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Slavic linguistic union inside of EU; Polish language official

Crow  154 | 9556  
1 Nov 2009 /  #1
I would like to ask auditorium of this forum to help me to get answer on this important question. For me it is important because i found that tradition of Slavs in EU can be safe only if Slavic people get opportunity to prosper using some of the main Slavic languages (togather with their own in their own countries). I suggest particulary Polish as official in Slavic lingustic union, considering that Poland represent biggest Slavic country in EU. After all, ancient Polish linguistic area reached territories from Baltic to Balkan.

So, only if leading EU powers and rest of the non-Slavic Europe can be ready not to stand against this proposal of Slavic linguistic union in EU and Polish as official language, i can accept that EU has minimum of honest intentions on Slavs.

i asking this as Serbian, considering that EU seams insist on Serbian EU membership. Then, let us see what that EU can offer to us. Or maybe EU coming to Slavic world just to take something
mafketis  38 | 11199  
1 Nov 2009 /  #2
Why would Czechs want to use Polish when both Czech and Polish are recognized within the EU?

The obvious choice of Slavic lingua franca would be Russian of course, given the number of speakers and the fact that it's the most widely studied second Slavic language. But that's a non-starter for political and historical reasons.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Nov 2009 /  #3
Of course, the fact that many Czechs would rather cut their own throats than speak Polish means nothing, does it?

And Croats and Serbs speaking the same language? Sure.... this is from two countries where they're so stubborn that they'll pretend not to understand the 'other' language.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #4
i asking this as Serbian, considering that EU seams insist on Serbian EU membership.

Erm...who is "forcing" Serbia to apply for membership???

It's a souvereign decision of a country to apply and to go through all the motions to make itself compatible to the EU. That is nothing which can be forced upon a country....
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #5
Of course, the fact that many Czechs would rather cut their own throats than speak Polish means nothing, does it

Not true at all.
Many Czechs speak good Polish.
If necessary, due to their in-born pragmatism.

But I don't think it would be a good choice
Polish grammar is rather chaotic and pretty hard to learn.
I think some simplified version of the Slovak language could be a solution.

The idea to make Russian a Slavonic lingua franca sound bad to me even as a joke.
After we were forced to learn it !
And since when Russia is a part of the EU ?
Babinich  1 | 453  
1 Nov 2009 /  #6
I suggest particulary Polish as official in Slavic lingustic union, considering that Poland represent biggest Slavic country in EU. After all, ancient Polish linguistic area reached territories from Baltic to Balkan.

Sorry, but I have to disagree with you moj brat.

Keep the slavs free and independent...

Let the slavic nation states speak in their own tongue.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
1 Nov 2009 /  #7
Of course, the fact that many Czechs would rather cut their own throats than speak Polish means nothing, does it?

Czechs would agree on any Serbian proposal that lead to strenghtening of Slavic cause

Why would Czechs want to use Polish when both Czech and Polish are recognized within the EU?

you didn`t understand question

Question is about secund official Slavic language. For example, in Czech Rep. official language is Czech language. With Slavic linguistic union in EU no.2 official laanguage in Czech Rep. would be Polish

Erm...who is "forcing" Serbia to apply for membership???

Serbia was conquored (should i remind on EU destruction of Yugoslavia and NATO attack on Serbia in 1999) and what we see these days is that EU increasing pollitical presure on Serbia in order to secure EU primate in Serbia, to secure Serbian EU membership and to prevent closer Serbian-Russian ties.

It's a souvereign decision of a country to apply and to go through all the motions to make itself compatible to the EU. That is nothing which can be forced upon a country....

good joke

And Croats and Serbs speaking the same language? Sure.... this is from two countries where they're so stubborn that they'll pretend not to understand the 'other' language.

Croatia using Serbian language as official language but call it Croatian language. That`s the problem with Greater Croatia.

The obvious choice of Slavic lingua franca would be Russian of course, given the number of speakers and the fact that it's the most widely studied second Slavic language. But that's a non-starter for political and historical reasons.

i agree. But, let us be realistic. Russia isn`t member of Eu and wouldn`t become. So, Russian is excluded.

