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Should rape carry a life sentence in Poland?

masks98  27 | 289  
7 Oct 2008 /  #121
So in your opinion undoubted possibility that piano might fell on your head should lead us to conclusion that production of pianos should be stopped?

??? you think that's an appropriate analogy? One is an accident the other is deliberate. I feel silly arguing this with you but okay, pianos MUST be handled in certain ways, and when accidents happen leading to a person's death, than it's termed a freak accident, it doesn't change the fact that these pianos must be handled this way, and a person's death in this case is avoidable.

No person MUST suffer the death penalty, there's no logic leading to that conclusion because the criminal's death serves no direct and useful purpose, so the risk of executing an innocent person is unnecessary.

footnote: Amazingly, after googling "falling piano" I came up with this story, 12 deaths by falling pianos within a year...maybe pianos should be banned, people should go digital like me;)

lesser  4 | 1311  
7 Oct 2008 /  #122
12 deaths by falling pianos within a year...maybe pianos should be banned

You see, this is hardly possible that 12 innocent people would executed in civilized countries within a year. It appears that falling pianos are even more dangerous.

One could mention a car. When we allow to produce cars we are fully aware that many people will be killed in road accidents. However we don't think about banning cars.

No person MUST suffer the death penalty

No person MUST commit awful crimes.
masks98  27 | 289  
7 Oct 2008 /  #123
One could mention a car. When we allow to produce cars we are fully aware that many people will be killed in road accidents. However we don't think about banning cars.


The death penalty is not useful in anyway.

No person MUST commit awful crimes.

that's why we try and imprison them when they do, there's a benefit in imprisonment, (though we could argue about how effective the system is,)

but why do we need to kill someone for their crime?

A government can't get caught up in killing its own citizens, no matter what they'e done, and it certainly can't risk killing an innocent civilian it is supposed to protect.

Your analogy with the pianos and the cars is just wrong-headed. Killing timothy McVeigh served no purpose, but you could argue that driving to work served a purpose even if you ended killing someone by accident, you could argue that moving a piano served a purpose, even if that, too, killed someone by accident.

But driving drunk serves no purpose, so we outlaw it because it can lead to accidents, the death penalty serves no purpose,Killing Timothy McVeigh had no purpose, no positive result. So executions should be outlawed too because there could be accidents.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
8 Oct 2008 /  #124
So you refuse to acknowledge that society consist from people who have different skills and capabilities? All of them have some role in the society. people are not the same.

where did you get impression? I merely included those "specialists" you spoke of within my definition of "society" from the outset, sorry you're having trouble with that.

State is not obligated to fulfill all wet dreams any of majority or minority.

well then who's wishes ought the state fulfill, let me guess, specialists, right?

This is private problem of criminal, whether change or not.

and also society's problem if change doesn't occur.

I cannot interfere and nobody should unless criminal want

isn't your next statement an example of interfering? i'm not sure what to interpret from you as "interference" so this is why i ask...

If such person would commit another serious crime then suppose he would never be free anymore.

did i write "who's?" Yikes. i wish i could edit that one for spelling and unnecessary rudeness, well take this as an apology lesser there was no reason for me to respond in the surly manner i did.
krakuskabanos  4 | 43  
27 Sep 2009 /  #125
Polish law rape isn't a serious enough crime to carry a life centence.

i dont believe in death sentence. that's way too easy. mental torture isn't.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #126
I wonder if those that slated rapists are now slating Polański, hmm...
wildrover  98 | 4430  
5 Oct 2009 /  #127
Anyone who rapes a piano needs to see a doctor.......or have i got the wrong message from this thread....?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Oct 2009 /  #128
I wonder if those that slated rapists are now slating Polański, hmm...

I doubt it I had a conversation with one of our Polish secondees and he actually thought it was part the fault of the girl! She was dressed up and wearing make-up and her mum took her to the party..oh that make it all okay to abuse a 13 year old! WTF?? He went on to mention how Polanskies life had been ruined by it and he made wonderful films..(I couldnt work out how his life had been ruined if he had gone on to do so well?)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #129
Yeah, Gumishu takes that line. Somehow (because he is a righteous Pole?), we are expected to be merciful and let him off the hook. His life wasn't ruined as he didn't even do time. He has no criminal record that I know of.

The logic here is weird at times.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Oct 2009 /  #130
The logic here is weird at times.

