So are saying that you afraide of choice, because it will divide Poland?
Will Poland stick to plans for "Anti missile shield" under new threats?
because it will divide Poland?
No I feel Poland needs to grow as an independent country. People from Poland have been silenced for over 60 years and are conditioned to not speak by "Communist Poland". Since 1989 is not to very long ago Poland has a high number of citizens that do not know the full truth as to what took place. We could even call it "Russian's brain washing". All we have to do is look at "Katyn" and the reaction of the citizens. Poland has a large void in history that needs to be told before the Polish citizens fully comprehend the reasons the EU has decided to ask USA for assistance in this anti missile shield.
i have a bad feeling that Tusk will back out. just a hunch. hope i am wrong. some of this will also depend on how USA deals with PL.. if it's strong arm... PL will not go for it. i think the land (base) ownership is another big one.
i think the land (base) ownership is another big one.
I thought USA were guests on Polish soil?
well that's what i thought but USA wants to own the base and wants to be able to exlcude poles from it.. by invitation only. i think that's probably one of the major sticking points.
to be able to exlcude poles from it.. by invitation only.
The articals I have read were not this way, it was Russia that was told by invite only. I really hope it's not as you say, I also have a problem with that. Unless it's a decission between Poland/USA (security issues) to keep civilians safe or possiable sabatodge attempts by ex communist spys.
you could be right but i thought i read that either in one of your links or somewhere else when i was looking into this issue.
you could be right
I hope I am, I'll let you know what I find.
Good by and good luck with your useless talk here. I can try to tell you that you arecomplitly brainwashed, but you will not beleive me. You belelive in the web.Too sad.
Poland has a high number of citizens that do not know the full truth as to what took place. We could even call it "Russian's brain washing". All we have to do is look at "Katyn" and the reaction of the citizens. Poland has a large void in history that needs to be told before the Polish citizens fully comprehend
Sorry Carol,Thats not the Poland I or many other people that have been there know,your being a little condesending about it,Polish TV,press etc is always full of all this stuff you think Poles dont know about,I really do think your basing your ideas on what Americans may or may not yet know,not on what native Poles know.
sabatodge attempts by ex communist spys.
Dont worry love,those guys are too busy working crappy hours guarding car parks and such to be upto any neferious Yankee running dog bashing :)
Good by and good luck with your useless talk here. I can try to tell you that you arecomplitly brainwashed, but you will not beleive me. You belelive in the web.Too sad.
yes very helpful
And somebody on the other topic said that Ukrainians don't know what they want. They do !They don't want to be americans lickspitters, like somebody.
I really do think your basing your ideas on what Americans may or may not yet know,not on what native Poles know.
I hope you are right. "Katlyn" is only part of the story, in this area we had reserve from Polish Army and all the family's. Remember we talked about killings prior to Sept. 1, 1939 by Stalin, here they are. It may take awhile but it's not just the information the Polish have, it's also what Russia is still covering up. I have personal letters from ones around the world that were witness, they are not getting younger and time is running out to get the full history from eye witnesses.
Joseph Stalin never had any problem finding willing executioners. Everyone from his Politburo colleagues to the secret-police rank and file dutifully carried out his wishes during the Great Terror of 1937-38, when approximately 700,000 people were shot in assembly-line executions. It was a huge job, and no one was a more enthusiastic organizer than Nikolai Ezhov, the head of the NKVD, as the secret police was then called. But when, predictably, the killing frenzy began consuming the executioners themselves, Ezhov didn't go gracefully. "He started to hiccup, weep, and when he was conveyed to 'the place,' they had to drag him by the hands along the floor," a witness recalled. "He struggled and screamed terribly."
"More than 3 million people have seen Wajda's film in Poland, where
the subject of the massacre was taboo under decades of communist rule.
The Soviets denied any involvement and pinned the blame on the German
wartime occupiers of Poland. Polish communist authorities accepted
this version.
The cover-up was exposed in 1990, a year after the collapse of
communism in Europe, when the Soviets released documents
acknowledging the killings." show/185839, merkel-to-attend-
berlin-premiere- of-katyn- massacre- film.html
cover-up was exposed in 1990, a year after the collapse of
communism in Europe, when the Soviets released documents
acknowledging the killings."
seriously,carol,your preaching to the wrong audience,there cant be a Pole alive who doesnt know all this,even back in the 70's and 80's all this was known.
communism in Europe, when the Soviets released documents
acknowledging the killings."
seriously,carol,your preaching to the wrong audience,there cant be a Pole alive who doesnt know all this,even back in the 70's and 80's all this was known.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
18 Feb 2008 / #44
Celinski? Just a question...
You are always speaking of these bad commies or the bad russians who hurt the good, poor Poles so much...but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
Sometimes I'm not so sure with you....