On the end, historicaly, Russia is actualy Scythia. Poland represent last core of Sarmatia, particyulary Sarmatia Europae. That`s why i speak of Polish as official language of Slavs within the EU. I am realistic
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #8
Many Czechs speak good Polish.

Not good polish.They may speak some polish.
Babinich  1 | 453  
1 Nov 2009 /  #9
Polish grammar is rather chaotic and pretty hard to learn.

An excellent "preventive medicine" to Alzheimer's... :')
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #10
Not good polish.

And how do you know it ?
Is Polish your native tongue ?
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
1 Nov 2009 /  #11
Polish grammar is rather chaotic and pretty hard to learn.
I think some simplified version of the Slovak language could be a solution.

If proposal in case of Slovakian as official for all Slavs within EU come from Poland then, i could agree

But, what about reformation of Polish language in order to prepare Polish language for its historic mision among other Slavs?

in any case, i stand with Polish attitude. Polish should be last. i see Poland as serious Slavic power

Is Polish your native tongue ?

i think that he is partly Serbian. So, answer must be positive. Conditionaly of course
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #12
And how do you know it ?

I have heard some bilingual ones in northern Moravia speaking polish and they did not sound exactly like Poles.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #13
Serbia was conquored (should i remind on EU destruction of Yugoslavia and NATO attack on Serbia in 1999) and what we see these days is that EU increasing pollitical presure on Serbia in order to secure EU primate in Serbia, to secure Serbian EU membership and to prevent closer Serbian-Russian ties.

Man, you are really a people of losers, aren't you!
Not only are you getting your arse handed by everybody and their grand mom since ages, occupied for centuries by the Turks of all people, now the poor EU somehow can make you dance whenever she likes...poor poor loser Serbs!
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #14
poor poor loser Serbs!

Serbs are not losers.They are dreamers maybe.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
1 Nov 2009 /  #15
The most popular Slavic language in Europe is English, and London is one of the largest Polish cities.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #16
Serbs are not losers.They are dreamers maybe.

Definitely losers!

Other countries are dreamers too, but most have at least something to show on their "achieved-chart".
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #17
You are outraged because you had the Turk as guest for 30 years,the Serbs had the Turk as boss for 500 years,how should they feel?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #18
Actually I don't care...I just want to nag Crowie abit...he is such easy prey! ;)
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #19
Definitely losers!

Oh really ?
What makes you that sure ?

Every nation has its good and bad times.
Just look at map of Germany AD 1914 and now.
What was your international position before ww1 and what is now ?
Check your life standards 1989 and now as compared to other European countries.
One could rather say in the long run Germany is moving down the drain.
Your only political success during the last decades was given to you "auf einem golden Tablett" lol without any serious German participation.

But NO.
We don't call Germans losers in spite of their political madness from time to time.
Just ups and downs, ups and downs, achievements fully balanced wit drawbacks.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #20
Every nation has its good and bad times.

That's what I said!

Other countries are dreamers too, but most have at least something to show on their "achieved-chart".

What are the good times from Serbia?

One could rather say in the long run Germany is moving down the drain.

Only an idiot would miss out facts that much!

Germany was the most civilized and advanced country at the beginning of the last century and it became it again at the end of the same century, taking the deserved place at the top of Europe.

Between this fighting and surviving two world wars!

When you call THAT "moving down the drain" then I can't help you!
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #21
What are the good times from Serbia?

I think the idea of Yugoslavia was great.
Many post ww2 years Yugoslavia made a perfect picture of some successful pan-Slavic state but then came the destruction.
I don't try to make some conspiracy theories but at least Kosove separatism enjoyed the all possible support from the EU and NATO.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #22
I think the idea of Yugoslavia was great.

Was it?
It needed the iron fist of Tito to stay "great"...it disintegrated after his death quite quickly.
The "Yugos" made their choice clear about it it seems.

Kosove separatism

Well...a majority of more than 95% Albos was about to be ruled by a hated minority of in most places less than 2% Serbs.
When you are in favour of that you better don't protest of german past tries of doing the same in eastern Europe.
Or one could call you a biased bigot!

