for Integration claims there is 200,000 and the Polish community claims there is 500,000! It is a crazy situation and it seems nobody has a clue. So I ask the polish community, just how many poles are in Ireland?
Ironside  50 | 13044  
21 Jun 2009 /  #2
After reading your post I can say with certain dose of probability that you wont be liked here, not because of your standing with immigration issue but because of your attitude.

As to number of Polish nationals in the Republic I don't have a clue... What is your government doing ?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
21 Jun 2009 /  #3
Did they really ask for polish to be a 3rd language?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #4

Yes, they set up a campaign. As I said, its a plantation.


Fianna Fail, the mass immigration party, do not care about the working class Irish. They only care about the builders,bankers,farmers, and big businesses.

Our present Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, decided to open up our labour market to the eastern europeans after the first rejection of the nice treaty. He wrote to his eastern european counterparts stating this. Penace for rejecting the treaty at the first time of asking if you will. Now, at the time he was unaware if the UK was going to allow eastern europeans free access to their labour market. Hes a lucky boy they did!

Before we voted on Nice2 we where told it was xenophobic to think we would get many people immigrating here from eastern europe and Ireland was littered with poster campaigns depicting poor eastern european children as propaganda for a yes vote.

The Irish people never voted for this. Indeed,2/3s of Irish citizens want stricter immigration controls regarding eastern europeans(source Irish Times).
Ironside  50 | 13044  
21 Jun 2009 /  #5
Yes, they set up a campaign.


As I said, its a plantation.

Do know what a plantation means?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #6

Yes, I do know what it means.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
21 Jun 2009 /  #7
Yes, they set up a campaign. As I said, its a plantation.

I know people have there rights and all that but if thats true i think thats quite disrespecful.
I wonder why they want that.
Ironside  50 | 13044  
21 Jun 2009 /  #8
Fianna Fail, the mass immigration party, do not care about the working class Irish. They only care about the builders,bankers,farmers, and big businesses.

Don't they all?
Tell me where they care about working class ?

Before we voted on Nice2 we where told it was xenophobic to think we would get many people immigrating here from eastern europe and Ireland was littered with poster campaigns depicting poor eastern european children as propaganda for a yes vote.

You were tricked then.......

The Irish people never voted for this. Indeed,2/3s of Irish citizens want stricter immigration controls regarding eastern europeans(source Irish Times).

So, there is clear path ahead of you, vote for government which can deliver control of immigration ....if that possible within EU and if not Ireland should leave EU altogether!

Yes, I do know what it means.

Could you define it ? As I would like to be sure we are thinking about same thingy/
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #9

As they want to turn Ireland into a mini Poland. As I said, plantation. It wont ever happen, not on my watch.
Ironside  50 | 13044  
21 Jun 2009 /  #10
As they want to turn Ireland into a mini Poland. As I said, plantation. It wont ever happen, not on my watch.

Who is they ? And why are you so insecure?

As I said, plantation. It wont ever happen, not on my watch.

pretty cock up are you? are you feel threaten?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #11

We do not have to leave the EU, instead we should adopt a similar attitude to eastern european immigration as Germany and Austria. Opt out of the free movement of labour principle regarding the ten accession states. There are clauses available, so this is possible. We should then issue a work permit scheme.

The level of immigration from Poland into Ireland is the equivalent of 1,600,000 Irish people, one third of our population, immigrating to Poland in a three year period. Sheer lunacy.

Here,"The plantations changed the demography of Ireland by creating large communities with a British and Protestant identity. These communities effectively opposed the interests of the earlier inhabitants, who had an Irish and Roman Catholic identity. The physical and economic nature of Irish society was also changed, as new concepts of ownership, trade and credit were introduced. These changes led to the creation of a British Protestant ruling class, which secured the authority of Crown government in Ireland during the 17th century".

Substitute british for polish etc and you will understand where I am coming from.

BritishEmpire  - | 148  
21 Jun 2009 /  #12
Maybe its just a few nutters that are asking for it :).
You seem to be very passionate about keeping your country the way it is, do you have any political parties that represent your views?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #13

Sinn Fein used to,before mass immigration, but now their leader, the bearded one Gerry Adams, claims "they are all Irish whether here for four months or 400 years".

Politicians are afraid to open their mouths on this issue as they get labelled as xenophobic by the media. So all debate on the issue is stiffled.

Thousands of poles signed the petition for their language to be the third recognised language of the Irish nation.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
21 Jun 2009 /  #14
Doesnt sinn fein only represent people in the north though?
Ironside  50 | 13044  
21 Jun 2009 /  #15
We do not have to leave the EU, instead we should adopt a similar attitude to eastern european immigration as Germany and Austria. Opt out of the free movement of labour principle regarding the ten accession states. There are clauses available, so this is possible. We should then issue a work permit scheme.

As I said if thats possible ........but I think its too late for those clauses to apply, well maybe is not..

