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What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others?

VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
3 Dec 2008 /  #241
Obviously not Carol, try to focus on the question at hand
3 Dec 2008 /  #242
And you feel if Poland did not stop the Soviet Army that the Soviet Army would have stopped with Poland, I suppose?

a) Poland was fighting for Poland, not for Britain.
b) They were not fighting to stop the advance of the Red Army into Britain, they were fighting for territory which was disputed between the USSR and Poland.

c) If the Poles hadn't stopped the Red Army, the Germans would have.
d) The Red Army was little more than a joke and would have presented no problem to the British and/or French armies.

Even when the Red Army was powerful and did occupy Poland, it never attacked Britain, so your theory that a weak Red Army in the 1920s would have captured Britain if Poland hadn't stopped it is nothing but a joke.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #243
Obviously not Carol, try to focus on the question at hand

Ok I have given many examples of Poland fighting outside Poland for the allie troops. Now show me some of allies fighting for and with Poland within Poland?

The months following Britain's declaration of war are referred to as the 'phoney war' because Britain saw no military action.

VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
3 Dec 2008 /  #244
Ok I have given many examples of Poland fighting outside Poland for the allie troops.

Perhaps. But you have yet to answer the simple question you were asked. Do that and people might start taking you a little more seriously. Not me though, I can see through your sham
3 Dec 2008 /  #245
Ok I have given many examples of Poland fighting outside Poland for the allie troops. Now show me some of allies fighting for and with Poland within Poland?

The months following Britain's declaration of war are referred to as the 'phoney war' because Britain saw no military action.

a) You have given no examples at all of Poland fighting to save Britain before 3 September 1939. Please stop lying about that (and pretty much everything else you write about).

b) Your source is sh!t. The first British mission against Germany was launched within one hour of war being declared and the first attack took place the next day.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #246
before 3 September 1939

Before is your silly way of avoiding the truth. I never said, nor meant prior to Sept. 3, 1939.

The first British mission against Germany was launched within one hour of war being declared and the first attack took place the next day.

Where and do you have some type of link?
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
3 Dec 2008 /  #247
Geezus krist Carol, how on earth did you make it to adulthood?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #248
Very well thank you, now do you have some links showing what you did within Poland, for the Polish?
time means 5 | 1,309  
3 Dec 2008 /  #249
3 Dec 2008 /  #250
I never said, nor meant prior to Sept. 3, 1939.

You said

We were your allies, yes, you should have dropped eveything and helped save Poland. Just as Polish had done for you. "For your Freedom and Ours".

On 3 September 1939 Britain declared war on Germany because Germany had invaded Poland. Before that time Britain could not have helped to save Poland because Poland was not under attack. Of course your complaint is that Britain did not "drop everything".

But the question remains, when did Poland drop everything and help save Britain prior to 3 September 1939? You are the one who used past perfect, now you tell us when dropped everything and helped save Britain. And no we aren't going to accept the miracle on the Visla as an example.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #251

I love how mature you guys sound when one little women in the US proves you wrong. Maybe it would be easier to just have said, Your right Carol, from the get go. Sorry we did not help.

when did Poland drop everything and help save Britain prior to 3 September 1939? You are the one who used past perfect, now you tell us when dropped everything and helped save Britain.

Sorry Harry I used video of Battle of Monte Cassino, remember. But no, this was not prior to Sept. 3, 1939.
time means 5 | 1,309  
3 Dec 2008 /  #252
women in the US

explains a lot.


VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
3 Dec 2008 /  #253
now do you have some links showing what you did within Poland, for the Polish?

There you go
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #254
now do you have some links showing what you did within Poland, for the Polish?

You are to funny. Gotta love Mickey. lol :)))
szarlotka 8 | 2,206  
3 Dec 2008 /  #255
As a keen student of military tactics I can see a classic pincer movement emerging here.
3 Dec 2008 /  #256
Where and do you have some type of link?

No I don't. Because I was half wrong. The first mission started 61 minutes after war was declared (I thought the timezone stated in the declaration was European time but it was actually British time).

At one minute after noon on 3 September 1939 a Blenheim piloted by Fg Off A McPherson took off on a reconnaissance mission to Wilhelmshaven.

The first attack was launched 29 hours after war was declared.