I even tried along the lines of "what if it was a normal guy" he just sank even lower in conversation and said he didnt know what he would do if some girl (who was young) came up to him in a club and he was off his head on booze and ecstasy and unzipped his jeans and proceeded to blow him - he totally made out it was this girls fault! :( Maybe they just secretly think its okay to sh*g children! I must remember not to buy any dress up stuff for my niece just in case there are some dodgy Poles living near to where she lives ;0)
gumishu  15 | 6227  
5 Oct 2009 /  #131
please do let me of the hook hehehe
please do show your mercy
well I don't have criminal record that I know of too ;)
there are weird and even weirder things in this world - even Shakespeare had to admit it :P
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Oct 2009 /  #132
even Shakespeare had to admit it :P

I think the laws were a bit different back then..And are you really comparing Shakespeare to some peado Pole?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Oct 2009 /  #133
Shelley, you know how RCC priests are ;) ;) Do as I say and not as I do :) Ozzy (You're No Different) and Metallica (Holier than Thou) both have good songs about warning against judging before looking inward at yourself.

The onus in on him but, unfortunately, the anus was on her ;)
gumishu  15 | 6227  
5 Oct 2009 /  #134
I think the laws were a bit different back then..And are you really comparing Shakespeare to some peado Pole?

you are assuming too much, still they worked in a similar field didn't they?

I only write it cause you like to see things separately and probably are not able to believe people sometime change even if it is by learning from grave mistakes
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Oct 2009 /  #136
Should rape carry a life centence in Poland?

No, but a lengthy stretch in the pen along with some kind of education, including empathy therapy would be a start. Of course that sort of counseling won't work for everybody.

Next question: Should a woman who files a false charge of rape receive the same sentence as her innocent accused victim would have received if convicted?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
6 Oct 2009 /  #137
Yesterday, 23:12

Can't say I totally disagree with your position on this matter.

I like the idea of hanging, you can always re-use the rope.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #138
Can't say I totally disagree with your position on this matter.

Castration does not work.

The problem with castration is, sex offenders commit their crimes, not for sexual gratification, but for the feeling of power it gives them over the victim. Even whilst castrated, they can still sexually abuse potential victims. Obviously, a bit of lead would only be administrated if they were proven guilty without any reasonable doubt.
polomintz  2 | 46  
6 Oct 2009 /  #139
Im a girl just so you know!
yeah yeah my profile says im a boy...anyway.....

Well, if I was to go to poland or where ever and some sick bastard tries to rape me or
someone else! Thank **** Ive done kickboxing taekwondo karate kung fu,etc! I will break his neck without putting any effort into it!...just by using the simple art of technique!

POLISH,BRITISH I dont give a **** who they f*cking are! After Ive broke his neck, I will behead him and use his blood dripping head as a trophe and hang it up on my door with a sign saying "HOHNI SOIT QUI MA Y PENSE" ( which can be found on my passport)- which is latin for you do evil to me i do it back to u over and over again! - The sight of seeing someones head bleeding over my door will soon send shivers down peoples spines!

MARK MY F*CKING WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its about time europe we got even on these pricks! Paedophiles,rapists - why waste your hard earned cash paying taxes to keep them f*cks in prisons, mental institutions, give them therapy,etc when you can give the cops and who ever their powers to hang them,shoot them do whatever they want to get back at them! - I'd rather spend my tax money getting someone to kill them than getting someone to lock them up for 12 years or whatever then hearing them doing the same sh*t over and over again!

As with a woman accusing a man of rape - its a very tricky matter! There could a million reasons why she would do that! If its for the hell of it with no exact reason at all whatsoever for it then give her a lot of psychological and emotional torment! chase her out of town, threaten her but dont touch her but give her the idea that her life is in danger! That will waken up her senses never to do that again! She will through time have mental health problems! - its better to doing that than to treat her the same way as a rapist,pedo and other psycho mass murdering ,sexual predators!

If theres a female who commits an illegal sexual act on someone - I'd say kill her also anyway possible!!!
beckski  12 | 1609  
6 Oct 2009 /  #140
sex offenders commit their crimes, not for sexual gratification, but for the feeling of power it gives them over the victim

You're correct, rape is considered an act of violence, instead of sexual gain. Many rapes don't include sexual intercourse. The majority of rapes take place via penetration of a foreign object.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #141

You go girl!


polomintz  2 | 46  
6 Oct 2009 /  #142
revoke xxx

Its about time someone with a spine had some balls about them!!!!!!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Oct 2009 /  #143

Chances are the rapists would be from sub-saharan African or be of the Muslim cult. Especially in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland and the UK. Before the liberals have kittens, Ive stats to back it up, and I am itching to do so. ;)
polomintz  2 | 46  
6 Oct 2009 /  #144
"Chances are the rapists would be from sub-saharan African or be of the Muslim cult. Especially in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland and the UK. Before the liberals have kittens, Ive stats to back it up, and I am itching to do so. ;)"

true however i used what i said to state that i wont get F*cked around by any monkey weather he is black, white,asian, central/eastern/southern/nothern/european, you name it!

i aint no bloody liberal! the beauty about me is that speak my mind!!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Oct 2009 /  #145
After Ive broke his neck, I will behead him and use his blood dripping head as a trophe and hang it up on my door with a sign

Hmmm, sounds like a movie script.

