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Where to study Advertisement Management in Poland?

Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
11 Jan 2007 /  #1
Hello there.
This year I’ll finish my school and I’m going to join university. Now I’m trying to choose place and country where to study. One of the cases is studying in Poland. So I want to ask you what universities are there in Poland, where I can study “advertisement management”(or smth like that) on English. If know some of them, please, give me the links to their web pages or tell about them.

Thanks to all.!. :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
11 Jan 2007 /  #2
Unk... cant really help with polish unis but if you want info on british unis i can point you in the right direction...
OP Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
11 Jan 2007 /  #3
Thanks sure, but I've heard that they are very expensive. I can't pay very much:)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
11 Jan 2007 /  #4

this site will link you thru to all uk universities by location and course... it will also assist you with applications and finance...
hello 22 | 890  
11 Jan 2007 /  #5
But this site has nothing to do with Polish universities in Poland

Here is a ranking of the best Polish universities - you can type some of the names in and possibly their official websites have the English version.
OP Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
11 Jan 2007 /  #6
this site will link you thru to all uk universities by location and course... it will also assist you with applications and finance...

Thanks I'll look through it.
_________ - everything is on polish, only the main page is English possible. =(

My whole day I spent on searching information about study in Poland but I got nothing...maybe someone know about fees in universities and about joining them(is there any exames?)?:) - I like it.

What can you say about this univercity in Cracow?
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
12 Jan 2007 /  #7
So I want to ask you what universities are there in Poland

There are about 20 univerities and all togheter few hundred private and public "university level" schools. Some have studies in English, but not many.

maybe someone know about fees in universities and about joining them(is there any exames?)?

Public are for free, at least If you have a citizenship and since 2 or 3 years instead of exams they check results of the final exam in high school.
OP Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
12 Jan 2007 /  #8
Public are for free, at least If you have a citizenship and since 2 or 3 years instead of exams they check results of the final exam in high school.

I'm EU sitizen(L ithuania)
And what can U say about CUE(Cracow University of Economics)? Is it good and known?

There are about 20 univerities and all togheter few hundred private and public "university level" schools. Some have studies in English, but not many.

But not all have management or economy for study=)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
12 Jan 2007 /  #9
I'm EU sitizen(L ithuania)

Don't know If that's enough to study for free.

And what can U say about CUE(Cracow University of Economics)? Is it good and known?

Quite good.

But not all have management or economy for study=)

But many has, so that's not a problem.
OP Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
13 Jan 2007 /  #10

They say that study costs 3700 PLZ per semester(for EU sitizens). How much is it in $ or EVRO?
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
13 Jan 2007 /  #11
956.637 EUR

1,236.32 USD
OP Uncle_Vania 1 | 8  
13 Jan 2007 /  #12

thanks - good link.!.

I think in February I'll go to Cracow to learn more about this university and visit familiars. :)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
13 Jan 2007 /  #13
no wukkas Unk... :)

i imagine studying in krakow would be a hell of a lot of fun...!

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