On 4 September 1939, just 29 hours after the declaration of war, bombers from Wattisham took off on the first attack of the war, against enemy shipping in Wilhelmshaven harbour.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #257
classic pincer movement


The flanks of the opponent are attacked simultaneously in a pinching motion after the opponent has advanced towards the center of an army which is responding by moving its outside forces to the enemy's flanks, in order to surround it. At the same time, a second layer of pincers attacks on the more extreme flanks, so as to prevent any attempts to reinforce the target unit.

I found it. Well jump in anytime and stop the movement. lol

No I don't. Because I was half wrong. The first mission started 61 minutes after war was declared (I thought the timezone stated in the declaration was European time but it was actually British time).

I asked for anytime after Sept. 3, 1939 "within Poland"?
3 Dec 2008 /  #258
I asked for anytime after Sept. 3, 1939 "within Poland"?

Carol, please stop lying. You asked for no such thing.
Your exact question was on this very page and was:

Where [was first British mission against Germany which was launched within one hour of war being declared and the first attack which took place the next day] and do you have some type of link?

Your lies are becoming frankly pathetic.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #259
Your exact question was on this very page and was:

Ok I have given many examples of Poland fighting outside Poland for the allie troops. Now show me some of allies fighting for and with Poland within Poland?

Got anything yet Harry?

History will show what had been achieved and what was in the course of being realised at the outbreak of the war. But history will certainly confirm that the Polish nation, fully aware of the sacrifices involved, took up the fight against German rapaciousness which was rearing its head, for the second time in one generation. Once again, the Polish people threw into the scales all their material and spiritual resources which had been accumulating during the twenty years of their independent existence.
3 Dec 2008 /  #260
Got anything yet Harry?

Yes. I've got lots of lies from you. You even lie about what you say in this thread and on this very page! Do you really believe that everybody is as stupid as you are?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #261
Yes. I've got lots of lies from you.

Stop avoing the question with name calling before you go to time out.

Now can you answer the question vs. side stepping.

Ok I have given many examples of Poland fighting outside Poland for the allie troops. Now show me some of allies fighting for and with Poland within Poland?

3 Dec 2008 /  #262
I love how you tell lots of lies, get called out on your lies by several posters, fail to back your lies and then start insisting that people answer your questions while still telling more lies! You are a classic Polish debater! Congratulations on learning that skill. Now perhaps you can move onto other parts of being Polish, such as speaking Polish, living in Poland and/or having a Polish passport.
celinski 31 | 1,258  
3 Dec 2008 /  #263

Still can't answer the real question, I thought not. If you come up with something I'll be waiting.

The US is asked to stay out of war. This also give us an idea of what Britain was doing.

Special Release! Hitler & Stalin Attack Poland 1939/9/4

Europe at War!
2) Pres. Roosevelt Pledges To Keep U.S. Out Of War - "Washington, DC: President Roosevelt, his peace efforts failed, appeals for national unity in the crisis and pledges his fight for neutrality!" scenes of newsreel cameras and radios, sound of FDR speaking in the partial newsreel without narration

3 Dec 2008 /  #264
falsely claiming a unique victim status, crying about how other nations should have dropped everything and saved them, a failure to accept that maybe other nations had other priorities at the time.

Priorities like your precious 5 o'clock tea, dahrlin'?

There is a justice after all: Britain was the biggest looser in WW 2. You lost your superpower position. So go ahead and tell us there was no point of helping Poland all you want. Losers. LOL

Very impressive! It's just a shame you couldn't defend your own borders. You're worse than the French.

Nobody is worse than French LOL

Keep trying boys!
3 Dec 2008 /  #265
Still can't answer the real question, I thought not. If you come up with something I'll be waiting.

No Carol, I've just realised that there is no point trying to debate with somebody who is willing to lie about anything and everything, including what she has said on this very page.

The US is asked to stay out of war.
2) Pres. Roosevelt Pledges To Keep U.S. Out Of War - "Washington, DC: President Roosevelt, his peace efforts failed, appeals for national unity in the crisis and pledges his fight for neutrality!"

How do you get from FDR says the USA will not get involved in the war to USA asked to stay out of the war?

Actually, forget I asked. I've had enough of your lies. Keep thinking that you are Polish and accidentally have an American passport.

There is a justice after all: Britain was the biggest looser in WW 2. You lost your superpower position. So go ahead and tell us there was no point of helping Poland all you want. Losers. LOL

So the British lost their superpower position but you can still whine about how they (as a non-super power) should have done more to help Poland after the war?

