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Why British murder Polish?

Eliza  1 | 1  
19 Jul 2008 /  #1
Why so many Polish have been murdered in UK ?

Why they burn Polish houses ?

Why they hold Polish in forced labor camps ?

Why they vandalise Polish shops ?

Why they write anti Polish slogans on Polish houses ?

Why this process is strongly supported by UK's public media.
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
19 Jul 2008 /  #2
It is only a very, very small and sick minority that display anti-Polish sentiments.

As fars as I'm concerned, it's great to have some new Polish mates in the UK :)

Why this process is strongly supported by UK's public media.

That's not true at all. The Daily Mail may have a very right-wing attitude, blaming immigration for problems in UK society, however they would never condone this type of behavior.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
19 Jul 2008 /  #3
It seems to me that person who wrote the original post might actually only get their thoughts from the media (which often only reports the negative things) and nowhere else.

There are many Polish people living in my area none of them have been murdered, none have had their houses set on fire, none have had anti-Polish slogans written on their houses. None have been in labour camps. In fact, they are all part of the community.

The three Polish shops nearby are all part of the community and have never been vandalised.

Yes, there have been instances of violence, murder and vandalism around the COUNTRY but then the victims have not all been Polish.

It is only a very, very small and sick minority that display anti-Polish sentiments.

Barney  19 | 1749  
19 Jul 2008 /  #4
cos they dont like noimmigration
19 Jul 2008 /  #5
Why so many Polish have been murdered in UK?
News is news, and a foreign person being killed in the country will always make the headlines.
“So many”, I can think of four Polish people that have been killed in the UK out of nearly a million. A bit over the top here don’t you think!!

Why they burn Polish houses?

Why they hold Polish in foreced laubor camps?
Forced labour camps lol If you are referring to the fruit farms because that is the only thing I can think of, I met my wife on one of these farms and they are nothing like you describe. People have a choice they can work or leave it is up to them.

Why they vandalise Polish shops?
Please quote a reference to this because I have never heard of this, not saying that it hasn’t happened but I don’t think you can use this as a generalisation!

Why they write anti Polish slogans on Polish houses?
In 2002, I lived in Lublin and we went to the Independence Day celebrations in the town square. When we arrived, there were a lot of nationalists campaigning against Poland’s entry to the EU. Included in this bunch, there were many skinheads shouting Poland for Pole’s and such like, and they heard me talking to my wife and started to spit on us including my two-year-old daughter. The Police came, ushered us away, and told us to go home, so we went.

One of the skinheads must have followed us home because that night we had about twenty of them outside our flat shouting and throwing dog faeces at our windows. They were calling my wife a prostitute among other things.

We called the Police who came 10 mins later, but by that time they had gone.
My point is that I love this country that I have made my home, and have met many Polish people who I regard as my closest friends. And I am not going to be so stupid as to dam a nation for a few mindless idiots sharing a brain cell and deprive myself of meeting good and honest Polish people.

Why this process is strongly supported by UK's public media.
I refer to LondonChick’s answer for this.
Instead of being so blinded by media, find out the information for yourself; then maybe you will not make so sweeping generalisations.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Jul 2008 /  #6
The Daily Mail may have a very right-wing attitude

Wrong. Xenophobic doesn't have to mean right-wing... Actually real right-wing (pro free market, bigger competition etc.) would rather be for opening the labor market for people from new EU states. "They steal our jobs" sh*it is rather national-socialistic...

and they heard me talking to my wife and started to spit on us including my two-year-old daughter. The Police came, ushered us away, and told us to go home, so we went.

19 Jul 2008 /  #7
I think Eliza is having a dark day.
19 Jul 2008 /  #8

No way should be sorry mate... as I said you don't blame a nation for a few idiots :)
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
19 Jul 2008 /  #9
Wrong. Xenophobic doesn't have to mean right-wing... Actually real right-wing (pro free market, bigger competition etc.) would rather be for opening the labor market for people from new EU states. "They steal our jobs" sh*it is rather national-socialistic...

Yup - fair point, and I'd agree with that. Bit of a heavy head this morning after being out on the cider last night.

I think Eliza is having a dark day.

what gave you that impression? LOL!!
19 Jul 2008 /  #10
Wrong. Xenophobic doesn't have to mean right-wing... Actually real right-wing (pro free market, bigger competition etc.) would rather be for opening the labor market for people from new EU states."They steal our jobs" sh*it is rather national-socialistic...

I'd agree to a certain extent, but it strikes me as highly unfair when I hear about foreigners coming to my country who are recieving loans for studies from the taxes that I have to pay, (And they'll be getting the real good jobs!) where I wasn't even allowed to study on my own level in my younger years while I could've easily done that!

So I'm just going to disagree with any person who tells me to be more competitive. Because if you want to study, then you'll need money! (Just a while back I couldn't even get a simple job where people from other countries could!) So how are people like me supposed to be competitive then? Well, I'm working on my opportunities right now, and I'm happy someone gave me a fair chance, but I do think the whole situation has been a waste of valuable time and not exactly fair either?

