OK, so let's assume that they signed a pact with Russia, who was to stop Hitler in his plans? He wasn't gonna suddenly disappear.
What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others?
You haven't answered my question about the start of the war. Maybe that's one for Hateful to answer.
As for Katyn and Sikorski, these are subjects that I know too little about. Spiteful arguments don't teach lessons though.
On the subject of Yalta, I don't believe there was anything Britain could have done, although it was a failure. Just look at who the real powers were by that time.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
5 Dec 2008 / #513
Today, 18:48 #512
OK, so let's assume that they signed a pact with Russia, who was to stop Hitler in his plans? He wasn't gonna suddenly disappear.
OK, so let's assume that they signed a pact with Russia, who was to stop Hitler in his plans? He wasn't gonna suddenly disappear.
I don't know what would have happened. Maybe it would have kept Hitler from expanding eastward? Germany might have been more intimidated, or more years would have elapsed before an invasion, allowing Germany more time to prepare for a war with the USSR.
Either that, or it would have meant an immediate yet prolonged war with the Soviet Union, most likely fought in Poland and other E.E. countries if they also signed pacts. There's wasn't enough alliances.
5 Dec 2008 / #514
are you really a woman? lol
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
5 Dec 2008 / #515
YES!!! Why do you ask that????
YES its true, Celinski is right. BRITIAN, the main force in Western Europe
NO... :') France had THE land army in western Europe.
England??? 1939??? Marching through Germany??? Erm...do you think they would have been successful?
No, but the French would have been successful walking right through the Siegfried Line into the Ruhr.
Why did the USA declare war on Germany?
Germany declared war on the US.
Anzac forces could combine with Canadian and Japanese troops to invade Russia from the east.
So do you see England and Japan as allies?
I am interested in how you resolve the inevitable conflict between England and an expansionist imperial Japanese empire.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
5 Dec 2008 / #517
You see, this is the difference. Russian plans for Poland did not include a mass extermination as in Hitler's agenda.
Are you forgetting all the KZs that were similar to Soviet Style Gulags? The entire Nazi system was Soviet-like. Since all the KZs started popping up in the GG right after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbontropp pact, I wonder if there was indeed a conspiracy between the USSR and Germany?
It is circumstantial, but still, my eyebrow raises.
Funny thing is, Deutsche KZ were modeled after British concentration camps of the Second Anglo-Boer War...
i have tried to read as much as possible on this thread,,,
to add a 'one persons view'
my wifes grandfather said the russians were 10 times worse than the germans??
also the problem with Wałęsa (again 3rd party story) was that when he went into power he handed land etc to his family and friends enabling them all to get rich
these are 2 stories i heard whilst living in poland but to get back to the original thread i have only read one book on polish history 'Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw' pretty harrowing reading. so my views are basic.
to much time is spent dwelling on the past instead of learning for the future, any war is wrong but history is generally written by the winners,,,,
to add a 'one persons view'
my wifes grandfather said the russians were 10 times worse than the germans??
also the problem with Wałęsa (again 3rd party story) was that when he went into power he handed land etc to his family and friends enabling them all to get rich
these are 2 stories i heard whilst living in poland but to get back to the original thread i have only read one book on polish history 'Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw' pretty harrowing reading. so my views are basic.
to much time is spent dwelling on the past instead of learning for the future, any war is wrong but history is generally written by the winners,,,,
6 Dec 2008 / #519
Read what you copy and paste... And use that bottle on your empty, stubborn melon.
No British died on Polish soil in combat during WW2... It lists some british prisoners of war that were relocated from Germany.
No British died on Polish soil in combat during WW2... It lists some british prisoners of war that were relocated from Germany.
You are such a pathetic liar.
Other graves brought into the [Krakow] cemetery were those of airmen who lost their lives during the Warsaw supply drop and the bombing of factories, railways and other strategic objectives. Some of these airmen were originally buried in Warsaw.
The majority of the 283 Second World War burials in the [Poznan] cemetery are those of airmen, many of whom died in bombing operations on Stettin (now Szeczin). Also buried here are those involved in the mass escape from Stalag Luft 3, Sagan, in March 1944
Why do you bother telling such pointless lies? It is so obvious that you are lying. Do you really think that you have any chance of getting away with your lies? Are you that stupid?
- Churchill promised to fight for Polish independence if Polish troops would unite and help fighting against Germans. Thats ONE
- French did not try to mask Katyn massacre like Churchill did - that would entirely change the face of enemy for Polish troops. TWO
- French did not kill Sikorski. THREE
- French did not sell us out in Yalta.
- French did not try to mask Katyn massacre like Churchill did - that would entirely change the face of enemy for Polish troops. TWO
- French did not kill Sikorski. THREE
- French did not sell us out in Yalta.
And what did the USA do? Do you think Churchill had any real influence over Stalin at Yalta?
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Dec 2008 / #521
At the time the US wasn't obligated to do anything. Why would the US be under any obligation? Nowadays because technology has improved, the US can be more involved internationally. At the time, due to transportation issues, it wasn't practical. It was up to Britain to show leadership. Britain failed.
It was up to Britain to show leadership. Britain failed.
Unfortunately, Churchill did not have an honest partner in Roosevelt.
And what did the USA do? Do you think Churchill had any real influence over Stalin at Yalta?
The fate of Poland was sealed at the Tehran Conference.
Russian plans for Poland did not include a mass extermination as in Hitler's agenda.
