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Prices of apartments in Krakow are collapsing further down in 2010-2011

4 Dec 2009 /  #91
99.99% of Krakow population cannot care less about the new developments.

Many are houses built without any security systems, with thin walls, they are called LUXURY COFFINS.

All spammers show just one proof, a desperate real estate agency study (OberHaus) - that is the only proof that prices collapsed only 15%. Yes, the big bubble explosion is just next, prices will decrease further minus 35-50% at least.
dtaylor5632 18 | 1998  
4 Dec 2009 /  #92
50%......away you go. Have you tried buying a flat in Krakow?
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Dec 2009 /  #93
they are called LUXURY COFFINS

Let me guess luxury coffins for fools.

Many are houses built without any security systems, with thin walls

Houses with tiny walls, aawrighty then.

prices will decrease further minus 35-50% at least.

Hey Mark, you didnt stay quiet for long did you. Or have you got Katarzyna working for you too to pay the rent/saving up a deposit?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
4 Dec 2009 /  #94
99.99% of Krakow population

You know a lot of people :)

Many are houses


any security systems

That is common in most house builds but alarm systems are cheaper and easier to install than ever before.

thin walls

That is the one thing that EVERBODY checks in a country where tempratures can reach minus 30 but don't let practical information like that stop your ranting.

a desperate real estate agency study (OberHaus)- that is the only proof that prices collapsed only 15%.

You contradict yourself here, you call them 'desperate' and then use a "select section" of the article to booster your obsession Bob. I showed the rest and I think it speaks for itself but you go right ahead and just plug your opinion.

Yes, the big bubble explosion is just next, prices will decrease further minus 35-50% at least.

Better stand out of the way then.

You know the really silly thing is, that the property market in Poland is run on Polish people.
I don't see this guys obsession being in any way, shape or form, detrimental to the Polish market.
andy b 4 | 156  
5 Dec 2009 /  #95
Well said SeanBM
5 Dec 2009 /  #96
Insults regarding pen*ses sizes, insults regarding my wife Katarzyna, how many insults and personal attacks and flame wars will you use desperate agents and desperate developers, who you are selling NOTHING lately, how many such lowlife attacks you will resort to,

just to hide the clear FACTS and realities of polish property market which is GOING DOWN with speed ?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
5 Dec 2009 /  #97
my wife Katarzyna

Again you admit to who you really are Mark Biernat and in so doing, admit to spamming these forums using various aliases.

You are abusing these forums.
I don't mind you having your opinion but I am against the way you are coming up with new aliases all the time and agreeing with yourself and just spamming.

Please refrain from using more than one user name and we can have a civilised debate/discussion.

Now back on topic

clear FACTS and realities of polish property market which is GOING DOWN with speed ?

Show us your facts and we can discuss them.
5 Dec 2009 /  #98
I am OBVIOUSLY not mbernat.

There are probably 2 million poles like me with wives named Katarzyna.

Everybody has been showing proofs over and over again, while developers and rel estate agents, desperate for food, have been resorting just to personal attacks.

reread this whole thread and if you can't see the realities and facts, then you are the only blind man who uses a forum.
15 Dec 2009 /  #99
99.99% of Krakow population cannot care less about the new developments.

Very very true.

Thank you Kalop for your insights.

No wonder that most of my friends are trying to sell their real estate from Poland
but unfortunately nobody is buying :(
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
15 Dec 2009 /  #100
Thank you Kalop for your insights.

You and Kalop are the same person.

No wonder that most of my friends are trying to sell their real estate from Poland
but unfortunately nobody is buying :(

If that is true, I would happily look at anything in and around Krakow you or your friends have for sale. PM me the details and I will look at them all. I could save you hundreds of thousands of Zloty according to your prediction, so no time to lose.

I offered this same deal to your alias Kalop, as he/you claimed to have two apartments in Krakow for sale and he has not been seen on here since, I wonder why??? ;)

I am calling you out, so either show me or stop spamming.
Avalon 4 | 1063  
15 Dec 2009 /  #101
You are wasting your time. This village idiot is just a wind up merchant who could not afford a tent, yet alone an apartment. He was probably turned down for a mortgage as having insufficient means or intelligence.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
15 Dec 2009 /  #102
It would be sweet to make an offer on something from someone who thinks the sky is going to fall :)
I could save him hundreds of thousands :)
15 Dec 2009 /  #103
SeanBM, prove and show us you will really buy them!

As I didnt ask them yet if they agree to give out on a public forum their personal details
here are two of the very good prices ("only" 6 000 PLN / sqm)

I am sure nor SeanBM nor Avalon are real buyers, they only say, they really think they can stop the prices from going down with speed...

dom.gratka.pl/tresc/397-29118505-malopolskie-krakow-stare-miasto-stare -podgorze-limanowskiego-okazja.html#5f752f54da6a791f,4

dom.gratka.pl/tresc/397-28902475-malopolskie-krakow-stare-miasto-solty ka.html#5f752f54da6a791f,4
Avalon 4 | 1063  
15 Dec 2009 /  #104
Hey!!! what happened to the 1500m2 you were telling us about? What are you?....some sort of capitalist? or just a liar?
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Dec 2009 /  #105
Hey Mark, you didnt stay quiet for long did you. Or have you got Katarzyna working for you too to pay the rent/saving up a deposit?

