To be honest Torny, they were organised quite well, talk to any vet of that war, and they will tell you it wasn't an easy fight.
i'm sure you know that a lot of the Argie soldiers were conscripts, they didn't even want to fight, there are many documented reports of hundreds of Argie soldiers surrendering to just two teams of SAS soldiers!!!! Thats 16 SAS against a few hundered Argies!!!!.
They may have been difficult to fight but thats when they were actually willing to do so, you are right in the fact that their vet officers and soldiers were good fighters and wouldn't surrender and would rather die.
The Argies had one problem, Naval war, once there supply was cut of, it made it impossible to continue. It's the main reason why Britain used mostly navy forces.
agree totally here
"they're nothing."
hay mate, not all officers are 'nothing', these are often the guys on the ground in real 'war' situations who have to make quick, accurate sound decisions which may cost the lives of some of the men under his command. I'm not for the pen pushers, sure, however i've got a lot of respect for those officers on the ground.