Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
2 Jul 2007 / #121
The thing that makes WWII so special isn't TV or the numbers of people that died. It's the fact that in modern times, in the middle of Europe, the continent that can be called the cradle of western civilization, members of a nation that contributed so much to the humanity were building death factories where there were killing fellow human beings as if they were animals and producing soap from them. It didn't happen in ancient times. It didn’t happen in Africa. That's why WWII is so special.
First, the soap story is a hoax...ask the Jews themselves.
(Did you know that this Soap-hoax was already used during WWI by british propagandists? In 1925, the British Foreign Secretary Sir Austen Chamberlain admitted that the "corpse factory" story had been a lie!)
"...The claim resurfaced very early during World War II, so early that it almost certainly was not true. However, contemporary jokes, threats, rumors and insults show beyond a doubt that many people thought that it was at least believable. The main support for this belief was found in the abbreviation "RIF" which was imprinted on most pieces of soap available in Germany during WWII. It was interpreted as "Reines Jüdisches Fett" (pure Jewish fat) while, in fact, the abbreviation stood for "Reichsstelle für industrielle Fettversorgung" (National Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning)...."
Second...would it have been more okay if Germans had killed Jews the "old" way like in those many pogroms...with shovels or bullets???
Yes...Germany was a highly industrialized country and it used all it could to kill as many of her percieved enemies as possible and as efficient as possible.
Like the US did with their technology to reach the goals.
Do you think it made a big difference to the victims if they were gassed or clubbed to death???
I always found this argument especially awkward (and bigot).