Substitute british for polish etc and you will understand where I am coming from.

I know about Plantation, but where is Crown to implement and secure settlements ?
Gee, are you afraid of Polish Catholics ruling class?

Maybe its just a few nutters that are asking for it :).

Maybe nutters and most likely a few, but I wonder what have given them impulse to start all thing?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #16

No they are a 32 country movement. They are performing terribly in the south, largely due to their stance on mass immigration.

Sinn Fein: Brits Out Poles In!
moonlight  6 | 103  
21 Jun 2009 /  #17

I would associate more with fine gael

just how many poles are in Ireland?

How many Irish are in other countries, yes our population is not the same in numbers but percentage, what do you think?

[quote=RevokeNice]The Irish people never voted for this. Indeed,2/3s of Irish citizens want stricter immigration controls regarding eastern europeans(source Irish Times).

Really we never voted for this? Where does this figure of 2/3's come from? hmmm source Irish times.... as you probabaly know most newspapers in Ireland are associated with a political party, so their view is not always objective.

Are you serious?????? who wants to turn Ireland into a mini Poland? Our country has become a diverse community (consisting of more that Polish) deal with it..... I have heard of quite a few Irish business people who were more than happy to exploit Polish and others to make their fortunes. People who come on this forum (a Polish forum) and talk such ****, must be taking the ****, or have a life so unfulfilled!

"Plantation" - you are referencing this to the English plantation of Ireland? How can you? Its an insult to our history and modern society to refer to the present day as a "plantation"

Who is being forced to leave their homes?, whose's homes are being burned?

Stop being bitter and see all that is good in every aspect.
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #18
I am serious. Deadly serious. It is a plantation, look it up in the dictionary. "An original settlement in a new country; a colony". I view mass immigration from Poland as a plantation, most will stay here, setting up their own communities, schools, social outets, and shops, a mini Poland in Ireland.

I am not bitter and I fail to see how this "is good" for the Irish nation. The only people who benefit from mass immigration are big businesses and the immigrants themselves. The working class and lower middle class pay for the social costs.

This is a public forum and I signed up to see things from a Polish perspective, I am not here to troll or to be disrespectful. I have been civil to everyone I debated with thus far and will continue to be so.

pretty cock up are you? are you feel threaten?

No I do not feel threatened, should I?

How would you feel if 1,600,000 Irish people immigrated to Poland over a three year period?
21 Jun 2009 /  #19
most will stay here

I believe you'd be wrong here. I spent three years working in Ireland myself
and came back home in August last year. Most of my friends who worked
abroad have already come back to Poland too and those who are still in Ireland
plan to come back in 1-2 years time as soon as they save enough money or
have their mortgages in Poland paid.

I spent 3 years in Dublin and I talked to literally hundreds of Poles and NOT
A SINGLE ONE OF THEM told me that he plans to stay in Ireland forever.

Also - your estimation of the number of Poles is much too high. At the peak
of Polish immigration to Ireland in 2006/07 there were approximately 120-140
thousand Poles working in your country (twice as much as the official polls
showed). However, since then the number has decreased not increased.

I understand that you are a small country and worry about your future, but it's
not the Poles that you should worry about. The number of Chinese, Hindu,
Bangladeshi, Romanian and Nigerian people in Ireland is MUCH higher than
the number of Poles and there is not a snowball chance in hell that those people
will EVER come back to Pakistan, India, Nigeria or Bangladesh (and considering
the birth-rate in Nigerian and Hindu families you can start worrying now, not about
"Little Poland" but about "Little India" and "Little China").

Remember my words, in 10-12 years time there will be hardly any Poles in Ireland.
However the number of people from other ethnic groups that I mentioned will be
quite scary. It is going to be interesting to watch and see how it all develops.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #20
You keep protesting the Nice treaty, then protesting immigration.
Then you clearly state, the Nice treaty has NOTHING to do with immigration.
Time to get your facts straight.

Poles did not ruin the Irish economy.

Fianna Fail, the mass immigration party, do not care about the working class Irish.[/quote]
That may be the case but FF were voted in by the people.

You were tricked then.......

No he is manipulating the facts, see above.

The level of immigration from Poland into Ireland is the equivalent of 1,600,000 Irish people, one third of our population, immigrating

"70 million people worldwide who can claim Irish descent."[53] Today the diaspora is believed to contain over 80 million people."

Gerry Adams, claims "they are all Irish whether here for four months or 400 years".

At least someone is talking sense.

While I agree we should take a stand on what are our country values, we should also consider how we managed to create a lot of our infrastructure.

If by infrastructure, you mean better management of immigrants, I agree.
There should be a better management of immigration in to the country too, but off the wall nutters like this guy won't help.
From out reach programs, to integration.
This is Ireland's first contact with immigrants into the country. They were ill prepared and did not have experience with it.
So now they have to play catch up.

