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Walesa excluded from Polish national gala

z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Nov 2008 /  #1
WARSAW, Poland - Lech Walesa is a national icon - an anti-communist hero, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president. But he wasn't invited to Poland's independence gala, and the current president is facing criticism for the slight.


pretty strange.
Prince  15 | 590  
10 Nov 2008 /  #2
Kaczyński is strange. Thank you AMERICA !!!
puercoespin  - | 129  
10 Nov 2008 /  #3
pretty strange.

not srange at all :)
Prince  15 | 590  
10 Nov 2008 /  #4
Lets think who voted on Kaczyński .... hmmm
puercoespin  - | 129  
10 Nov 2008 /  #5
Nie będę z tobą konwersować,
ponieważ egzystujesz w brodziku intelektualnym,
który koliduje z moimi imperatywami,
a poza tym nie rozumiesz idei koncepcji założeń. LOL

sorry..i couldn't make it in english:)
10 Nov 2008 /  #6
Nie będę z tobą konwersować,
ponieważ egzystujesz w brodziku intelektualnym,
który koliduje z moimi imperatywami,
a poza tym nie rozumiesz idei koncepcji założeń. LOL

OP z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Nov 2008 /  #7
nie rozumiesz idei koncepcji założeń.

what the fvuck is that monstrosity?

sorry..i couldn't make it in english:)

No wonder. You didn't even make it in Polish either.
10 Nov 2008 /  #8
You didn't even make it in Polish either.

are you sure these were puercoespin's words?
OP z_darius  14 | 3960  
10 Nov 2008 /  #9
He didn't attribute them to anybody else.
Who's the author?
Crow  154 | 9566  
10 Nov 2008 /  #10
Kaczyński is strange.

that for sure. At first he publicly supported Kosovo secession from Serbia and now he is among rare Polish politicians who publicly speaks that Poland`s Kosovo recognition was mistake.

How is this possible? Is he just political kurva, very wise man or big moron?

Its a fact my brotherly Poles that your politicians are crazy.

No, don`t tell me, i know. Serbian politicians are also crazy but difference between Poland and Serbia is that Serbians are aware of its sh** situation and Polish public is deluded. Serbs knows that their politicians aren`t normal and that they are corrupt foreign collaborators, while Poles believe that there must be somebody who is still normal in Polish politics.

We all need new political establishments which would start to present people and true inteligentsia.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
10 Nov 2008 /  #11
Walesa wasn't invited to the Polish Presidential gala because of the vulgar and childish way he called out Kaczynski not too long ago, while Walesa was under the microscope for being an informer. I don't think Walesa has issued a formal apology as of yet. Didn't anyone hear about this?

As well, Tusk and most of his cabinet are not attending. Of his top cabinet members, only Radek Sikorski, the Foreign Affairs Minister will be in attendance.

Tell me, is there any other country in Europe where the President and Prime Minister behave so rudely? I mean, disagreeing is one thing, but this is just too far...

How is this possible? Is he just political kurva, or big moron?

Probably both....
Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Nov 2008 /  #12
Walesa wasn't invited to the Polish Presidential gala

this morning in the news, there was `Serbian` President Tadic in front of large Polish map on the screan

It is said that Tadic going to visit Poland and Kaczynski. It is probably about that gala (i didn`t heard complete comment)

Serbians don`t like Tadic. For many Serbs he is just and collaborator dirrectly influenced by USA, German, Franch and British ambassadores in Serbia. He is great idiot and EU/NATO puppet.

On the other side, Kaczynski isn`t clear to me. He is kurva, that for sure but possible is little bit less traitor then Tusk but, one simple can`t be sure. Kurva is kurva.

In some other situation, if Poland and Serbia could be independant today, Serbian president should be for sure most important guest on Polish independance gala party. But, as we know, nor Poland, nor Serbia aren`t independant states. Hostile strangers rule us.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
11 Nov 2008 /  #13

Do you pray in the morning...and drink a glass of water...? ... do you wake up in the dawn...and look at the rising sun?...
Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Nov 2008 /  #14
usualy, i pray at the evening when going to sleep. There are few short prayers which i say for myself... about Christ, Mother of God and St. Arhangel Michail my family SLAVA patron/protector.

also, i don`t have problem with sleeping because of many obligations but when i wake up i am deeply aware of NATO occupation. There is no freedom in today`s Serbia. i am aware how greately Serbs had been betrayed from their former allayes Britain, France and USA. I don`t blame Poland for anything. I see Poland as even less free then Serbia and how could i blame Poles

i do think about rising sun and golden freedom
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Nov 2008 /  #15
If invited, would Wałesa have shown up at the presidential gala? Or would the media have had another field day speculating on the whys and wherefores of him not attending. Wałęsa has been known to solitarily commemorate successive Solidarity August anniversaries a day earlier just to avoid bumping into Kaczyński. The whole scene is obscene! ONLY IN POLAND!?
puercoespin  - | 129  
11 Nov 2008 /  #16
what the fvuck is that monstrosity?

Who's the author?