Yes, Stalin's plan was to exterminate Polish, at the last min. he decided to send some them to Siberia to slave and die. Believe me in the East Polish were being killed or stuffed into cattle cars. If Nazi's did not attack Soviets chances are I would not be here. Remember when Germany made it to eastern Poland and all Lenin and Stalin's statues were smashed. People saw Nazi's as saving them from the Soviets.
Sikorski, these are subjects that I know too little about.
Britain will not release the recods they hold, Poland is working on this today.
At the time the US wasn't obligated to do anything.
This is not accurate. The Declaration by United Nations specifically the Atlantic Charter identified eight points. One of those eight is: 'Territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned.'
The truth is the United States WAS obligated. Instead of working as an ally with Churchill, FDR went out of his way to belittle Churchill in front of Stalin.
6 Dec 2008 / #525
FDR went out of his way to belittle Churchill in front of Stalin.
What? Lol, I never heard that. What's your proof? Truth was, FDR kind of liked Stalin though, on a personal level. Stalin had some pretty funny quips, etc. This was before The Great Purge.
What's your proof?
Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship - Jon Meacham
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Dec 2008 / #527
Everybody knows what the Nazi ideology was and how they thought Germans were superior to Poles. We all know that Nazis thought they were ubermensch and Poles untermensch and they used this as an excuse to carry out their sick ideological plans. That has always been overt.
Some don't realize The Soviets hated Poles just as much. Why is this? Did the Soviets ever make it clear? Was it over a past conflict?
Some don't realize The Soviets hated Poles just as much. Why is this? Did the Soviets ever make it clear? Was it over a past conflict?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
6 Dec 2008 / #528
Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship - Jon Meacham
Here you have your answer!
GB was in no position and without any ability (totally broke and dependent) to do anything.
The US and the USSR were the big winners in this war (for the next half of a century)....how should England go against both of them alone?
6 Dec 2008 / #529
Well okay, but i don't have the book in front of me. Give some examples of how FDR belittled Churchill in front of Stalin. I've read books about Tehran , Yalta plus Conrad Black's ( Canadian) huge book about FDR. It seems Churchill was kind of hypersensitive sometimes.
What I always found weird was that many Poles had Aryan qualities, I have remarked on this before. There were many Germans who didn't fit the Aryan description to a tee.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
6 Dec 2008 / #531
What is an "aryan" feature? :)
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Dec 2008 / #532
What I always found weird was that many Poles had Aryan qualities, I have remarked on this before. There were many Germans who didn't fit the Aryan description to a tee.
Seanus geez, I can't believe how naive you are!!!!!! EVERYBODY KNOWS both German and Poles are ethnically mixed. NEITHER conform to the Aryan ideal. From what I can tell, Swedes are the only ones who do.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
6 Dec 2008 / #533
I think he confuses this with "nordic" features...:):):)
Aryan is an English word derived from the Sanskrit "Ārya" meaning "noble" or "honorable".[1][2] The Avestan cognate is "Airya" and the Old Persian equivalent is "Ariya". It is widely held to have been used as an ethnic self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Iranians [3] Since in the 19th century, the Indo-Iranians were the most ancient known speakers of Indo-European languages, the word Aryan was adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian people, but also to Indo-European speakers as a whole
...Deniker's use of Nordique was meant to simply translate as "Northern", and his idea of what it stood for was more akin to an "ethnic group" (another term which he coined) than a biological "race".He defined nordique by a set of physical characteristics: The concurrence of fair, somewhat wavy hair, light eyes, reddish skin, tall stature and a dolichocephalic skull.[25] Of six 'caucasian' groups Deniker accommodated four into secondary ethnic groups, all of which he considered intermediate to the Nordic: Northwestern, Sub-Nordic, Vistula and Sub-Adriatic, respectively
6 Dec 2008 / #534
There were many Germans who didn't fit the Aryan description to a tee.
no, in the south they can be fairly dark complected. A lot of people don't realize that.
Light-coloured hair (blond), blue eyes, high forehead, strong jaw and a straight nose.
Is that good enough for you? I have more.
Is that good enough for you? I have more.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Dec 2008 / #536
Aryan is supposed to be blond hair, blue eyes, light complected, tall and atheletic. The supposed supermodel athelete of the social darwinic world.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
6 Dec 2008 / #537
no, in the south they can be fairly dark complected. A lot of people don't realize that.
Hitler himself had brown hair/blue eyes...people realize that!
You aren't "aryan" with blond hair/blue eyes only...or it would leave out 50 to 60 percent of the germanic race!
6 Dec 2008 / #538
light complected, tall and atheletic. The supposed supermodel
A lot of Slavic women are the new supermodels. They don't really look Aryan.
HatefulBunch397 - | 658
6 Dec 2008 / #539
It's because they are ethnically mixed and exactly why they are so beautiful. MIXED IS BETTER LOOKING THAN PURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naive my ass. It is true that many Poles had Aryan features, how can you dispute that?
Many Germans didn't conform to the Aryan ideal! Far from it. What is wrong with that?
Geez, the Swedes are Nordic. Many black people were introduced to Sweden in the 1970's. Are they Aryan too? Don't be daft! Denmark may have been a better example.
Many Germans didn't conform to the Aryan ideal! Far from it. What is wrong with that?
Geez, the Swedes are Nordic. Many black people were introduced to Sweden in the 1970's. Are they Aryan too? Don't be daft! Denmark may have been a better example.