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Driving from Faro, Portugal to Krakow, any advice?

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Sep 2008 /  #1
I am driving from Faro, Portugal to Krakow, Poland.
This was not really a planned trip but I bought my plane ticket today and am leaving Saturday week.
I can now take time off work so I will try to take 3/4 weeks to make the journey back.
I am from Ireland and we used to think how great it would be to drive through Europe.
I am thinking from Faro to Barcelona, then Monaco and then up through the Alps???
I miss the sea, so plenty of beaches, I hope.

nice little tapas bar on the corner of calle del carmen and calle de los huevos in valencia

Cool, please tell me everything.

i'm jealous of your European road trips guys... :)

I will take lots of photos (I just got a new camera!. Can't you do road trips in America, route 66 and all?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
8 Sep 2008 /  #2
I am thinking from Faro to Barcelona, then Monaco and then up through the Alps???

nice route - sevilla, gib, valencia, barcelona, monaco, genova, milano, vincenza, ljublijana, vienna, bratislava, krakow

or monaco, lyon, bern, zurich, munchen, praha, bruno, krakow

or just pick up hitch hikers and take them where they want to go

loads of fun

enjoy :)
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Sep 2008 /  #3
or just pick up hitch hikers and take them where they want to go

I do this quite often, as I work here in Poland and in Lithuania, actually I am driving (about 13 hours one way) to Lithuania this week and back.

I don't know anything about these places really, have you been to any of them?.
Any time I see Zurich I think it says Zurek, so you see i need all the advice i can get , ha ha ha
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Sep 2008 /  #4
then Monaco

I drove round the corniche d'or last week - fantastic scenery. Traffic is a bit hectic in Cannes and worth getting back on the motorway to avoid.

If you are going to Monaco best to go later in the evening when traffic quietens down a bit.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Sep 2008 /  #5
worth getting back on the motorway to avoid.

Thanks, You know the way you have a picture in your head about a place , well in my head Monaco looks the Beez Kneez!
Actually the annes brings up another great point any festivals? I could do a good festival or two, I know it is late in the year but party people never sleep, do they?

I have noticed here in Poland and in Ireland and Norway...actually all over the place that the motorways are great for getting from A to B but you miss out on the villages and getting lost part.
8 Sep 2008 /  #6

Sure I've been there.. it's great. On Saturday everybody swims in this river, the Limmat.. It's really clean you can even see the bottom in many places.

8 Sep 2008 /  #7
Can't you do road trips in America, route 66 and all?

well, yes i can and i do... i love road trips and i'm always happy to read about others' adventures...:)

sevilla, gib, valencia, barcelona, monaco, genova, milano, vincenza, ljublijana, vienna, bratislava, krakow

or monaco, lyon, bern, zurich, munchen, praha, bruno, krakow

OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Sep 2008 /  #8
Wahldo fantastic, I am there!

I love to swim! It is amazing that Zurich is a bog city, yet the water is clear and people swim in it.

And PF modifiers remember that the end result is Krakow, Poland. So it is a kind of Europe leading to Poland thread.

Noted by "Modifier" ;)
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Sep 2008 /  #9
Monaco looks the Beez Kneez

Its somewhere you have to visit if you are in the area, but its overated. After you have seen the boats and the Bentleys drive out to stay the night in one of the smaller towns. Somewhere up near Grasse....darn, I am getting jealous.

motorways are great for getting from A to B but you miss out on the villages and getting lost part

True, and dont forget that in France you have to pay a toll every now and then on the motorway.
Barney  19 | 1768  
8 Sep 2008 /  #10
Three to four weeks is tons of time. I used to live in Cadiz and drove to Northern Europe many times. At this time of year the "N" roads are full of migrants trying to get back to work from Morocco etc and it makes the journey slow and frustrating.

Motorway driving is just that, you miss so much but it’s necessary. After Seville spend some time in Granada its worth it. Head to the coast via Lorca and Elche then Alicante,Valencia to Barcelona. I recommend taking the Motorway from Alicante to Barcelona. Eating in Spain is never a problem unless you are a veggie, they use Tuna like salt.

Barcelona is worth spending some time in.

In France along the coast to Nimes then up the Rhone Valley. Don’t be afraid of eating in the caravan things at the side of the road they are great.

Motorways are cheaper in France than Spain. The drivers are mad in France but not as bad as Italy. I would go this way to avoid the Alps but then I was in a VW Camper. Motorway up the Rhone as half of europe is going home in Motorhomes.

Strasbourg Across Germany, Czech Republic, Bob's your uncle.

That should take you about a week. I did Cadiz to Amsterdamage in four days in a 2CV all non motorway driving.

Driving is great I love it and am green with envy.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Sep 2008 /  #11
.darn, I am getting jealous.

I swear, half the enjoyment is making others jealous, I am a bastard at heart. ha ha ha.

you have to pay a toll every now and then on the motorway.

A few Euro, nothing crazy?

One of the worst things about living in Poland is that everything jumps up in price once you leave, I'll have to fill the suitcase with Vodka and... well more vodka.