You are always speaking of these bad commies or the bad russians who hurt the good, poor Poles so much...but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
Sometimes I'm not so sure with you....
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
18 Feb 2008 / #45
You are always speaking of these bad commies or the bad russians who hurt the good, poor Poles so much...but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
Actually it was....Dzerzhinskiy, Menzhinskiy and so on, and so on. All those polish ragamuffins who arranged Russian revolution. And all their posterity has a cheek to blame Russians in all circumstances!
You are always speaking of these bad commies or the bad russians who hurt the good, poor Poles so much...but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves
No my family were not commies. It was due to "Communist" taking over Poland we lost our country. Or are you referring to the ones that were forced to live in communism. If what happened to Poland, happened to Britian I know it would be OK in your book to talk about it, why do you not see we have a right to the "full truth, accountability, respect". Even the USA if we look at Pearl Harbor, now 20,000 Polish in Katyn, this is the number confirmed. Quite a little differance in how we respect the memory. Time for respect to be shown for yesterdays hero's that fought for Poland's freedom.
seriously,carol,your preaching to the wrong audience,there cant be a Pole alive who doesnt know all this,even back in the 70's and 80's all this was known.
You think, is that why with all you have studied you never questioned Roman Catholic void in Poland when communist took over. Go to Holocaust and type in Roman Catholic, nothing there yet, millions dead and history opps over looked it, sorry if you don't understand but silence a country to history for as long as they did and partial truths are all you see. It broke my heart seeing Polish that really believed the families that exiled did so to live vs. running to relax in USA.
Stalin is closer to the truth, if Russians wants to put what he did to his own in a box to be forgotten, thats fine. They do not have this right to slander what he has done to Poland. Stalin was not a great hero and seeing as how Putin decided to throw this in our face, shows me we have a long way to go in educating.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
18 Feb 2008 / #47
No my family were not commies. It was due to "Communist" taking over Poland we lost our country. Or are you referring to the ones that were forced to live in communism....
Who do you think sat in the Sejm all these decades and made it possible? Russians???
Take the blinkers wasn't marsians!
All this is not "okay in my book"...but be realistic!
Who do you think sat in the Sejm all these decades and made it possible? Russians???
Take the blinkers wasn't marsians!
Take the blinkers wasn't marsians!
Wasn't the same true about GDR?
Or perhaps it didn;t really matter who sa t in this parliament or another, but rather how many Soviet troops were stationed around it?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
18 Feb 2008 / #49
Wasn't the same true about GDR?
Yes, it was.
The front line were right through the families. The SED was a party full with Germans. The Stasi too. The same in Poland.
It would sound weird to always call it "the russians did that"'s just wrong!
There are always a few bad apples in the basket. The fact remains that Poles never ceased to try and weed them out. To generalize that Poles (or East Germans, for that matter) were communists is not a reflection of reality.
russians did that"'s just wrong!
Stalin was the one that sent the orders to kill military and eastern Poles, is that better. It was Russians that followed the orders.
It was Russians that followed the orders.
Because if they didn't do, they would be lying in similar graves.
seriously,carol,your preaching to the wrong audience,there cant be a Pole alive who doesnt know all this,even back in the 70's and 80's all this was known.
not by everybody in PL. katyn the book came out.. what? about 81or2? that was probably the first public writing on this subject. how many copies do you think made it in? a handfull or two? maybe.
.but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
yes but all driven from the red square.
Because if they didn't do, they would be lying in similar graves.
so that makes it all OK.
so that makes it all OK.
No, it doesn't.
Bratwurst Boy wrote:
.but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
yes but all driven from the red square.
.but you know that most of these commies were Poles themselves, don't you?
yes but all driven from the red square.
An analogue excuse.
Stalin was not a great hero
You know what love,like it or not,without Stalin and the RKKA there wouldnt be a Poland now as Germany did away with it,only when the Polish communists returned,backed by the might of the red army were the nazis driven out and Poland was on the map again.
wouldnt be a Poland
I guess we will never know seeing as how Poland was betrayed? Poland was not on the map "communist Poland" is what I saw. What were the military fighting for in the first place, freedom and their country? What happened to Poland was nothing more than an extention of Russia.
well ,sorry,your above post just shows a HUGE lack of understanding.
An analogue excuse.
but it is derived from it.. communism didn't come from poland.
en the Polish communists returned,backed by the might of the red army were the nazis driven out and Poland was on the map again.
oh you're gonna **** off smany yanks.. don't you know it's them who saved all of our arses? lol
oops,how could I forget the late arrivals? how slack of me...Sorry,yes,without the might of the 3 YEARS TOO LATE yanks,er,france wouldnt be free....( makes you wonder why they bothered...) :)
.( makes you wonder why they bothered...) :)
no it doesn't. it was highly profitable. ;)