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Places to visit near Czech border, help please.

samsmith  3 | 23  
24 Apr 2009 /  #1
Me and two friends plan to visit poland in early july. The idea being to visit the czech rep and then a few towns in poland reasonably near the border. ( ie an hours train journey or approx 60 KM).

Anyone like to recomend anywhere ? What we would like is.

Places that are not full with tourists, or at least British tourists as it will not seem like a holiday ( i am English and live in UK).

Somwhere where there is a bit of night life ie a couple of clubs and a few bars.

Fair price for accomadation.

If anything comes to mind please let me know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Apr 2009 /  #2
Jelenia Gora comes to mind - it's cheaper than bigger cities, it's a nice place, but I'm not sure as to how touristic it is in summer (due to Karkonosze being nearby). It's a nice place though, and there's a decent nightlife there from what I can tell.
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Apr 2009 /  #3
Czesczyn and Klodzko come to my mind.Very nice.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Apr 2009 /  #4
Cieszyn you mean?
southern  73 | 7059  
24 Apr 2009 /  #5
Yes,I saw it from the opposite side from Cesky Tesin and it was quite beautiful.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Apr 2009 /  #6
There are a couple of nice bars on both sides. The local beer, Brackie, is good for those that like sweet beers of the Warka Strong ilk. On the Czech side, they have a couple of great places with jukeboxes.
7 May 2009 /  #7
check out our place its right on the boarder
gumishu  15 | 6228  
7 May 2009 /  #8
Kłodzko Duszniki Wambierzyce - all just miles from Czech border

Kłodzko has an impressive 18th century fortress with huge underground labyrinth that can be seen by tourists. And it is a nice old city. Duszniki is a spa and has some pretty parks, pavilions and tasty waters. Wambierzyce is rather small village with and old church which features a chapel of skulls. (a perfect photo thing - to scare your friends :P) They all lie within 30 kms and Kłodzko is about 40 km from Nachod in Czech Republic. Duszniki and Wambierzyce are even closer.

Not far from Nachod and just next to Czech-Polish border (on the Czech side) there is The Stone or Rock City near Adrśpach (and Adrśpaśske steny - I don't know how to insert Czech fonts so used Polish) - it is quite unique, quite famous and a sight to see.

All these lie in quite hilly/mountainous region so appart from seeing towns you can have a trip to the mountains - for example Śnieżnik mountain which lies on Czech Polish border - from the Polish side best approached from Międzygórze. The mountain is the highest Sudety hill outside Karkonosze range (almost 1500 meters high) (or you can go to the Karkonosze and Śnieżka mountain the highest mountain in Sudetes and the highest point in Czech Republic)

oh and these places are rather devoid of English tourists though there can be plenty of older Germans in some of these (especially the Stone/Rock City in Czech Republic)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 May 2009 /  #9
The local beer, Brackie, is good for those that like sweet beers of the Warka Strong ilk.


I made the mistake of buying Warka Strong in a pub. Four half litres later, I was plastered :/
Wroclaw Boy  
7 May 2009 /  #10
Czesczyn and Klodzko come to my mind.Very nice.

Klodzko is a lovely visually pleasing city but man ive never seen so much scum in a city centre in my entire life. I went down there a couple of years ago looking for property and i dont know perhaps it was scumbag day or something.
8 May 2009 /  #11
Książ Castle is definitely worth a visit due to very nice surroundings and rich history.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
8 May 2009 /  #12
Me and two friends plan to visit poland in early july. The idea being to visit the czech rep and then a few towns in poland reasonably near the border. ( ie an hours train journey or approx 60 KM).

Anyone like to recomend anywhere ? What we would like is.

Places that are not full with tourists, or at least British tourists as it will not seem like a holiday ( i am English and live in UK).

Somwhere where there is a bit of night life ie a couple of clubs and a few bars.

Fair price for accomadation.

Dont bother, stick to exploring Czech Rep and do Poland another time, whilst public transport is great, it is slow and not exactly every 10 minutes...There are quite a few great cities to visit, there is life outside of Prauge!
Wroclaw Boy  
8 May 2009 /  #13
there is life outside of Prauge!

