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Purchasing land in Lubelskie, LAW now and future!

blondiecouture  2 | 4  
19 Oct 2009 /  #1
I live in US for over 12 years and I am Citizen now.
I also work for company that will like to purchase or lease land in Lubelskie, Hrubieszkow and Swietokrzyskie.
I also have a lot of relatives living in Poland, does that will help in purchasing or getting permit, does anyone know what do I have to do or have friends that can help me with purchase or lease.

Also when the new purchasing law is going be!
gumishu  15 | 6228  
19 Oct 2009 /  #2
if you still hold a Polish passport you can buy any kind of land with no obstacles

as for foreign companies - land for industrial development is sold after meeting some criteria as far as I know - the project of the developement has to assesed and accepted - I takes time - but I have no knowledge of details
OP blondiecouture  2 | 4  
19 Oct 2009 /  #3
Thank you friend, I have American and Polish passport,I also have old dowod.
scorpio  20 | 188  
21 Oct 2009 /  #4

This question was answered in the following thread:


Since you hold a Polish passport and I assume you are a Polish citizen, then you can purchase land without any restrictions.

Here is the law for the purchase of land / forest in Poland by a foreigner:

Issuance of permits to entrepreneurs from the European Economic Area (EU plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein)

On 1 May 2004, the general rule whereby a permit is required for purchase by foreigners of real estate or shares in companies which are legal owners or perpetual usufructuaries of real estate ceased to apply to nationals and entrepreneurs residing or established in the territory of the European Economic Area (EEA).

However, the Act provides for derogation in this respect. EEA nationals and entrepreneurs must obtain a permit in case:

* To purchase agricultural and forest land - for 12 years after Poland became a member of the EU (i.e. until 2 May 2016).

However, EEA foreigners will not be required to obtain a permit during this transitory period in the following cases:

To purchase agricultural land situated in:

* The following eight western and northern provinces: Dolnośląskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie, Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie - after the end of the seven year period (in 2012 earliest) since the execution of a lease contract (date of execution must be certified), if during that period they have pursued farming in person on the land concerned and have legally resided in Poland,

* The following eight central are eastern provinces: Lubelskie, £ódzkie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie - after the end of the three year period (in 2008 earliest) since the execution of a lease contract (date of execution must be certified), if during that period they have pursued farming in person on the land concerned and have legally resided in Poland


Keep in mind, the two exceptions (2012 & 2008) to the May 2, 2016 rule require that the land in question has already been 'leased by a person that has pursued farming'.

Here is the full source to the law, defining in detail who is a foreigner, the rules, exceptions, and permit process.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Real Estate / Purchasing land in Lubelskie, LAW now and future!Archived