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Cracow over the weekend

Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2008 /  #31
Show the good manners of your country.

The definite article can be a bugger sometimes :(
pawian  226 | 27558  
3 Jul 2008 /  #32
Tell it to the owner of the pub where I spotted this notice :)

Edit: I have just checked the enlarged photo. It reads: Show a good manners of your country.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2008 /  #33
Tell me, can 'the' ever be used with singular nouns with a plural meaning?

I just wanna test u
pawian  226 | 27558  
3 Jul 2008 /  #34
You mean the sheep?

BTW, check the edit above...

BTW2, Seanus, don`t you go to sleep yet? It is already 2.20 am....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2008 /  #35
Exactly, the lion is a brave animal. This confused my students no end

Do Polish students learn this in school? Many seem not to be able to feel it, to a native speaker it should come naturally
pawian  226 | 27558  
4 Jul 2008 /  #36
Do Polish students learn this in school? Many seem not to be able to feel it, to a native speaker it should come naturally

From my observation I can tell you that articles are generally neglected both by students and teachers already at the early stages of English education. We don`t have articles in Polish and learning/teaching them seems unnecessary to Poles.....

Such things as complete grammar of articles are taught only in advanced English language classes.

However, are taught doesn`t mean that students know how to use articles when a showdown comes. It takes a really brilliant student to use them correctly.... :(:(
4 Jul 2008 /  #37
Guys,we are a bit ignorant over in the Uk,when it comes to speaking a foreign language,it seems you guys speak brilliant English though?Would you say Krakow,would be a better city to visit rather than Warsaw?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 Jul 2008 /  #38
Krakow is chocolate box Poland,Warsaw is pretty rough and ready with its beauty spread about ,I love it,but,Id been to Poland a few times before I got to Warsaw.

And,speak fer yerself re the UK and languages! Thing is, johnny foreigner takes our self deprication seriously and thinks we all really do just shout louder and slower in english to be universialy understood.That only works in Russia :)
pawian  226 | 27558  
4 Jul 2008 /  #39
Would you say Krakow,would be a better city to visit rather than Warsaw?

As I know Krakow like the back of my hand, I would say that Warsaw is more attractive.

On the other hand, a typical Warsawian might say that Krakow is a better city to visit..... :):)
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
4 Jul 2008 /  #40
Why not see a few cities? Take a train and don't limit yourself. Each city has sth cool about it.
pawian  226 | 27558  
5 Jul 2008 /  #41
5 Jul 2008 /  #42
language,it seems you guys speak brilliant English though

If you are basing your assumption of Polish peoples English on this post, I would ask yourself how many of the posters here in this post are actually Polish? Apart from Pawian and Zgubiony the rest are native English..sorry Seanus, native Scottish :)

Although this doesn't dispute the fact that the majority of Poles that work in the bars, shops and so on, have a high level of English.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
5 Jul 2008 /  #43
If you are basing your assumption of Polish peoples English on this post

Well, I'm not Polish, but I have been there numerous times and he still needs to see for himself :)

The reason more and more young Poles speak brilliant English is because they study it in school. Polish on the other hand is fairly difficult to grasp and not many people are/were exposed to it. I don't think it's a case of being ignorant, unless of course you don't bother to learn a few words before travelling there. This is always smart ans is appreciated even if it's incorrect or you sound like a child.
5 Jul 2008 /  #44
Well, I'm not Polish, but I have been there numerous times and he still needs to see for himself :)

OK mate, I stand corrected :)
Have you Polish ancestry by any chance?

Polish on the other hand is fairly difficult to grasp

I can agree with you here, because it took me three years to grasp it and I still wouldn't say my Polish is the best and as you say, sometimes my Polish is like a five year old; however, I communicate and that's the most important thing I find :)
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
5 Jul 2008 /  #45
OK mate, I stand corrected :)
Have you Polish ancestry by any chance?

None at all, but my grandfather was born in the Ukraine.

sometimes my Polish is like a five year old; however, I communicate and that's the most important thing I find :)

Mine as well, but at least the efforts are appreciated and they notice that.

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