Aside from the anti-Polish feelings which appear to be at epidemic proportions amongst native Brits (according to some forum members) have any Poles in Britain experienced any problems from other ethnic groups in the UK? The few times I've ever heard anything negative about the recent influx from eastern europe it has come from(mainly) second generation immigrants.
Brits and Poles - can't we all just... get along?
have any Poles in Britain experienced any problems from other ethnic groups in the UK?
why concentrate on negtive experiences,,, how about some positive ones as well.
have any Poles in Britain experienced any problems from other ethnic groups in the UK?
There was this dude, I think he was Carribean, he drove straight into me. We both have dents now. These ethnic groups I tell ya...
- Telephone Pole
24 Sep 2007 / #4
I like you, do you like me?
who are you talking to?
24 Sep 2007 / #6
No-one, another borat style useless spam post by me pulling my hair out ;)
you could always start another thread
'do you prefer men with or without hair?'
'do you prefer men with or without hair?'

Yeah, I experience some problems from my Polish flatmate. He promised to wash my pots and knives after use, but he seldom does it.
26 Sep 2007 / #10
Aside from the anti-Polish feelings which appear to be at epidemic proportions amongst native Brits
I think everything is depend where are u living I m polish have been all over manchester many diferent pleaces. Sadly now time for middleotn in manchester. Pleace full of arogante knobheads who always has something to say against me when I mention I ma polish. I would say I say better educated as more opened brits are. Hoodie boys with can of stella know **** all about who we are and one what they can do give abuse etc. I know many dicent brits who I like but general view its recently very negative. You tabloids love **** of new arrivals. We are still at the bottom of the list hehe, far behind all asians, africans etc. Everything just need a time hope will change in good way
with regards
26 Sep 2007 / #11
Hoodie boys with can of stella know **** all about who we are and one what they can do give abuse etc
Hey Sammy, their not just a problem for foreigners. The're a **** stain on the whole of Britain that needs to be cleaned.
26 Sep 2007 / #12
Hey Sammy, their not just a problem for foreigners. The're a **** stain on the whole of Britain that needs to be cleaned.
Just do something and stop fuckin crying
Just do something and stop fuckin crying
26 Sep 2007 / #13
Im sorry what the ****? I wasnt digging at you, I was digging at the very kind of Brits that both embarrass my country and that dig at YOU. get your facts right francis...
26 Sep 2007 / #14
get your facts right francis...
get your facts right francis...
I beg your parodm
26 Sep 2007 / #15
oh its a figure of speech, lighten up! what I said earlier wasnt aimed at you at ALL.
maybe this is why they dont like you? meeeooow pull your claws in sammy.
Wander around a scummy neighbourhood and be surprised not to get a warm welcome, welcome to planet earth 21st century style i'd say. And as for being "at the back of the cue behind asians etc|" ,course you bloomin are,you came after them,thats what cues are,or did you expect some preferential treatment for being white?
Wander around a scummy neighbourhood and be surprised not to get a warm welcome, welcome to planet earth 21st century style i'd say. And as for being "at the back of the cue behind asians etc|" ,course you bloomin are,you came after them,thats what cues are,or did you expect some preferential treatment for being white?
why concentrate on negtive experiences,,, how about some positive ones as well
I won't bore you all with examples of cross-cultural and inter-ethnic fun I have experienced or witnessed in my life.
But I might just mention how much fun you can have sharing eachother's languages' animal noises.
If you already speak the same language, but come from different backgrounds,
try sharing some animalistic noises in a different way - it can still be pleasurable.
Did I just say that? Oh my word!
For the purposes of this thread, please note: I am not a real donkey - just a man dressed up as one for forum purposes only!
Don't you all think its strange how we are both the same colour.....Worship the same god......and come from the same continent.....but judging from this post we don't seem to be able to find a decent f***ing word to say about one another???
Don't you all think its strange how we are both the same colour.....
Ours is better.
Worship the same god
You don't worship any.
christoner 1 | 20
28 Sep 2007 / #20
why do discussions always seem to end in negative conversation i am a brit i am proud to be british i have some great values i have some very horrible ones i am human '
the most positive thing about me is i LOVE everyone untill they **** me off
the most positive thing about me is i LOVE everyone untill they **** me off