There is no author and this setence it was kind of joke to guy above me..
sorry i littered your thread ;)
tomek  - | 134  
11 Nov 2008 /  #17
"Walesa excluded from Polish national gala" - Walesa is no saint either but this is pathetic.
11 Nov 2008 /  #18
Nie będę z tobą konwersować,
ponieważ egzystujesz w brodziku intelektualnym,
który koliduje z moimi imperatywami,
a poza tym nie rozumiesz idei koncepcji założeń.

Filios1  8 | 1336  
11 Nov 2008 /  #19
Walesa is no saint either but this is pathetic.

Look at my post explaning 'why' above....

It is said that Tadic going to visit Poland and Kaczynski. It is probably about that gala (i didn`t heard complete comment)

So President Tadic, is he directly responsible for Kosovo? Is he appealing for Serbia to join the EU? I am asking because I do not hear much news from this front. Is he Serbia's version of a 'Tusk' like puppet?

On the other side, Kaczynski isn`t clear to me. He is kurva, that for sure but possible is little bit less traitor then Tusk but, one simple can`t be sure. Kurva is kurva.

In some other situation, if Poland and Serbia could be independant today, Serbian president should be for sure most important guest on Polish independance gala party. But, as we know, nor Poland, nor Serbia aren`t independant states. Hostile strangers rule us.

He is indeed less of one than Tusk. You can never know, however, as Kaczynski was for Kosovo seperation while he was still in power, but now he is against recognizing it (once Tusk is prime minister) I think it is nothing more than trying to disrupt Tusk and garner some Pro-Slavic followers. Maybe he actually feels that way, I do not know. With politicians, you can never know.

about Christ, Mother of God and St. Arhangel Michail my family SLAVA patron/protector.

Please include Poland in your prayers, bracie.
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
12 Nov 2008 /  #20
Walensa is an airhead, I thank him for what his did for Poland but after he got to be president he just changed and became corrupted like all Politicians. I like PiS because they are strong and don't take crap from any one; they are not scared of Russia/ Putin and Germany. That is why I will vote for PiS at the next wybory.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Nov 2008 /  #21
became corrupted like all Politicians

Yeah, or maybe even before...
I believe the story is that Walesa was an informant during Solidarnosc. A book has been published about this, just recently...
Some men have testified in court that the communists were given information that only Walesa himself could have known. He denies all this today.
But strangely enough, when he did indeed become president, the main group of his bodyguards was made up of former 'SB' and ubeki. telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/poland/2126507/Lech-Walesa-was-Communist-spy,-claims-book.html

It [the book] claims that new evidence from secret police files confirms rumours that Mr Walesa collaborated with Poland's "SB" Security Service in the 1970s, and was given the codename "Bolek".

Mr Walesa, who in 1990 went on to become Poland's president after the fall of the regime, fiercely denies the allegation. He claims he knows who Bolek is, but will reveal his name only if the book is published as planned.

JulietEcho  3 | 100  
12 Nov 2008 /  #22
- Continuing on with that tone: when Walesa vel Bolek was a president he vetoed a law that revised retirement benefits paid by the Polish government to ex. SB, UB agents, SB judges and the creators of the entire communistic regime in Poland.

For me it’s a clear sign of being two faced, corrupt poser and I wouldn’t even consider inviting such a trader to a independence bal. Not to mention that Walensa was opposing the law that would remove all of the communistic figures from the political scene after 1989. He should be quickly forgotten, thanks again to non-polish media for making this nonsense a top-story. Any Polish with IQ higher than a garden worm, knows why Walensa shouldn’t be invited. So, any foreigners that, as always, know that Kaczynski is this and that should Sh@$@ F up and go try fix their own countries...
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Nov 2008 /  #23
So, any foreigners that, as always, know that Kaczynski is this and that should Sh@$@ F up and go try fix their own countries...

People who comment should find out about what they are commenting on, but it would be wrong to say that no-one can comment on other countries' affairs. No country stands in isolation. Outside scrutiny can be a good thing.
12 Nov 2008 /  #24
Outside scrutiny can be a good thing.

a very good thing;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Nov 2008 /  #25
Walesa excluded from Polish national gala
It is strange, I think there is a much more favourable view of Walesa out side of Poland but it is still strange.
He will always be linked to the Solidarity movement and freedom.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Nov 2008 /  #26

Very well said.
As well, non-Polish media has conveniently left out the comments made by Mr. Walesa in regards to Kaczynski. Very rude, to say the least. Perhaps if he would have admitted to the charges, he would still have an inch of dignity left... His 'legacy' of Solidarnosc should be forgotten... I would even consider rewriting history books and giving the credit to other, maybe less influential, but honest leaders of the movement.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2008 /  #27
Wałęsa is a total moron. What would be the point of inviting him there ?
hairball  20 | 313  
14 Nov 2008 /  #28
Because he's an ex President and Nobel prize winner and an important part of Polands history you moron!
Crow  154 | 9566  
15 Nov 2008 /  #30
Wałęsa is a total moron.

Grzegorze is this truth? What says majority of Poles? Do they regard Walesa as moron?

When did he become moron?

Because he's an ex President and Nobel prize winner and an important part of Polands history you moron!

interesting development here

well, moron or not moron, as ex president he should be invited. Nobel prize isn`t that important. Nikola Tesla for example refused to accept Nobel prize

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