I am OBVIOUSLY not mbernat.

There are probably 2 million poles like me with wives named Katarzyna.

ha ha he forgot what name he was posting under, classic.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
15 Dec 2009 /  #106
Maybe if we all pretend to accept that the Polish real estate market is going to collapse this guy , and all his invisible friends will give up giving out all this crap...

My house is worth zillions more than it was last week , so i think its all bollox..!
magdalenaG 2 | 67  
15 Dec 2009 /  #107
For what it's worth , my predictions for 2010 are :

PLN Euro will go sub 4
PLN CHF will come back to 2.50
Prices in Warsaw will be + 10%
Rent in Warsaw will be flat.
Prices across all other regions will be flat .
Banks will start lending again !

( Just have to remember to check back in 12 months time to see how right I am )
wildrover 98 | 4431  
16 Dec 2009 /  #108
( Just have to remember to check back in 12 months time to see how right I am )

I think you will be a lot closer than the dipstick on here that posts under ten different names spouting doom and gloom...
convex 20 | 3928  
16 Dec 2009 /  #109
Personally, I hope that Polish wages will go up so that housing becomes affordable, everybody would win in that situation. I'm not sure how that will happen without destroying the export market and all the "cheap labor" jobs. The US and the UK (among others) are proving over and over again that an economy that is powered by consumer consumption of imported products isn't sustainable in the long run.

Just to dig a bit deeper, do the people on the forum who are bullish on polish real estate see it as being affordable at the moment? What is the main reason that you would invest in the polish real estate market right now? Is it the supply and demand situation? The low interest rates on mortgages? The weak zloty (if you're investing from outside). Overall economic growth? What makes the Polish real estate market attractive to you right now?
wildrover 98 | 4431  
16 Dec 2009 /  #110
Personally, I hope that Polish wages will go up so that housing becomes affordable,

Ha...i would not hold your breath on that one....
bolek 6 | 330  
16 Dec 2009 /  #111
For what it's worth , my predictions for 2010 are :

A pretty general comment with nothing to rave on about, Banks will always lend money, its the nature of their business, using the word flat means nothing to me. Its obvious sort after properties will go up and everything else will be stable and fall (must be taken into account of the strength of the polish currency. The price of real estate will only increase if wages increase.

Your predictions Maggie mean nothing, its a each way bet, unfortunately the system doesn't work that way.
I can predict one thing and prove me wrong in 12 months, is that taxes and costs of services will increase in Poland which will make all Poles worst off. The government needs more money to fund the ever increase in welfare and health costs.
Krakman 4 | 58  
16 Dec 2009 /  #112
I've made the following observations whilst being in Poland. This country is a lot more family oriented, and it's fair to say that most people here are not the selfish 'think about themselves only' culture found in other places. Most of these people build for their future generations, and as such (regarding housing) lift the burden off the shoulders of young people, most of whom inherit or are given land, flats, houses, etc. This is most likely a national trait, as even my GF's family, who are not exactly rich, own land, flat (Krakow), nice home (built with help from family), etc. Most people here have a better standard of living than in Western countries, mainly because families stick together through ages. This is only my own observation, but it does make me think that most people are living from Old money here and I imagine most of the land and property is still owned by Polish people, whose ancestors staked the claim many years ago. Compare that to the UK, the majority of which is probably owned by people who have no ancestry in the UK. I recently bought a small flat for 60,000 after renovation, and that figure raised eyebrows amongst my GF's parents, as in all likeliness they had never seen that sum of money, yet look at their assets!! I just wonder how many true Polish first time buyers are buying in Poland, by that I mean someone who owns nothing? Every Pole I know inherited at least a flat or are guaranteed a house in the future. Most of these people are already in the market, it's outsiders who have to buy in, therefore I doubt prices will go down, more likely they will continue to increase, along with the Zloty.
bolek 6 | 330  
16 Dec 2009 /  #113
Good post and what you say is true, keep in mind that the market decides the price of housing, its only when you are forced to sell will you ever find out what your place is worth. Every home owner has a over inflated opinion to what his home is worth, its evident when you speak to people, opinions mean nothing especially after a heavy vodka session.

The fact remains that shrewd business investors are giving Poland the miss when it comes to real estate (apart of course from business/commercial properties in the major cities)
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
16 Dec 2009 /  #114
SeanBM, prove and show us you will really buy them!

If they are reasonably priced I would buy them.