Oh, sorry, I overlooked the fact that you are the liar who was happy to claim that no Poles were invited to the London parade and that the RAF did nothing against Germany until 1940. Well, I either forgot that you are either a delusional moron or that you are a vindictive liar.
3 Dec 2008 /  #266
So the British lost their superpower position but you can still whine about how they (as a non-super power) should have done more to help Poland after the war?

After the war? Wow! I knew that by extending the topic you would come with more ridicules claims and ... here we are LOL

and that the RAF did nothing against Germany until 1940.

Those raids had the same military significance as declaring war on Germany=zero. Silly that you even mention them. Still looser.

Well, I either forgot that you are either a delusional moron or that you are a vindictive liar.

Pity. I really have a soft spot for Brits. If only for Mr. Darcy LOL
Kilkline 1 | 689  
4 Dec 2008 /  #267
If Poland never went to war for Britain then who was that Polish beside you?

Poles were there but not for Britain. This is a basic historical fact that you dont seem to be able to grasp or if you do grasp it you seem intent on denying with your usual smokecreen of irrelevancies.

What did you have on your plate that would be more important than keeping your word to the ones you told, "we'll be there"?

The small matter of preparing for a war that we were in no position logistically to fight. We were under armed and under prepared. If we would have fought the Germans in a land war in 1939 we would have been beaten quickly and decisively. The war in Europe would have then been over and the Polish nation wouild now be a historical footnote with the Polish people exterminated or enslaved.

I guess you never saw the death toll on Non Jewish? Yes we were being killed and lived in inhumane conditions. Some felt a gas chamber would have been more humane that freezing, starving, slaving and watching each other die a slow death. In the end losing our country that we fought to save.

Non Communist continued to live under the conditions you decribe. Food in "Stalin's Communist Poland" was for the ones that were Moscow Poles.

If you think the situation in Poland in the postwar period is even a fraction as bad as it was under the Nazis then you seriously need to read more. Just because your family, as we are all aware, suffered under the Soviets dont make this the lens through which you see everything.

Priorities like your precious 5 o'clock tea, dahrlin'?

There is a justice after all: Britain was the biggest looser in WW 2. You lost your superpower position. So go ahead and tell us there was no point of helping Poland all you want. Losers. LOL

Your rambling and laughing at your own attempts at humour would indicate that you have no sound argument on the matter discussed.

Please try again.
4 Dec 2008 /  #268
Those raids had the same military significance as declaring war on Germany=zero. Silly that you even mention them. Still looser.

They may have been of very questionable significance to you but they were of great significance to the men who made the raids: half of the planes that went on the raids did not return. But why should we expect you to do anything other than lie about them? You have done nothing in this thread but tell offensive lies.

By the way, a true loser is a loser who can not even spell the word 'loser'.
Babinich 1 | 455  
4 Dec 2008 /  #269
The Red Army was little more than a joke and would have presented no problem to the British and/or French armies.

Does that mean the American forces would be taken off the board? No men, no material of any kind?
celinski 31 | 1,258  
4 Dec 2008 /  #270
The war in Europe would have then been over and the Polish nation wouild now be a historical footnote with the Polish people exterminated or enslaved.

Is this not what happened anyway in Poland? Polish military I speak to were fighting for a free Poland, not Soviet occupied Poland. 1989 is not that long ago.

preparing for a war that we were in no position logistically to fight. We were under armed and under prepared. If we would have fought the Germans in a land war in 1939 we would have been beaten quickly and decisively.

This quote is about France/ Britain and had they attacked Germany. What I question is what if all three, France, Britain and Poland did all jointly attack, could the world war be avoided?

This is very significant since Hitler had concentrated almost all German military forces in the east, and France had one of the strongest armies in the world. Had France attacked Germany in a serious way as promised, the results could have been very serious, if not disastrous for the Germans.

Poland in the postwar period is even a fraction as bad as it was under the Nazis then you seriously need to read more.

This has nothing to do with my family it has everything to do with how the Polish continued to live under communist rule. Remember my family left in 1951, I am referring to the life of the ones left behind. Polish were still being killed and Polish people lived with a new fear of death. Today we can speak to the people that survived this Stalin era and hear first hand accounts about what life was like.

I don't feel we can you compare what Soviet occupied Poland was like after the war with what took place under Nazi's. War was over and yet within "Soviet occupied Poland" each day presented a challange to survive.

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