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Poland-Turkey Relations, a youtube comment

10 Apr 2009 /  #1
Sorry, I wasn't sure where to post this. I was looking through some youtube videos, and I saw this comment by someone:

Turcja jako jedyny kraj w Europie nie uznala zaborow Polski, przez 123 lata kazdy jeden sultan pytal sie czy "Jest posel z Lechistanu? (tj.Polski)"

Could anyone tell me what this exactly means?
10 Apr 2009 /  #2
Turkey was the only country in the world that opposed and never acknowledged
the partitions of Poland. Allegedly (I'm not sure if it's true or just a legend) Turkish
sultans, during those 123 years (1795-1918), during their annual meetings with foreign
diplomats asked "Did the envoys from Lechistan arrive?", driving the Prussian, Austrian
and Russian diplomats mad :)
Crow  154 | 9556  
11 Apr 2009 /  #3
Down with Turks!

They masacred and beheaded our noble King Władysław Warneńczyk at Warna! In this very moment they togather with Germany remodeling Balkan and bringing back Islam, while NATO and EU helping them.

Help Poles! Combine your efforts with Russians and Ukrainains in order to provide support to Serbians

Show me, show us, show them... POWER OF SLAVIJA!

Racowie for Poles! Poles for Racowie! One Sarmatia, one ethos!
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Apr 2009 /  #4

Dream on.
Crow  154 | 9556  
11 Apr 2009 /  #5
what are we without dreams if not only drones in the world of matrix that is imposed on Slavic world?

you know, Gavrilo Princip also had a dream. Remember Sarajevo 1914 when from the resistance on Serbian soil beggan independance of new Poland
Salomon  2 | 436  
11 Apr 2009 /  #6
Turkey was the only country in the world that opposed and never acknowledged the partitions of Poland.

They forgot about Denmark !
11 Apr 2009 /  #7
Denmark opposed the partitions of Poland? I've never heard of that before.
Fair play to them if they did!
Salomon  2 | 436  
11 Apr 2009 /  #8
They had problems with Prussian expansionism as Turks had with Russian. Both countries had similar reasons to oppose partitions of Poland.
rock  - | 428  
11 Apr 2009 /  #9
during those 123 years (1795-1918), during their annual meetings with foreign
diplomats asked "Did the envoys from Lechistan arrive?", driving the Prussian, Austrian
and Russian diplomats mad :)

Exactly true.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
11 Apr 2009 /  #10
They had problems with Prussian expansionism

Partly true. Danish court was also quite influenced by Poland at the time, with some of the court even being part-Polish etc. The two countries had some ties from anti-Swedish alliance decades earlier. It was more a symbolic gesture of solidarity, rather than anything really concrete.
rock  - | 428  
11 Apr 2009 /  #11
They masacred and beheaded our noble King Władysław Warneńczyk at Warna! In this very moment they togather with Germany remodeling Balkan and bringing back Islam, while NATO and EU helping them.

Crow, believe or not Germany is not out friend.
Crow  154 | 9556  
11 Apr 2009 /  #12
Poland must accept Serbian explanation that Turkish expansionism and islamic fanatism endangering Slavic elements on Balkan. Poland shouldn`t work against Racowie and traditional Sarmatian interests

Crow, believe or not Germany is not out friend.

The Grand Mufti and the Nazi Protectorate of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1941-1945

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: Haj Amin el Husseini

The Muslim Brotherhood, The Nazis and Al-Qa'ida

Haj Amin el Husseini arrived in Europe in 1941 following the unsuccessful pro-Nazi coup which he organized in Iraq. He met German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on November 28, 1941 in Berlin.

Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el Husseini was born in 1893 in Jerusalem, then the capital of Palestine, which was then a part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

rock  - | 428  
11 Apr 2009 /  #13
Poland must accept Serbian explanation that Turkish expansionism and islamic fanatism endangering Slavic elements on Balkan.

Firstly, We Turks are not fanatic muslims.
Secondly, there is not Turkish expansionism in Balkans but we of course support Turks ( living in Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo ), Bosniaks, Albanians, Gagavuz ( christain Turks living in Romania ) when they need help.

All the Turks and muslims are in pressure in Balkans. Of course we do our best to support them.

But, the difference from your point of view is ,
This support is defensive not offensive.

On the other hand, I never heard name of the guy you mentioned. But, I can say he is not Turkish. This example does not show Turkish German friendship.
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Apr 2009 /  #14

First of all what you've written here is complete nonsense.
Assume it does make any sense,
Do you have any proof for this nonsense which at least happened 30 years ago ?

