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German nation - degradation or just deviation? Your opinions?

southern  73 | 7059  
11 May 2008 /  #61
ol ok man i don't know how it is possible to throw 70 million people out

He does not talk about the 70 million(really you have grown so much?you were 60 million a decade ago and only 7 million in 1923).
He talks about 2 million and a half(guess where).
isisores  - | 46  
11 May 2008 /  #62
ok i see.
about population, actually it can be even more than 70 million now. we turks and kurds are like rabbits:p for example my father's parents made 8 children and mother's parents made 12 children. very large family, i have cousins who i don't even know. also think about our president(maniac) tells people make at least 3 children. but i don't think that it'll go in this way. people won't make that much, our economy is bad.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
12 May 2008 /  #63
about population, actually it can be even more than 70 million now. we turks and kurds are like rabbits:p

May be substitution of circumcision by castration is an appropriate thing to do?
Crow  154 | 9541  
12 May 2008 /  #64
German nation - degradation or just deviation?

or maybe turkinization?

actualy, Germans or Turks, its same
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
12 May 2008 /  #65
I was in previous year in Istanbul. Really I do not know full truth about national characters of Turks, but their appiarance, though not always, is quite fascinating for inhabitant of the Nord. But may be there were assimilated Greeks....
Crow  154 | 9541  
12 May 2008 /  #66
European parts of today`s Turkey (and even parts of Anatolia), before Ottoman invasion were among other ethoses, populated with Slavs (especially Tracia). Even great deal of Greece (Greak Macedonia and also Tracia) before Ottomans was and still is populated with Slavs.

Then, during Turks, Balkan Slavs were objects of slavery (much more then Greaks). Many our children was taken. There was so called TAX IN BLOOD (Danak u krvi- on Serbian). It meant that every family was obliged to give one child for Turkish Empire (mostly for slave trade markets in Arabia/Anatolia and then some selected boys for janissaries, some girls for harems). All that contributed that Slavic blood spread across Anatolia and even Arabia. On the other side, bilogical potential of Balkan Slavs was greately weakened. We lost far too much people.

For example, by old Austran chronicles, biggest ethos from Austria to the coast of Adriatic and Black see, was Serbian ethos. Today, on Balkan- Serbs are after Romanians, maybe little more numerous then Bulgarians. [It`s about people who consider themselves as Serbians but, actualy there is about 20 mil people on Balkan who originates from Serbs and speak Serbian language but, don`t consider themselves as Serbs (or it is forbidden to them to be Serbs).]

Biggest loser of all European ethoses, because of Turkish invasion, are Serbians. We should remember that.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Polonia / German nation - degradation or just deviation? Your opinions?Archived