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What is it with black culture in the UK?

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
11 Jun 2009 /  #1
I'm not usually one to judge people by race, but more and more I hear news about knife crime, murders and gang culture in the larger cities. Any answers?
Vincent  8 | 800  
11 Jun 2009 /  #2
I'm not one to judge people by race either, but I would say some of the crime may be "drugs" related.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jun 2009 /  #3
but I would say some of the crime may be "drugs" related.

Too much or too little or just like an uncle?.
Vincent  8 | 800  
11 Jun 2009 /  #4
just plain old drug trafficking.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jun 2009 /  #5
What is it with black culture in the UK?

This is a silly thread.
Black culture = knife crime, murders and gang culture, does it?.

You might be talking about Gangster black types from dodgy places in the U.S.

I really don't care, this is a very stupid thread so it is bound, by definition, to be very popular.
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
11 Jun 2009 /  #6
It is not just blacks as you eloquently put it that carry out knife crimes and that ... this crime happens principally yes in large cities namely knife happy places especially Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, London its a sign of the time Gang culture is evident in all societies not just UK but across Europe and Murders happen just the non story grabbing ones you never hear about ... Polish people being murdered, kids being murdered, people commiting suicide these make story headlines across all media platforms to provoke a mass panic within society which has been duly caused in some respect by the media in the first place.
Vincent  8 | 800  
11 Jun 2009 /  #7
Black culture = knife crime,

Yes no way does black culture = knife crime. I expect David has read about gang murders in black communities within large Uk cities.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jun 2009 /  #8
what about the culture in Limerick?

Vincent  8 | 800  
11 Jun 2009 /  #9
Ah that's nothing:) A few miles from me is the most dangerous street in the UK.

Shocking plight of the street where law abiding families are too scared to go out 915 crimes in 7 months.. 3 murders in 8 weeks.. 4 stabbings, muggings, burglaries or thefts EVERY DAY on the most dangerous road in Britain

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
11 Jun 2009 /  #10
Any answers?

not really. There are usually many factors which contribute to the issue you have described without giving many details.
fitz  - | 3  
14 Jun 2009 /  #11
I think there've always been knife gangs/street gangs in big cities and towns, I remember hearing about some group called the "Peaky Blinders" in the north of England (probably just the name the newspapers gave them). Apparently the idea was to to scar their enemies rather than try to kill them.

Funnily enough I once sat next to a young guy on a flight to Poland, He was going out to teach English (I think), and was from either Liverpool or Manchester, I can't remember now. Anyway he had a very long scar on his cheek after 'falling out with the wrong people'. So maybe that culture's still there.

But knifing to kill someone, and also gun culture, comes from the States. It used to be considered definitely not macho to use guns or weapons just to win a fight, almost cowardly, but now it's sort of the opposite.
Davey  13 | 388  
14 Jun 2009 /  #12
British black people are cute =)
Archer2009  - | 5  
12 Jul 2009 /  #13

I'm not usually one to judge people by race, but more and more I hear news about knife crime, murders and gang culture in the larger cities. Any answers?

How is any of that a Black Culture Issue?

And how do you even begin to define Black?

People from Africa will have a different culture to those from the west Indies for example.

As for knife crimes - they keep reporting stabbings in the news all the time so young people think they need a knife to protect themselves, which in turn leads to even more knife crimes and so on and so forth...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Jul 2009 /  #14
And how do you even begin to define Black?

Errm, someone with black skin.

How is any of that a Black Culture Issue?

Guns, knife crime, jack rolling, rape is more prevalent amongst blacks...do you need to me to go on?


The above are already here and born here!

We let these people in to the uk


As for knife crimes - they keep reporting stabbings in the news all the time so young people think they need a knife to protect themselves, which in turn leads to even more knife crimes and so on and so forth...

Look at the stats for knifings and you will see that the majority of crimes are black on black.
Chi019  - | 2  
25 Sep 2009 /  #15
These racial crime trends are consistent across the world. Testosterone for instance explains part of the difference in men committing more crime than women.

East Asians (Chinese, Japanese ancestry) have lower testosterone levels on average than whites, who have lower levels than blacks. East Asians also have lower crime rates in the UK, US and other western countries than whites, who have lower crime rates than blacks.


Another factor may be low activity variant of MAO-A which can put someone at greater risk of aggressive behaviour - this varies in frequency amongst ethnic groups.

Another factor sometimes cited is cognitive ability, for instance low iq puts someone at greater risk failing at school and dropping out. They are then more at risk of joining gangs etc. Groups differ in average iq. This is probably due to both genetic and environmental factors. gnxp.com/blog/2007/10/james-watson-tells-inconvenient-truth_296.php

psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/P&E%20Crime.pdf - (worldwide crime figures)
southern  73 | 7059  
25 Sep 2009 /  #16
Another factor sometimes cited is cognitive ability

This is the difference between the black and the white.The Black is usually so dumb that he gets caught easily.
Chi019  - | 2  
25 Sep 2009 /  #17
This low variant MAO-A gene varies amongst groups.

"Boys who carry a particular variation of the gene Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the "warrior gene," are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members and to use weapons, according to a new study from The Florida State University that is the first to confirm an MAOA link specifically to gangs and guns."

southern  73 | 7059  
25 Sep 2009 /  #18
a particular variation of the gene Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the "warrior gene," are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members

You just have to identify the carriers of MAOA gene in the population and imprison them.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
1 Oct 2009 /  #19
I remember hearing about some group called the "Peaky Blinders" in the north of England

I seem to recall hearing ofthem. Were they not the people who put blades under their cap peaks, so they could just whip the cap across someone's face in a fight?

I was always told never to grab a guy's lapels in-case he had razor blades sown underneath.

"Boys who carry a particular variation of the gene Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), sometimes called the "warrior gene," are more likely not only to join gangs but also to be among the most violent members and to use weapons,

What about girls, who are often more vicious and often ready to use weapons (shoes, bottles etc)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Oct 2009 /  #20
Why do blacks, in every country they emigrate to, per capita, commit more crimes than the natives?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
1 Oct 2009 /  #21
The natives are too lazy ?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
1 Oct 2009 /  #22
No. They work and pay their taxes, funding the mass breeding of blacks through welfare. ;)

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