You should try to look around real world, I am worried about you, you are drawing far away from reality in each post you sent.
Crow  154 | 9556  
11 Apr 2009 /  #15
First of all what you've written here is complete nonsense.

what is nonsense, exactly?
mephias  10 | 296  
11 Apr 2009 /  #16
Connection between Mr. Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el Husseini and Turkey. In 1941 Iraq is not an Ottoman Land. Modernt Turkey is Established in 1923, and we are a secular country. Actually there is not even a word which makes any sense.
11 Apr 2009 /  #17
As far as I can remember, Turkey in history was Poland's enemy but
they were an honourable enemy. When Turks signed a cease fire they
kept to it (I can't say the same about some of our Christian neighbours).
I respect honourable enemy more than a false friend. At present time
Polish-Turkish relations are good and there is no reason for Poland to
distrust Turkey.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
11 Apr 2009 /  #18
Yeah, the chinese like us too..they still think our Nazi John Rabe is their biggest hero ever.
It's easy to be friends from afar if you don't have a border for over a millennia.
ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
11 Apr 2009 /  #19
Modernt Turkey is Established in 1923, and we are a secular country. Actually there is not even a word which makes any sense.

Tell this ******* to somebody else, and we all perfectly know that you are still cherishing your savage desire to enslave poor christians. Give Constantinopol back to Greeks! Do you think that somebody will belive your crocodile tears over Poland?
rock  - | 428  
11 Apr 2009 /  #20
Yeah, the chinese like us too

Are you sure :)
Crow  154 | 9556  
11 Apr 2009 /  #21
one example

The Battle of Varna (1444 AD)

Surrounded by thousands fanatic Islamic killers the young Polish king died in the battle. After the death of his King the Polish cavalry was disorganized and in turn smashed by Ottomans.

The fanatic assassin Kodza Hazâr cut off the king's head and sent it to his master - the sultan. The head of young king became a great attraction in the capital of Ottoman empire. Muslim women and children sang songs, danced and praised Allah at the sight of decapitated head of young Polish king.

rock  - | 428  
12 Apr 2009 /  #22
Very provacative.
I think you can also tell us which song they sing :(
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Apr 2009 /  #23

Did Zawisza Czarny die in a very similar style? Was his body ever found?
Crow  154 | 9556  
12 Apr 2009 /  #24
local Serbians in Golubac would tell you... that Zawisza was captured while still was alive, wounded but alive. Then, Turks strangled him and decapitated his head. Body was mutilated and cut to many little minces. Turks hated Zawisza a lot of

Serbia, castle of Golubac, banks of Danube river
Serbian tourists in Golubac
memorial table to Zawisza Czarny

memorial table to Zawisza Czarny in Serbia - text on the table says (translation from Serbian):

``In Golubac, his life was taken by the Turks in 1428, the famous Polish knight, the symbol of the courage and honor, Zawisza the Black. Glory to the hero!``

Today, many Serbian tourists coming to visit place where Zawisza Czarny died for freedom of Serbians and for liberation of Southern Sarmatia

momorial spring and table to Zawisza Czarny were damaged during NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 when happened that modern day Poland attacked Serbians in alliance with Turkey.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Apr 2009 /  #25
Body was mutilated and cut to many little minces

those dirty sons of *******.. no honour for such a brave warrior..
or maybe they were just scared that Zawisza would come back from the dead?

he was truly a symbol of Slavija! everlasting battle against expansion into our ancestral home! i cross myself, and say, Zawisza, you were a damn good man.
12 Apr 2009 /  #26
15th century, lads? Oh, come on! I can give you more drastic descriptions
of barbaric killings from much later period - the 20th century for example.
Does September 1939 ring a bell? It wasn't the Turks who invaded us then.
It wasn't the Turks who slaughtered defensless Polish women and newborn
babies (I could tell you about some of my grandmother's experiences but
what for? Just ask anyone in your family who still remembers the WW2).

What "wild", "islamic" Turkey has done to us is NOTHING compared to
the "heroic deeds" of our "civilized" and "christian" neighbours.

The possible future Polish-Turkish alliance in EU has a huge potential
to increase our political influence and help build better and stronger Poland
for our children and grandchildren. That's well worth forgiving what happened
to some warriors or kings in the feckin Middle Ages.

Long live Polish-Turkish friendship!

mephias  10 | 296  
12 Apr 2009 /  #27
Give Constantinopol back to Greeks!

Where is constantinopol I couldn't remember it. If you want something come and get it...

In Golubac, his life was taken by the Turks in 1428, the famous Polish knight, the symbol of the courage and honor, Zawisza the Black. Glory to the hero!``

Again a complete nonsense. This time it's from 500 years ago.

those dirty sons of *******.. no honour for such a brave warrior..

Doubling the nonsense. You are both good at this.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
12 Apr 2009 /  #28
Where is constantinopol

It was a great city, until it became Turkish...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
12 Apr 2009 /  #29
What "wild", "islamic" Turkey has done to us is NOTHING compared to
the "heroic deeds" of our "civilized" and "christian" neighbours.

Are you a Turk "Torq" ?
12 Apr 2009 /  #30
No, I'm Polish through and through (although there were Austrians and Spaniards
among my ancestors), and I repeat again what I said before - the most barbaric,
inhuman and animal
behaviour towards us in history was shown by our "civilized",
"christian" neighbours, not by Turkey.

So, if we want to forgive our neighbours, get on with them on a daily basis and
maybe even become friends in the future, then I see no reason at all why we
should be prejudiced against Turkey.

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