Super Barney.

I will be driving a Subaru Forrester, with all the bells and whistles.
This is fantastic, loads of info already, tell us more, please.
8 Sep 2008 /  #12
I love to swim! It is amazing that Zurich is a bog city, yet the water is clear and people swim in it.

You'll like it, but it's good that you're a swimmer because the current is fairly strong and the river is kind of deep. There a lifeguard who paddles around in a canoe but he didn't seem to pay attention a lot. I've snorkeled in the Bahamas but I can't get swimming this river out of mind and it was 10 years ago.

Zurich and Munchen are friendly cities. Ahh damn, now I want to go back.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Sep 2008 /  #13
At this time of year the "N" roads are full of migrants trying to get back to work from Morocco etc and it makes the journey slow and frustrating.

Wow, I never even thought of that, cheers.

Barcelona is worth spending some time in.

Cool, My Bro lived there for three years, I never got the chance I have now, Yyyyeeepppyyy!!!

Motorways are cheaper in France than Spain.

How much are we talkin here? 5 euro 50 times?
I have just come back from Norway, it was 9 Euro for a pint of beer. I think I'll be stickin to the wine around spain and itlay, any recommendations on cheap delicious wines?

Driving is great I love it and am green with envy.

It just makes it all the better ;0)

I can't get swimming this river out of mind and it was 10 years ago.

Wow, sounds magikal. I will check it out, swim in it and take a photo for you!

Ahh damn, now I want to go back.

Again just adding to my pleasure.

Sure youz are all invited to meet up, be it in a tapas bar, hitch hiking just for the drive, corniche d'or, a swim in the Limmat on any given Saturday before seeing the boats and the Bentleys of Cannes then out to stay the night in one of the smaller towns then Strasbourg Across Germany, Czech Republic, Krakow, and then up the mountains to the south.

What about the Alps? anyone got any pointers on the other mountain range in Europe, ha ha ha.

Thanks for all your advise.
Uncle Bob  2 | 82  
9 Sep 2008 /  #14
Bob's your uncle

You called?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Sep 2008 /  #15
have you been to any of them?.

Barcelona is a bit of a mixed bag - love it or hate it, it will be an experience. Beer is cheap (about 4 - 7 euro depending on where you drink) and food is pretty nice too and very reasonable :), I'm sure driving would be "interesting".

Re: France, Marceille is my fav place with great sea food restaurants and oodles of atmosphere and Antibs is beautiful too, Nice old town is nice with some lovely old architecture - just drive down the coastline it's amazing.

Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary, Pilsen and Marianske Lazne are very nice.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Sep 2008 /  #16
Barcelona is a bit of a mixed bag - love it or hate it,

I never knew you could dislike it. Is is too busy or something, I will of course see for myself but I am curious.

Beer is cheap (about 4 - 7 euro depending on where you drink)

AAhhh... that is not cheap :], is wine not the local drink? You probably know how good polish/Lithuanian/Czech beer is, can you compare it or better off sticking to wine? how much is a bottle or glass of good wine? Any suggestions?.

I know Spanish people like good food, I'll have to swim it all off :0)

France, Marceille is my fav place with great sea food restaurants and oodles of atmosphere and Antibs is beautiful too

I will try to cheak it out

Nice old town is nice with some lovely old architecture - just drive down the coastline it's amazing.

I had to read this twice, ha ha, I plan driving along the coast as much as possible, I do miss the sea. Here in Poland in the mountains south of Krakow I live right beside a river which is perfect for having a swim, it is not the ocean but it is very enjoyable.

Karlovy Vary, Pilsen and Marianske Lazne are very nice.

I have never been to Czech either.

I have spend my whole life travelling.
I was brought up travelling with my parents bringing me to Israel, (former) Yugoslavia, America, Mexico etc .. etc.. I used to speak Mexican when I was growing up and English with a Spanish accent.

When i became old enough, I have always tried to travel outside of Europe, thinking that because i am young I can do things that I will not be able for when I become older e.g. 21 hours on a bus, sleeping in ditches ha ha ha (it was not all like that).

And that when I was older I would travel more around Europe and Ireland but I am very happy to have this opportunity of going through Europe from South west to North East (blah blah blah Poland is in North East from Portugal ha ha).

Cheers for all the tips.
I am well excited and I'll post pics.

Matbe I ought to ask people what they think of Poland and put it on the speaking thread like Osiol suggested once, would be interesting, we'll see.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2008 /  #17
Any advice? Hmm...remember to tank up and drive safely, lol
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Oct 2008 /  #18
So I am just south of Barcelona, this place rocks. I am hung over to bitz so this'll be short.
Stayed in Villamora in Portugal. Bit of an older crowd there, golfers mainly so not really my cup of tea. Went down to the most westerly point of Europe, beautiful Ocean beaches. In Faro I went to some mad Church with dead monks sticking out of the walls, apparently to make it more holy, strange but facinating.

Went up to Malaga, I arranged a to stay in a friends flat there, not my favorite place, tourists, flats and it poured with rain, which makes me unlucky I guess, as it is never suposed to rain there.