As I didnt ask them yet if they agree to give out on a public forum their personal details

How do your friends expect to sell anything, if they are not willing to be contacted?
I also asked you to PM me their details.

("only" 6 000 PLN / sqm)

But according to you that is way overpriced???
I thought the real estate market was going to crash according to you???
I will save you and your friends hundreds of thousands of Zloty but you have to give a better price!

I am sure nor SeanBM nor Avalon are real buyers, they only say, they really think they can stop the prices from going down with speed...

PM me and I will definitely take a look.

Banks will start lending again !

This is the important in my opinion.

see it as being affordable at the moment? What is the main reason that you would invest in the polish real estate market right now? Is it the supply and demand situation? The low interest rates on mortgages? The weak zloty (if you're investing from outside). Overall economic growth? What makes the Polish real estate market attractive to you right now?

From my perspective it seems you have misinterpreted what has been written here.
I would not suggest for an "outsider" to buy in Poland, as many economies are in crises and they should look after themselves right now.

And in any case, I personally am not in the slight bit interested what someone from out side of Poland, with a surplus of money wants to invest in.

I am saying this and pretty much only this, "the real estate market in Poland is run by the internal market i.e. Poles and the market will not crash any time soon."

The reason for so much hallabloo about it on these forums, is that there is one person with goodness knows how many aliases, screaming crash! and that is abuse of these forums and misinforming.
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Dec 2009 /  #115
Every home owner has a over inflated opinion to what his home is worth

When in Poland do as the Poles do and over price your property, we, you and them know you wont get that sum but hey its a start if you put it on for true market value then youll be beaten down on the price even more.

Every Pole I know inherited at least a flat or are guaranteed a house in the future.

I dont know any Poles that fall into that bracket, of course there will be inheritance but thats usually sold off and split between the siblings. If you are referring to inheritance properties every Pole you know must be a single child or the recipient of a very big house.
magdalenaG 2 | 67  
16 Dec 2009 /  #116
Banks will always lend money, its the nature of their business, using the word flat means nothing to me.

This really highlights the level of your ignorance with regard to the Polish real estate market & the Polish banking sector .
If this means nothing to you, allow me to simplify it for you . YOU ARE AN IDIOT.
Krakman 4 | 58  
17 Dec 2009 /  #117
If you are referring to inheritance properties every Pole you know must be a single child or the recipient of a very big house.

Most of the people I know come from smallish families (maximum of 3 children). Their parents basically work every hour to provide a better future for them. I suspect this has been going on for some time and will continue to do so.

When I think about it, I don't know a single person whose family doesn't own some substantial assets (going by todays prices). This is only a personal observation, which could be incorrect throughout the majority of Poland.

It never ceases to amaze me the sheer amount of new houses being constructed out of the cities, by seemingly poor people. A lot of the time these houses are partly financed by credit and built on land which was inherited, using money which was given by families (even Grandmothers chipping in) the prospective builders will live in one of the parents houses or flats rent free for a number of years (converting a part of the house into a flat) whilst the building is completed over time to save money.

Imagine an outsider attempting to do that. First, buy the land which is surprisingly expensive, even for a moderately populated area, then find somewhere to live paying rent whilst you organise the building process, then find the money for the building, which if you're like me, You will have to find it, because families in the west are totally disinterested in your future. On a final note an outsider would probably need cash, because borrowing money as a foreigner will be very difficult in Poland and the UK banks are too busy lending money to foreigners to care about lending money to a National abroad.
17 Dec 2009 /  #118
It never ceases to amaze me the sheer amount of new houses being constructed out of the cities, by seemingly poor people.

Also I am amazed by how many houses are being constructed and they stay empty for 2-3 years now...

I know people who have 5-6 houses to sell in Krakow and ... no buyers :(
Avalon 4 | 1063  
17 Dec 2009 /  #119
Ewa112, also known as :- kowalski2007, Emil Kowalski, Claituslux, popw, popwasser, Polsky, Specialpolak, special-Polak, Mcduff, Michaelas, Tadeausz2007, spimowitzss etc..etc.etc

Also I am amazed by how many houses are being constructed and they stay empty for 2-3 years now...

I know people who have 5-6 houses to sell in Krakow and ... no buyers :(

Are these the same people who are your "developer friends" Mark?, and as Kalop, it should not worry you as you are going to build your new house out in the country for 150,000 PLN. I look foreward to seeing this house. At your 200 PLN m2 stated cost of construction, this 750m2 house should be quite something to see.

By the way, some time ago, SeanBM and I offered you a finders fee of 5000 PLN for every new flat you could arrange for me to buy at the 1500-2000 PLN m2 in the centre of Krakow. We are still waiting for you to contact us with the addresses of these properties. Are you having a problem finding them? or do the just exist in your vivid imagination?
17 Dec 2009 /  #120
Avalon you are retarded and brainless. All these users are different people.
You are blind with developer's unhealthy greed and madness

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