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Anti-Polish sentiment of England

Blackzilla  - | 17  
2 Jan 2008 /  #181
It works both ways. I am sure white and asian people have been attacked by black people but on the whole tolerance is accepted more in this country than eastern europe could ever wish for thats the reality. I am sure that the stupid blacks that live in eastern europe have hardly any legislation in place that protects them and give allows them equal rights. Just admit it the evidence is stacked up against yous.
Buddy  7 | 167  
3 Jan 2008 /  #182
hopefully though she will soon die

Some how I think you are more likely to die, consumed by your own burning hatred.
For someone who really dislikes the whole Polish thing, why on earth do you spend so much time online ranting it really is bizarre?

Perhaps you had a bad experience with a polish girl within the last two years and are still controlled by vitriolic hatred for all things Polish. Its unhealthy, you need to let go.

Your deliberate attempts to upset, insult and anger people is a reflection of the emotions you have inside you. This needs changing, for your own sake. This constant repetative posting is bordering on the obssesive, sitting infront of a screen typing bilious remarks is bad energy.

And you know this. You need to exorcise your inner demons.

I am sure that the stupid blacks that live in eastern europe have hardly any legislation in place that protects them and give allows them equal rights

???????? are you on drugs?
DumbYankee71  - | 18  
4 Jan 2008 /  #183
and it's paying off sir, every day and in every way.

And in conclusion.. the above surly comments do not apply to: Led Zeppelin, Tony Blair, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, The Who, Benny Hill and any of the surviving Hill's Angels, Elvis Costello (whoops he lives here now).
UKGUY  3 | 87  
17 Jan 2008 /  #184
Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly. Polish people are like Russians, they have similar attitudes and mentality. Mabey the British should come to Romania: its the not been invaded by Poles (yet). Romanains don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
17 Jan 2008 /  #185
ok,redundant now as noimagination has removed his usual message of peace n love....but....
no they wouldnt,Romanians much prefer Italy ,and frankly ,who can blame them? :)
La Dolce Vita or a wet saturday night with fish n chips?
Sadek  4 | 136  
17 Jan 2008 /  #186
Romanains don't like the Polish

we are example for them, their government copy our in every action and the best argument in Romania is to say "Poles do it"
UKGUY  3 | 87  
17 Jan 2008 /  #187
Well I get alot of abuse from Poles becuase I am Romanian.
Sadek  4 | 136  
17 Jan 2008 /  #188
I am really sory about that. I don't abuse Romanians in Poland and they are here, last time I see more and more Romanians in Poland.

Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly

advertisment ;-)
UKGUY  3 | 87  
18 Jan 2008 /  #189
The British people just feel a bit cross about the massive numbers comming in from eastern europe (mostly from Poland). Its not nasty, but you can understand, it gives the impression that people are very desperate indeed... The government never asked people if its what the wanted, suddenly you walk down the street and every other person has a slavice accent.
BelindaQ  - | 4  
25 Jan 2008 /  #190
There is no place arabs in Europe.

I accept and I allow jews in europe
plk123  8 | 4119  
25 Jan 2008 /  #191
i'm not big on biggots.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
25 Jan 2008 /  #192
There is no place arabs in Europe.

I accept and I allow jews in europe

ooh,how big of you,yank.......or is it moscally?
my apologies,canuck........just goes to prove national stereotypes are not always right....most people think Canadians are smashing folks...guess you prove the exeption....
BelindaQ  - | 4  
25 Jan 2008 /  #193
again, it was my opinion.
isthatu  3 | 1164  
25 Jan 2008 /  #194
which your perfectly entitled too,just not sure how much a canadian schoolgirl really has to say on the subject of the thread which had zip all to do with Arabs or Jewish people......
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
25 Jan 2008 /  #195

do you find it easy to make friends...?
El Gato  4 | 351  
25 Jan 2008 /  #196
Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly. Polish people are like Russians, they have similar attitudes and mentality. Mabey the British should come to Romania: its the not been invaded by Poles (yet). Romanains don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.

If Polish people don't like Romanians its because of people like you, who spread filth, and still get nowhere in life. Enjoy the rest of your miserable existance.


-The cold hearted Pole, who is more like a Russian, and has absolutely no British friends because he begs for jobs too much.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
25 Jan 2008 /  #197
Quoting UKguy :
Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly. Polish people are like Russians, they have similar attitudes and mentality. Mabey the British should come to Romania: its the not been invaded by Poles (yet). Romanains don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania. [/quote]

What? Aren't Romanians doing petty jobs in Poland already and wishing to do it in UK? ...as soon as they allow you...hehehehe
Trolls will have a field day with you then :)
isthatu  3 | 1164  
26 Jan 2008 /  #198
Aren't Romanians doing petty jobs in Poland already and wishing to do it in UK? ...as soon as they allow you...hehehehe

one word,no.
the romanians,on the whole prefer italy than the UK....but,never mind,you just carry on the bigotry....
DumbYankee71  - | 18  
26 Jan 2008 /  #199
So now we have to hate the Romanians... Make up your mind. Met a few Romanians in the US.. they were nice people, trying to make it like anybody else. What the hell?

.. relax.
Blackzilla  - | 17  
23 Mar 2008 /  #200
Eastern Europeans are all mingers anyway. They have no style they are so unfashionable. We just laugh at them especially when they try to act street.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Mar 2008 /  #201
Who made u the judge of style then? The Poles just brought English nationalism back out of hibernation. I've talked to many people here and they say the Scots are far more accommodating. Gotta agree.
tomtom  - | 1  
21 Apr 2008 /  #202
I am Polish and I have lot of friends from Romania. I have been twice in Romania and this is beautiful country. Polish know nothing about Romania. They think that in Romania live gypsies because only they visit Poland. Finally in any country you can find narrow-minded resists also in Poland. I am sorry for that ;( and for my English.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
21 Apr 2008 /  #203
We just laugh at them especially when they try to act street.