What like Hradec Kralowe? If a nice resort in the mountaisn sounds appealing check out Spinderluv Mlyn, its really nice.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 May 2009 /  #14
Hradec Kralowe

No, I did a couple of weeks around Western Bohemia and then down to Slovakia
markcooper  4 | 80  
20 May 2009 /  #15
Kłodzko Duszniki Wambierzyce / Poland - all just miles from Czech border

Thanks for this mate. Can I ask is there anything to do in the evening at these places. ie a few bars / clubs. Not expecting to much but something would be nice.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #16
Brackie is not that good, delphi. It's more of a woman's drink. It has an acquired taste.

Another suggestion would be Ostrava as a bigger place but Cieszyn is the best bet I'd say.
markcooper  4 | 80  
20 May 2009 /  #17
Another suggestion would be Ostrava as a bigger place but Cieszyn is the best bet I'd say.

So Cieszyn i should be able to find a dozen or so bars and maybe a club ? Or somthing like that !
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #18
Definitely bars. A club might be pushing it but you get to mingle with Czechs and Poles there. It's nice as a stopover. They have bars with jukeboxes on the Czech side. It's more practical than the Polish side but the Polish side is prettier.
Vinz  - | 2  
20 May 2009 /  #19
So Cieszyn i should be able to find a dozen or so bars and maybe a club

I've been there quite a few times, its rather a nice place to hang out that a clubbing- town, but however, check retro club (recommended by the locals, whatever that means :) )

On the check side the beer is definitely better, no matter what you think about brackie (I think its crap, to be honest).

In Czeski Tesin is a very nice Tea/ Shisha Bar, its called Chajovnia (or Czaiownia or so), I'd warmly recconed that. You should be able to find both places via google maps.

Also you might enjoy bielsko biala, it has a quite nice inner city and is fairly big, but if you have to choose I'd rather recommend cieszyn.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #20
Ceski Tesin appears to be quite run down when you cross the border but it's good to spend a few hours there. The beer is better, I have to agree. Polish beer is very good but the Czechs are one step ahead. The Czechs there are not overly welcoming unless you engage them. They start to talk then. Zywiec is, relatively speaking, close to the Czech border. I'd really recommend a trip there and at a pensjonat called Mega. What a cracking view!!
markcooper  4 | 80  
20 May 2009 /  #21
could you spend a weekend there, ie a long weekend , arrive friday and leave monday or too long ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #22
Yeah, I guess so. You could have a John Lennon 'lost weekend' there. A weekend is the ideal amount of time there. It gives you some time to get into it and don't forget that there are a few interesting shops there.

I recommend a place called Kora to stay. Wielka Brama street if my memory serves me correctly.
markcooper  4 | 80  
20 May 2009 /  #23
shall take a look at that ( Kora). Just want a half decent B&B really. Probably fly into Ostrava and make my way down.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #24
Kora is a little more expensive but you know where your money goes. You can sign a guestbook there. There are other cheaper places, one at which we stayed.
markcooper  4 | 80  
20 May 2009 /  #25
reckon you can turn up on spec if you didnt want to book in advance ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 May 2009 /  #26
I doubt it, it's a popular place and there isn't that much room. It's privately owned by a couple and should be reserved beforehand.
16 Jun 2009 /  #27
I know it's quite far from Czech Republic, but I'd recommend Szczecin (it's near German border, about 2hours drivin from Berlin). We were traveling through Germany and someone in Berlin told us about that city

We went there last year in summer, nice place, nice people, beautiful girls and really close to the baltic sea with beaches full of ppl. The place was still quite cheap (i mean szczecin, not the small toursit towns near the sea :/ ....) and has interesting architecture with cool WWII history

some guys helped us with guidence, we went to play some paintball, had a camp fire and few polish beers - dzubr, tyski:) very very ql

check on the map in wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szczecin
some events and things to do there: inszczecin.com.pl/


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