I really believe that in this way we'll be keeping a segragation between the classes we shouldn't want to have. Why not look at the individual talent a person may, or may not have, and actually do something with this piece of information? Wether those persons would be coming from working class, middle class or upper class shouldn't even matter..

Fair chances, fair treatment? Freedom of the individual and stimulation of personal development? That's what Liberals are supposed to be all about aren't they?

I think I'm a bit of a socialistic-liberal?

It is only a very, very small and sick minority that display anti-Polish sentiments.

You're right ofcourse! And eventhough I might sound like it a little sometimes, I have no anti-anything sentiments, but I do promote equality, equal treatment and equal opportunity!
19 Jul 2008 /  #11
what gave you that impression? LOL!!

negative/unbalanced post lucking proof LOL
WooPee  1 | 124  
19 Jul 2008 /  #12
Eliza, I don't know why.. But I know that United Kingdom has the biggest hate crime rate (shame!), highest racist crime rate (shame!) and highesr crime rate at all in Europe..
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Jul 2008 /  #13
Why they hold Polish in foreced laubor camps ?

WTF, this is 2008, not 1939.

WooPee - prove it.
19 Jul 2008 /  #14
WooPee - prove it.

I'll second that!
WooPee  1 | 124  
19 Jul 2008 /  #15
WooPee - prove it.

VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
19 Jul 2008 /  #16
Moan Moan Moan Moan Moan Moan Moan

Look how easy your life is compared to a decade ago

Look at the opportunities you have compared to your parents

Look how easy you have it compared to other UK immigrants

Look how quickly your country is changing whilst you are not there

Look at the difficulties immigrants face in Poland compared to those you face in the UK

Look how many of you fled your country as soon as you had the opportunity

Look at yourself before you critise others
19 Jul 2008 /  #17
So where is this proving the forced labour camps?
WooPee  1 | 124  
19 Jul 2008 /  #18
I wasn't saying anything about labour camps, I was saying about biggest crime rates..
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
19 Jul 2008 /  #19
I think that we're moving away from the original topic here - simply put, I think that the OP is either very misguided and naive, or she has simply posted the thread in a lame attempt to be controversial.

[quote=Arien]who are recieving loans for studies from the taxes that I have to pay, (And they'll be getting the real good jobs!) where I wasn't even allowed to study on my own level in my younger years while I could've easily done that!


I completely see where you are coming from. I’ve seen this when I became self-employed. Ethnic groups (I am not referring to Polish in this instance) seemed to be entitled to all kinds of benefits, training courses, support groups etc exclusive to ethnic groups. I wasn’t entitled to this kind of support on the basis of being White British – even though I still faced the same challenges in being self-employed. If anything, I was probably more disadvantaged, because the ethnic groups tend to have a stronger sense of community.

Having said that, I did once attend an event for “women in business” and found it the most patronising pile of clap-trap that I have ever wasted time on. But I did enjoy the free champagne and canapés ;)

Agreed. Equality is the way forward.
WooPee  1 | 124  
19 Jul 2008 /  #20
But you quoted Wroclaw Boy asking of proof.

He asked me to prove mine, not Eliza's statements as I suppose.
19 Jul 2008 /  #21
He asked me to prove mine,

However "crime hotspots" were identified as the UK, Irish Republic, Estonia, Netherlands and Denmark, which all had rates 30% higher than the European average.

I don't think you've proven that the UK has the highest crime rates of Europe by posting any of those articles?
19 Jul 2008 /  #22
He asked me to prove mine, not Eliza's statements as I suppose.

My mistake, apologises :)
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Jul 2008 /  #24
Whoopy doo WooPee, doesnt really support your claims in my opinion.
osiol  55 | 3921  
19 Jul 2008 /  #25

LondonChick  31 | 1133  
19 Jul 2008 /  #26
When I get really hungry, I'll sometimes say to Mr LC.... "ooooh I could murder an Indian" but please be assured that we just wander down Brick Lane for a curry, and no race-crimes are committed :P
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jul 2008 /  #27
I could murder an Indian, LOL

Please, feel free to criticise groups who carry out such heinous attacks but don't put the word British in front of them. Their nationality is merely incidental. I wouldn't class myself as a proud Brit, far from it, but I do object to the intensification of conflict and tension through needless labelling.
19 Jul 2008 /  #28

in answer to all your the above question same reason they happen everywhere else to some other nationality .... media abeit mass media is largely responsible for creating a moral panic within soicety as a whole and when society feels threathened by the panic it reacts as it does to protect itself ... sometimes people think they are a law unto themselves and do things that is generally frowned upon by the minority in society that try to stand up for folks and situations and put themselves in a position of displeasement within society .....

i could go on and on .... but i wont ... im sure many will air the same validated reasons i have given above if not more so
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
19 Jul 2008 /  #29
This thread is not a good one.
19 Jul 2008 /  #30
where is Eliza?

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