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Journalist seeking contact to Polish people in Ireland

journalist 1 | -  
29 Jan 2008 /  #1
Dear all,

I am a journalist working for the German magazine GEO, a monthly publication similar to National Geographic. Currently I am preparing an extensive reportage about migration throughout Europe. The idea is to link different countries and their migration-situation by accompanying people from place to place. One part of the story could be travelling with a Polish person from their Polish home to Ireland who would be willing to share their personal experience with me (why do their work abroad, what are the conditions there, what are the feelings about leaving...). That means I would like to spend a couple of days with this person in Poland as well as in Ireland. Ideally within the next couple of months, or even around Eastern when a lot of people might be going home for a visit.

I just came across this forum and thought I post my idea here. Maybe you are interested or know someone else I could get in touch with. And if there are any questions please let me know.

Best regards from Hamburg, Germany
Ines Possemeyer
quando - | 4  
30 Jan 2008 /  #2
Bank of Ireland launched its Polish business proposition in July 2007, with a specific package targeted at those Polish nationals thinking of setting up businesses in Ireland. The bank offers: two years free banking; translated versions of all its account-opening documentation; and a comprehensive start up guide. Polish-speaking business advisors are also provided and the bank holds regular enterprise evenings during which Polish entrepreneurs give advice. The next meeting is taking place in Cork on 20 February.

Check it out and report!

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Journalist seeking contact to Polish people in IrelandArchived