Maybe there would had been ways to clear things up peacefully and with a compromise. But somehow the Serbs didn't had many friends or sympathisants left in the Balkans anymore...wonder why!
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #23
When you call THAT "moving down the drain" then I can't help you!

Well...Maybe you better try to comment on my posting regarding German borders and economy

Well...a majority of more than 95% Albos was about to be ruled by a hated minority of in most places less than 2% Serbs.

Then give Kreuzberg to the Turks.

As for Yugoslavia: the idea was good but reality by far worse - I don't argue about that.
The question was rather if todays situation is much better.
OP Crow  154 | 9556  
1 Nov 2009 /  #24
What are the good times from Serbia?

during the Kingdom of Serbia, before WWI, Serbian dinar was exctly 160 days strongest currency in Europe

Then, just few points from glorious Serbian history:

1. Serbs defended Europe from Ottoman Turkish invasion for 500 years
2. Serbs had enormous cultural impact on other Slavs, especialy in early middle age. Serbs gave best cavalry concept in the world- Racowie
3. Serbs had serious role in collapse of Austrohungary- great oppresor of Slavs
4. Serbs liberated Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Slovenia from Turkish/Austrohungarian rule. Turkish army was purused to the Bulgaria and Austrian army was pursued almost to the Vienna

5. Serbs saved Croatia and Slovenia not to be overrun from Italy and Austria after WWI, before creation of Yugoslavia
6. Serbs contributed to Polish, Czech and Slovak independance after WWI
7. Serbs resisted to the Soviet Union and to Nazi Germany
8. Serbs are the only Russian friends in entire Europe and other Slavs understand that necesity and Serbian role
9. Serbs defended Yugoslavia when all ther Yugoslavs failed to pressure from EU, NATO and Islamic league
10. Serbs endured NATO bombing attack for three months, forcing NATO to abanden plans for land invasion on Serbia. To the invaders Serbs dealt enormous material and moral casualties. NATO and EU suffered real humiliation defeat from Serbs.

11. Serbs resist to EU/NATO/Islamic league pressure even today
12. Serbs gave a lot of to global human artistic and scientific heritage
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #25
Then give Kreuzberg to the Turks.

And who should pay the wellfare checks??? They would be lost without us!

Maybe you better try to comment on my posting regarding German borders and economy

Well let's see!

60+ years after the end of WWII and Germany being cut down to the most smallest form and divided by the victorious powers now Germany as leader of the European union has no borders at all anymore between itself and their neighbours and Germans can roam freely wherever they want. (Without one bullet fired).

Said neighbours now drive german cars, freeze their goods in german refrigerators, they buy german hightech and chemistry etcetcetc.

Germany additionally incorporated and is rebuilding a devastated land in a way I might say no other country would had been able to. Quietly and without shedding it's other duties to the EU.

If that isn't a success story then what is!

Serbian dinar was exctly 160 days strongest currency in Europe


1. Serbs defended Europe from Ottoman Turkish invasion for 500 years

Only you would call that a success

Serbs gave best cavalry concept in the world

I read at least from one Pole who disagrees with that heartily

...I'm not reading any further as your list is crap!
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #26
If that isn't a success story then what is

With exception for you political leadership in Europe.
Germans are losing it - what you prefer is dancing to Russian balalalykas.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #27
12. Serbs gave a lot of to global human artistic and scientific heritage

You should have put the cultural achievements first and the militaristic second.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #28
Germans are losing it - what you prefer is dancing to Russian balalalykas.

What is the alternative? The British don't want to...the French?
And what is wrong with balalaykas???
Borrka  37 | 592  
1 Nov 2009 /  #29
What is the alternative?

EU is probably the most successful political and economic organization world wide.
No need to obey blindly ex-KGB guys from the ex-Soviet Empire.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12008  
1 Nov 2009 /  #30
EU is probably the most successful political and economic organization world wide.

Agree fully!

No need to obey blindly ex-KGB guys from the ex-Soviet Empire.

Who is doing that?

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Slavic linguistic union inside of EU; Polish language officialArchived