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Do Polish Railway Stations have Rest Rooms

PolishNeighbour 4 | 12  
23 Jan 2009 /  #1
Can I find some clean and comfortable Rest Rooms / Waiting rooms (with Public Conveniences (WCs etc)) at Railway Stations at Krakow, Warsaw and Malbork for spending 2-3 hours?

Do I need to pay for them? (How Much?)
Do i need to show that I am waiting for a connecting train?
23 Jan 2009 /  #2
Krakow not as I remember as the toilets were not good when I was there a couple of weeks to rest rooms no, but there is a cafe, but it's not too good.

Best to out of the station and find a local bar as there are many quite close where they have clean toilets and can have a good meal. Warsaw is quite similar to Krakow as regards facilities, but again outside the train station there are hotels with bars and restaurants and such.

One of our members Helena Wojtczak did a video diary of her trip to Poland last year and there are some videos of train journeys POLAND TRIP SEPT 2008 Some of my videos.

And you can find more of her videos
23 Jan 2009 /  #3
There is no waiting room at Malbork station. But there are left luggage lockers, use them and then walk into the town centre (only five to ten minutes), have a look round and then find a cafe.
23 Jan 2009 /  #4
But there are left luggage lockers, use them and then walk into the town centre

Good advice Harry I forgot there is the same in Krakow down the stairs, not sure about Warsaw though, but to hazard a guess I suspect there is the same.
OP PolishNeighbour 4 | 12  
23 Jan 2009 /  #5
Thanks Harry and Ukpolska..

I have to wait for about 3 hrs at Malbrok railway station for my connection to Krakow,

have a look round and then find a cafe.

the problem is that its just too late in the night (my train from Kaliningrad leaves me at 2107 hrs and the PKP train picks me up at around midnight, if my homework is alright..)

I hope i can see through the time!!
Krakowianka 1 | 243  
23 Jan 2009 /  #6
Krakow railway is connected to the "Galeria" shopping center, you can clean & free WC. Since its a mall, you have tons of time to shop, sit on a bench & read, cafes, nice selection of places to grab a bite to eat.
OP PolishNeighbour 4 | 12  
23 Jan 2009 /  #7
Thanx Krakowianca, that's a good option!!

you have tons of time to shop,

.. that's great news for my wife too!!
sobieski 106 | 2118  
24 Jan 2009 /  #8
In Warszawa Centralna there is a lounge for people with 1st class tickets (the only decent way to travel here by train). I have never used it (coming from home by tramway and just running to catch my train) but it is supposed to be good.

Also here in Warsaw the "Złoty Tarasy" shopping mall is next door and connected to the train station. Lots of decent places there as well.
Switezianka - | 463  
25 Jan 2009 /  #9
In Warsaw you can also go to Złote Tarasy shopping centre, but the toilets there are not that good.
OP PolishNeighbour 4 | 12  
4 Feb 2009 /  #10
Switezianka & Sobiesky-A belated but hearty thanks ... I have just finished my 6 day trip and will review it shortly on this forum...

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