Yeeaah Bruv.
time means  5 | 1309  
21 Apr 2008 /  #204
hey el gato thats a great avatar.the polish get **** in the papers because they are white and christian, thus an easy target. what the press wish to report they are not allowed to due to the pc ******** that prevails in this country.i know people who left school when i did (in the 80s) and have never worked. give me any number poles who come over here and work above these people.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
1 May 2008 /  #205
The miserable wretch calling himself 'UKGUY' has scribbled: 'Romanains [SIC] don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.'

- If 'Romanains' don't like the Poles, why the hell do you stick to this forum like a louse to hair? Eh, creep? In this, you resemble another Polonophobic ethnic (Jewish?) psychopath, the one calling itself 'Michal.' Nope, we don't have to come to Rumania, because Rumanians are already in Poland - scores of them, panhandling in the streets. It's a fact. I'll tell you what: historically, it's only fair we shouldn't like you - isn't it you who were on Hitler's side in WWII, killing numerous Poles? And how repulsively, how shamelessly you, Rumanian 'UKguy', are flattering the British -'Come to Rumania, don't come to Poland.' And you dare to criticise us, Poles, for allegedly 'begging the British for jobs and money'? Don't you have any brains left, any shame? As for the British, who cares if they come to Poland? I certainly don't - you, Rumanians, can take them lock, stock and barrel into your grand country. Thanks God, the Poles are leaving UK en masse now - hurraaah! Let the Third World keep on pouring in - and Rhumanians.


Says Seanus: 'The Poles just brought English nationalism back out of hibernation.'

- Nope, it's not the Poles; it's the media psychopaths in England who by depicting the Poles as a major - if not the sole - UK 'immigration' problem have brainwashed the English public into hating the Poles. Well, historically we are used to the English acting towards us with, to use Orwell's expression, 'unheard of meanness' (Yalta, Cold War). Do you believe in the thing called 'karma,' or law of cause and effect? I do, and I really hope I live long enough to see it come around.


A racist psycho calling itself 'Blackazilla' scribbles: 'Eastern Europeans are all mingers anyway. They have no style they are so unfashionable. We just laugh at them especially when they try to act street.'

- Well, and we just laugh at all the 'blackazillas' when they attempt to act whitazilla.
El Gato  4 | 351  
1 May 2008 /  #206
Polish people are generally quite hostile and so are many British people. Thats why the Poles like it in England, becuase they are cold hearted. In contrast us Romanians are more open hearted and friendly. Polish people are like Russians, they have similar attitudes and mentality. Mabey the British should come to Romania: its the not been invaded by Poles (yet). Romanains don't like the Polish (begging the British people for jobs and money) and I hope that they don't come to Romania.

You sound like an advertisement...."buy our product instead"
Puzzy  1 | 150  
1 May 2008 /  #207
Once more the bizarre creature calling itself 'Blackazilla': 'I am sure that the stupid blacks that live in eastern europe have hardly any legislation in place that protects them...'

- Hence they should get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Leave, please.
PS. Let them go to UK. They'll be loved there and be able to pay back those 'Eastern European' oppressors.

I can see that practically nothing has changed in this forum: the same hate-mongers and crazed Polonophobes are allowed to rage and spread their hatred against the Polish people. That's why it is so unpleasant to come in here. That's why many decent intelligent Polish - and, I imagine, non-Polish people - stay away from this forum. Take the (Jewish?) Polonophobic psychopath calling itself 'Michal.' Why is he still here? Why haven't you kicked him out long ago? Lots of people avoid this forum because of this living crap. Or why the (negro?) cretin calling itself 'Blackazilla' is allowed to rage here? If I wrote as offensively about negroes as he scribbles about us, the administration of this forum would kick me out instantly. I remember a Norwegan guy kicked out on the spot for some negative remarks about Jews. But the worst insults about Poles by the lowest Polonophobic racists seem to be allowed to be spread out with total impunity. Why? What the f...? This 'Polish Forums' is thus, whether some want it or not, a Polonophobic hate propaganda medium, not different than a rag such as the Daily Mail in England. What the f...?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
2 May 2008 /  #208
the same hate-mongers and crazed Polonophobes are allowed to rage and spread their hatred against the Polish people.

you forgot to mention the same shite talking polaks - surely thats discriminatory

are you a polonophobe?
RockyMason  19 | 250  
2 May 2008 /  #209
I can see that practically nothing has changed in this forum: the same hate-mongers and crazed Polonophobes are allowed to rage and spread their hatred against the Polish people.

Hey I can c where he is coming from! It's rude when people move into your country don't bother to learn the language and expect jobs! Especially when u don't have enough jobs for ur citizens and when the immigrants do get work they get paid under the table and send it back home! If u want to be polish stay in poland if u want to be english move to england! It's really that simple!!!

I really hate all the Mexican'ts moving here! Michal all i can say is don't complain because I'll take an illegal pole over a Mexican't anyday! At least u can walk down the street without gettin jumped in a polish town! At least they don't all join gangs and run dope up and down the street! Also poles i would imagine would b afraid to go to prison! Mexican'ts have it better in prison than in Tijuana so.......don't complain u have it good in the UK DUDE! KEEP THE POLONOPHOBIA DOWN BRO! My GF is polish! If u want to preach hate make a polandsucksforums.com or something
espana  17 | 951  
2 May 2008 /  #210

welcome back puzzler!!!!!!!!

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Anti-Polish sentiment of EnglandArchived