So I did a 10 hour drive and am staying just south of Barcelona, in a flat on the beach. get the train into and back out of Barcelona, now this is my type of place, it is groovey here, drinking fine wines in stoney courtyards in the windy streets in the old town YES YES YES. I could live here. But as all good things must come to an end, onwards and upwards, going North now, past Barcelona, to find some sleepy little fishing village to nurse my hang over...

I Have an automatic, with cruse control and a GPS, it is not realy driving at all, more like steering. I am used to manual and ripped maps and I always thought cruse cotrol was something else.

The sun is flooding the sky and I must go now.
will give a btter review later, with pics.
Tapas rock!
OK, later PF

I drove north along coastal roads I thought only existed in 007 movies, I went for a swim only to be attacked by a giant squid, it was gigantic!. there were many people who were not content with surfing or paraglyding but had to do both at the same time. basically they got pulled along on a surfboard by a parashoot and I tried not to get tangled up, it looked like great fun.

So in Barcelona I went to ther Gaudí musem. although it is unique at 16Euro it was very very pricey.
So now I am in a picturesque village called cadaques, where Salvidor Dali lived and they don't let you forget it. I went to the Dali museum it cost 11 Euro but was well worht it, luckily I got there early as I noticed the herds of tour groups entering as I left.

I get the feeling France will be more expensive than here. I must go now I think the guy who runs the internet cafe wants to go to sleep or something...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
3 Oct 2008 /  #19
I never knew you could dislike it. Is is too busy or something, I will of course see for myself but I am curious.

Some people love it some people hate it - it's a big city :) Im still undecided so Im going back - with friends this time! Did you not see the Sagrada Familia? For me that was the most amazing thing, oh and people watching on the Las Ramblas at night - did you see the prostitutes LOL :)

AAhhh... that is not cheap :], is wine not the local drink? You probably know how good polish/Lithuanian/Czech beer is, can you compare it or better off sticking to wine? how much is a bottle or glass of good wine? Any suggestions?.
I know Spanish people like good food, I'll have to swim it all off :0)

Wine is reasonable (about £7 euro for a bottle in a small bar out of the city) - Spanish house wine is as good as any expensive wine - but it quite sweet but very moorish - crips :) (Im a med dry but even I like it ) :))) Spanish beers is nice, the prices in Spain have rocketed since they went into the Euro :(

I will try to cheak it out

If you do go the Marceille walk to the top of the hill (dont have a heart attack) and look round the Notre-Dame de la Garde and of course the Chateau d'If which features in the Count of Monte Cristo :) I can promise you whole heartedly you will love it there :) You wont see too may Brits (always a bonus) if any.

I have never been to Czech either.

Karlovy Vary is where some of "Casino" was filmed :) you can have a nice relaxing luxury spa for a fraction of the price you would pay in the UK :)))) oh and if you do get there let me know so i can give you directions to a place that sells the most delicious pancakes in the world :)
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Oct 2008 /  #20
I can't get swimming this river out of mind and it was 10 years ago.

This sentence made such an impression on me that I went off route to see it and I was gob smacked and as promised a photo for you (somewhere on this post (hopefully) and if you want more i need some time and I can email it to you, it was a tad too cold to swim in this time of year but the Autumn colours are wonderful.

From Zurich I went towards Austria and got bored so went off the motorway again and stumbled across the Alps ha ha ha, I have a million photos and it is of course autumn so the trees on the snow peaked mountains look fantastic.

I have just been to Portugal, Malaga(rain) Barcelona , France along the Riviera, Monaco (Monte-Carlo) (which is nothing like county Carlo), through Italy to the Swiss Alps and then to Austria, Czech and happy to be back here in Poland.

Thanks for all the advise especially to Barney :)

Some people love it some people hate it - it's a big city :) Im still undecided so Im going back - with friends this time! Did you not see the Sagrada Familia? For me that was the most amazing thing, oh and people watching on the Las Ramblas at night - did you see the prostitutes LOL :)

I loved it, i could live there.
I didn't see the Sagrada familia, my brother already gave me sh1t for not seeing it, ha ha ha ahhh well next time.

Las Ramblas was great and the windy side streets are great!.
I did not notice any prostitutes, again next time ha ha ha.
I don't know much about wines but house always taste great there!

I had a ball, as the man says "It's a wonderful world"!!!

<hr />

I had the intention of somehow joining this trip through Europe to Poland and the whole E.U. thing but I honestly can't think of any, I am probably just knackered but if I can't I will not post anything further, after all this is a Polish Forum.

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OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
8 Oct 2008 /  #21
I was just looking through the pics, i know I said i wouldn't but here are some photos.
We truly do live in a magnificent world.
Top left yesterday, the Swiss Alps. (looking down on mountains in the bottom of "V")
Top right a cliff in Portugal in the most westerly part.
bottom right French Riviera.
Bottom right Monaco.

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  • Port_Cliff_IMG_0425_.jpg

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Archives - 2005-2009 / Travel / Driving from Faro, Portugal to Krakow, any advice?Archived