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Should Poland send volunteers to Georgia ?

Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
9 Aug 2008 /  #1
I don't think that Poland as a country should get involved in that mess but what about providing volunteers with weapons, transport etc. ?
Arise_St_George 9 | 419  
9 Aug 2008 /  #2
Then Poland will be getting involved. You would might aswell engage in war.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
9 Aug 2008 /  #3
Do you mean medical aid? doctors nurses etc.,
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
9 Aug 2008 /  #4
Should we send volunteers to Georgia ?

No. Russia will win whatever the rights and wrongs. Better for it to finish quickly rather than be drawn out with fools seeking glory.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
9 Aug 2008 /  #5
Its going to be a dirty the others in the region...not a good place to be i think...
southern 73 | 7059  
9 Aug 2008 /  #6
Do you mean medical aid?

Or maybe some rock bands.
Daisy 3 | 1215  
9 Aug 2008 /  #7

I'm sure we can find a spare psychoanalyst for you Southern
ConstantineK 26 | 1298  
9 Aug 2008 /  #8
Good joke, to send volunteers. May be you Grzegorz will be first? Than I will buy you a ticket to Georgia.
southern 73 | 7059  
9 Aug 2008 /  #9
Than I will buy you a ticket to Georgia.

You dislike polish boys?
ConstantineK 26 | 1298  
9 Aug 2008 /  #10
No, actually I like Grzegorz, I only hope he has enough brains to refuse this offer.
VaFunkoolo 6 | 654  
9 Aug 2008 /  #11
Send humanitarian support by all means but dont contribute anything that might assist the war effort in anyway. That would be a very silly move
Sasha 2 | 1083  
9 Aug 2008 /  #12
Today, 07:08 Report #1

I don't think that Poland as a country should get involved in that mess but what about providing volunteers with weapons, transport etc. ?

Just one or two questions:

1) Did you support Kosovo's independence. If "yes" then...
2) Why do you think Georgia is right here?
OP Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
9 Aug 2008 /  #13
1) Did you support Kosovo's independence.


2) Why do you think Georgia is right here?

Becuse unless "world community" decide something else then that territory is a damn part of their country.
osiol 55 | 3921  
9 Aug 2008 /  #14
Why does someone always mention Kosovo in these kinds of discussions?
There may be parallels with many modern day ethnic conflicts, but simply stating that conflicts like this are the same thing, unfairly simplifies the problem. It is essential in cases like Georgia to know more rather than less.

There may be some mess, and some sort of humanitarian aid may be required somewhere.
polishcanuck 7 | 461  
9 Aug 2008 /  #15
Why does someone always mention Kosovo in these kinds of discussions?

Because the present conflict in georgia is very similar to what happened in kosovo!

Sasha 2 | 1083  
9 Aug 2008 /  #16

Then second question is redundant. :) If Kosovo precedent didn't happen and Georgia didn't kill civilians, I would rather support Georgia as well.

There may be parallels with many modern day ethnic conflicts, but simply stating that conflicts like this are the same thing, unfairly simplifies the problem. It is essential in cases like Georgia to know more rather than less.

Ok. You're right. SO has more rights to be independent then Kosovo ever had since it has never been the cradle of Georgian culture and religion, Osetians have never kept down Georgians on their territory and they've lived on that territory for centuries.
southern 73 | 7059  
9 Aug 2008 /  #17
The problem of Osetians is that they are not Albanians.
Wroclaw Boy  
9 Aug 2008 /  #18
I don't think that Poland as a country should get involved in that mess but what about providing volunteers with weapons, transport etc. ?

Send in the Kiełbasa and Bigos armed with Sałatka.

Seriously let the Russians have their way, for now!
Sasha 2 | 1083  
9 Aug 2008 /  #19
The problem of Osetians is that they are not Albanians.

That's the keen observation.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387  
9 Aug 2008 /  #20
I don't think that Poland as a country should get involved in that mess but what about providing volunteers with weapons, transport etc. ?

Well, if Poland gets involved on the 'Georgian' side, she will be working right along with the Israelis, who are heavily involved in this conflict...Maybe this will be the sign of a new 'Polish-Israeli co-operation agreement'.
Foreigner4 12 | 1768  
9 Aug 2008 /  #21
getting involved would be the stupidest thing polish leaders could decide to do regarding this matter.
Oryctes - | 9  
9 Aug 2008 /  #22
I don't think we could make any independent decisions about military support for Georgia as a NATO member, even if we thought it wise, which it isn't. However, international community and especially the USA should do everything possible to prevent the Russians from taking control of Georgia and installing their puppets there. Ukraine could be next, to name but one. Besides they want to cut off gas and oil pipes running through Georgia. There is only one argument Russians understand and that is power. Poland doesn't have this argument, NATO does. One important thing: the sooner we reduce our dependence on Russian oil and gas the safer we will be.
9 Aug 2008 /  #23
especially the USA

The US needs to stay the hell away from it. No "advisors" no nothing.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the United States of America.
Babinich 1 | 453  
9 Aug 2008 /  #24
Quite right; we (the US of which I am a citizen) should leave our fingerprints off this.
osiol 55 | 3921  
9 Aug 2008 /  #25

Go "Duh!" yourself. Did I not say there would be similarities? It is not the same.

Refer to Sasha's post following mine for one very good example of a difference.
Wroclaw Boy  
9 Aug 2008 /  #26
Its like two guys having a fight and then one guy throws in a boot - Poland. It's insignificant although the repercussions could be enormous, shut up G you aint got the power even if you wanted too.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
9 Aug 2008 /  #27
I don't think that Poland as a country should get involved in that mess but what about providing volunteers with weapons, transport etc. ?

i totally agree with you about Poland, i also suggest that the rest of europe takes a back seat, this is between Russia and Georgia and it seems to me Georgia has dug itslef a hole it cannot get out of.
OP Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
9 Aug 2008 /  #28
The US needs to stay the hell away from it. No "advisors" no nothing.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the United States of America.

Quite right; we (the US of which I am a citizen) should leave our fingerprints off this.

LOL ! Georgians sent 2000 soldiers to Iraq and now screw them ? One has to love the Yanks !
shopgirl 6 | 928  
9 Aug 2008 /  #29
If the US did send troops, then you would just bash the US and say it is none of their business, and call it neocons taking over the world!

Make up your damn minds already!
southern 73 | 7059  
9 Aug 2008 /  #30
Only the Kossaks have sent volunteers till now.(to South Ossetia).

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