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Reaching Warsaw airport from Warsaw Central Train Station? WIFI?

baki  6 | 11  
17 Jun 2007 /  #1
Hi, people!
I should be going to Poland next August, and need some information. I will arrive by train to Warsaw Central Train Station from Belgrade. So, I need a (if possible) detailed instruction how to reach the Warsaw airport by public transport, and how much does the transport tickets in Warsaw cost. Also, what is the relation between Euro and Polish zlot?

Thank you very much in forward!!!
ladystardust  - | 84  
18 Jun 2007 /  #2
Hello baki,
that's easy - you just take bus no 175 from the train station and it goes straight to the terminals (check the direction: it should go towards "Port lotniczy im. F. Chopina") . The travel time is around 20 minutes (if there's no traffic; when the traffic is huge, it may be up to 1hour :/). The cost of the ticket is 2,40 for an adult, to be on the safe side you may also buy an additional ticket for the luggage (2,40, same as for you) - theoretically, you don't need it anymore, but there are still ticket inspectors who will have a huge problem if you travel with a big bag without the additional ticket.

Relation Euro - PLNs is about 1 Euro = 3,80 PLN
OP baki  6 | 11  
19 Jun 2007 /  #3
Thank you very much! This info is very important to me, in order, not to get lost in the midst of an unknown city!
Fantasy  1 | 13  
29 Jun 2007 /  #4
if you want to make it simple i suggest a taxi ... maximum 40 pln (approx 10 euros)
OP baki  6 | 11  
30 Jun 2007 /  #5
Naaah, I guess the publuic transport is fine.....where can I buy the tickets for it?
17 Feb 2008 /  #6
[Moved from]: wifi in warsaw

Hello, i'm going to go to poland for six months, and I want to know if there are public spaces with free wifi to connect to internet. Pubs, gardens, libraries... Where Could I find wifi? Thank you!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 Feb 2008 /  #7
There are some but few...
Hiro  - | 33  
17 Feb 2008 /  #8
Few? I can't agree...

Try this: hot.spots.pl/eng/ - Hot Spots

or this: computerworld.pl/hotspot/1.html

this one is good (but in polish language only): wardrive.pl/maps.php?city=20 - wardrive
8 May 2008 /  #9
Hi everyone!
I'll be travelling to Warsaw this Tuesday,can anyone suggest me the nearest Railway Station from Airport in Warsaw? I have to go to Gdansk fron Warsaw.
cyven  - | 1  
11 Dec 2008 /  #10
[Moved from]: Warsaw airport train Station??

I need the name of the Warsaw airport train station to get there from Warsaw Central Station.

Will be arrivinf there from Krakow first time...
Thanks a million
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
11 Dec 2008 /  #11
Best way of finding out is too google it!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
13 Dec 2008 /  #12
There is at the moment no train station in Warsaw airport. Correction - there is one under Terminal 2, just finished, but it has as yet no rail link to the main line.

Public transport to the city center: take bus 175 and prepare for traffic jams.
Taking a taxi will result in a much more expensive journey.... not much longer as the bus.
And beware of pickpockets on the 175 - it is notorious they tell...
dcchris  8 | 432  
13 Dec 2008 /  #13
another way is to take a tram to okencie and then a taxi from there
arnold8883  - | 1  
26 Apr 2009 /  #14
Apr 26, 09, 23:10 - Thread attached on merging:
varsow train station

İn June me and my friends will go to Varsow with plane.But we must go to Krakow then we have to find train station in Varsow.is it far to airport?how will we go to train station?

l will appreciate if any person answer my questions.

What do u suggest us to go to train station?walk or taxi or bus?
McCoy  27 | 1268  
26 Apr 2009 /  #15

too far away


could be expensive


probably the best option.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
26 Apr 2009 /  #16
Bus the regular bus is okay as long as you have your tickets (buy them in the airport you can't buy them in the bus itself) and keep your wits about you.

There used to be (and may still be) a special, more expensive shuttle bus DO NOT TAKE IT!!!! Everything I've ever heard is that it's far less safe than the regular 175 (which I've taken a number of times with no ill effects).

Also taxis have a habit of trying to rip off foreigners, even if traffic is a little heavy anything over 50 zloties to the train station is a complete rip off.
Lonman  4 | 109  
9 May 2009 /  #17
If this helps.... In Dec I flew into Warsaw a/p arriving in the morning. Took a taxi to central train station and caught one of the many trains running to Krakow. This was on a Saturday. Easy. Did the reverse on the way back. When a tad confused I found the Poles very helpful.
tarekelghar  - | 1  
23 Sep 2009 /  #18
Hi every body

i am planing to visit poland next week and i really wonder if there is any direct or convinent flight from the united arab emirates to Poland, appreciate your advice

again i wnated to know if there is any place in Warsaw that must be visited during my stay?

thank you in adance

bbbadv  - | 6  
24 Sep 2009 /  #19
IMHO there are no direct flight and most popular transfer airports are Frankfurt (Lufthansa) and Istambul (Turkish Airlines). Warsaw as other big cities has a lot to offer (depends what you like) but I strongly recommend Old City, Lazienki Park, Wilanow because those are Warsaw highlights.

Jay24  12 | 64  
24 Sep 2009 /  #20
I know Frankfurt is a main hub for many non European arrivals and departures so you might be able to fly into there and then get a connecting flight to Warsaw.

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