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Intensive Polish study in Poland? Are there any affordable courses?

Maluch 30 | 94  
31 Dec 2008 /  #1
What is the best bang for my buck?

I want intensive study in Poland for a month or two, live with a Polish family, classes every day etcc...

do they have affordable courses equivalent to the german volkshochschule?

Would prefer in a major city - Krakow, Warsawa, Wroclaw etc..
Marek 4 | 867  
31 Dec 2008 /  #2
Jagiełłoń University in Kraków has courses 'Język polski dla cudoziemców' (Polish for Foreigners), sponsored by, among others, the Kościuszko Foundation in the US. Other than that, I'm not aware of any of the type you mentioned, at least not in the New York Tri-State area.

I know this school because I almost went there myself many years ago when I first began studying Polish formally. The textbook they used at Kościuszko at that time was called WŚRÓD POLAKÓW (Among Poles), and I believe it was the Foundation's own publication.

Hope this helps a little.

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