Who is being forced to leave their homes?, whose's homes are being burned?

Great post at last! :)

most will stay here, setting up their own communities, schools, social outets, and shops, a mini Poland in Ireland.

Brilliant, I am very happy so many Polish people are finding new lives for themselves in Ireland they worked for it.
A bit like the mini Ireland in other countries, great!.
Ireland needed the labour, 40,000 jobs were left vacant each year and Poles filled those jobs, creating a second "Celtic tiger".

This is a public forum and I signed up to see things from a Polish perspective, I am not here to troll or to be disrespectful.

You have not come on here to see the Polish perspective, you have come here to preach your own hatred.

I believe you'd be wrong here.

No matter what way you put it, he will have hate in him.

The number of Chinese, Hindu,
Bangladeshi, Romanianand Nigerian people in Ireland is MUCH higher than
the number of Poles and there is not a snowball chance in hell that those people
will EVER come back to Pakistan, India, Nigeria or Bangladesh

I agree with you, stricter immigration laws need to be set up in Ireland.
However, Romania are in the E.U. and should be let travel freely.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
21 Jun 2009 /  #21
the bearded one Gerry Adams

See if you knew anything you would know he the leader of the northern ireland sinn fiein

I am serious. Deadly serious. It is a plantation, look it up in the dictionary. "An original settlement in a new country; a colony". I view mass immigration from Poland as a plantation, most will stay here, setting up their own communities, schools, social outets, and shops, a mini Poland in Ireland.

I think every country you go to you find an irish bar? right or wrong? What if they do stay here? They have right to be here
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
21 Jun 2009 /  #22
Ireland has changed more in the last 20 years than it had in the last 200 years.
We went from being the poorest (?) country in the West to being one of the richest in the world, and all in a very short time.

The mentality had not caught up with the reality, so people continued to act foolishly, thinking the money at the end of the rainbow would never end.

People are suffering for this now and in the worst possible ways, cut backs on education and health.
Our history is emigration, there are about 80,000, 000 Irish people living around the world today.
So with this tremendous success came a "new Irish", young spoilt brats that see certain jobs as beneath them. i see that as the price of success.

Polish people filled a void in the Irish job market, by law, they travelled there and worked.
Now economic times are difficult, people need a scapegoat and history has shown us the foreign nationals are usually a good target.
Ireland's economy did not fail because of the Poles.

A perfect example is DEL computers moving from Ireland to Poland.
It was in the media as if it were a big shock and they were fleeing a crumbling economy.
People read what they want to read.
DEL decided to move to Poland 3 years before they did, it was not a secret.
moonlight  6 | 103  
21 Jun 2009 /  #23
most will stay here, setting up their own communities, schools, social outets, and shops, a mini Poland in Ireland.

Irish people have communities in a lot of countries around the world.

It is a plantation, look it up in the dictionary

I know what it means, but you also know that this word (in Ireland) has a strong association with the English settlement in Ireland.

Poles did not ruin the Irish economy.

I agree.... our greedy government, corrupt business men and the hob nobbiness and grand opinions that consumed our citizens.

So with this tremendous success came a "new Irish", young spoilt brats that see certain jobs as beneath them.

totally agree....the same spolit brats are still trying to live the same life as before....


You are anti-EU?

This is a public forum and I signed up to see things from a Polish perspective,

I think Polish came to Ireland to take an opportunity, to provide for their families and build a better future for themselves - like the Irish have done on many occassions - there is a hugh number of Irish who are now in Australia and America. Its swings and roundabouts - give and take.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
21 Jun 2009 /  #24
You are anti-EU?

i hope im not counted in this?
moonlight  6 | 103  
21 Jun 2009 /  #25
sorry that was a mistake :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
21 Jun 2009 /  #26
So I ask the polish community, just how many poles are in Ireland?

I will tell you If you tell me why Irish people are pink. OK ?
irishdeano  5 | 304  
21 Jun 2009 /  #27
What are you getting at?
OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #28
the bearded one Gerry Adams

There is only one Provo Sinn Fein, thus one leader, Gerry Adams.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
21 Jun 2009 /  #29
Really is that right? Your in dublin arent you? what has sinn fein in the south ever done for the north?

quit with your bull ****.

First u were talking about 200,000, Do you know what its the like of poles who are going to stop all the trouble in northern ireland why? because people are mixing more. The funny thing i found about alot of racists, there the 1s who wont go out and find work, i can laugh i've heard guys talk about polish,lithunian,hungarian whatever race coming taking are jobs and the best thing is they havent worked a day in there life.

Answer this what has the polish done to you?
How have the affected your life

OP RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #30

What ********? There is only one Provisional Sinn Fein, it is a 32 county movement. Why are you refering to Ireland in partitionist terms, north and south?

I am a minority in the area of West Dublin I reside in. Poles are the majority. It has been turned into a Polish colony.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Modern Plantation for Poles in IrelandArchived