As with a woman accusing a man of rape - its a very tricky matter! There could a million reasons why she would do that!

Not one of those million reasons can justify accusing an innocent person of rape.


"Citing a recent USA Today article, discussing the miracle of DNA and FBI studies of sexual assault suspects, DNA testing exonerated about 30% to 35% of the more than 4,000 sexual assault suspects on whom the FBI had conducted DNA testing over the past three years.

• Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin, in over 40% of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred."

Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit. Fairstein, the author of Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape, says, "there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about 50% simply did not happen."

False rape charges are obviously a much bigger problem then people acknowledge (especially feminists who prefer to believe that every male is a rapist).

chase her out of town, threaten her but dont touch her but give her the idea that her life is in danger! That will waken up her senses never to do that again!

There are cases of women who are serial rape accusers; one in England has accused 14 different men of rape over a period of several years. Her identity has been kept secret because of the "victim" protection law - even if the "victim" isn't one. Men's names are not protected even before they are proved innocent.

Prison for false accusations is the only way to go. That might waken up "her senses never to do that again" as you put it.
polomintz  2 | 46  
7 Oct 2009 /  #146

After Ive broke his neck, I will behead him and use his blood dripping head as a trophe and hang it up on my door with a sign

hmm sounds like a movie script!

yeah! it sure sounds like something from a movie script! Someone should lock me up for thinking that shouldnt they?...get to f*ck lol

I can tell you from personal experience, I remember this drunken hooligan w*nker at this night club in glasgow came up to me and grabbed my chest and dug his nails deep for no reason and i was i screaming in pain, this all happened 4 year ago! he wont let go he was total out of his nut....i ended up going tee total on him - i used all self defence skill and done all my mike tyson kung fu **** on him! I had witnesses around me, it started off as self defence and its only self defence for such and such of time then my nerves took over i smashed his head on the dance floor, through walls you name it!! He was in a bloody state! I didnt give a sh*t, it took 7 people to get me off of the guy! cops got involved, they wanted to charge me for assault! - I was like f off and jump! If that guy thinks he can get away with that drunk or not, He had one thing coming...if he thinks he can with some other girl then he becomes more brave he does it with another defenseless girl then before u know it will lead something worse! who knows?!..anyway..I thought I am gonna teach him a lesson you dont f*cking do things like that with girls you dont, its different your around for a friends and your poking each other for a laugh lol..if my mates came up to me and had wee squeeze at my chest, i dont mind i trust them and its all a fun ...if some girl at a night club came up to me and says are they real or fake? can i feel them? i will be like sure!...if a guy i met in a night was talking to me and getting on ok with me and he asked me can i feel them to see if theyre real or fake then yeah of course!

however if someone totally strange comes up to me and does what that guy done to me in the past, they deserve what they get!!

As with a woman accusing a man of rape - its a very tricky matter! There could a million reasons why she would do that!

Not one of those million reasons can justify accusing an innocent person of rape.


"Citing a recent USA Today article, discussing the miracle of DNA and FBI studies of sexual assault suspects, DNA testing exonerated about 30% to 35% of the more than 4,000 sexual assault suspects on whom the FBI had conducted DNA testing over the past three years.

• Purdue sociologist Eugene J. Kanin, in over 40% of the cases reviewed, the complainants eventually admitted that no rape had occurred."
Linda Fairstein, who heads the New York County District Attorney's Sex Crimes Unit. Fairstein, the author of Sexual Violence: Our War Against Rape, says, "there are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about 50% simply did not happen."

False rape charges are obviously a much bigger problem then people acknowledge (especially feminists who prefer to believe that every male is a rapist). #

here in the uk, you can have the choice of getting dna swab or not! many women who have been raped (known how crap the legal system is and how they treat rape victims, rapists,etc, especially the scottish system, which is one of the worst legal systems in europe! ) often give up! Theres the psychological and emotional scar they have to deal with for starters, after someone rapes them they feel up tight, they feel unclean, dont want anyone to touch them not even give them as much as a cuddle, some go into prostitution, some become very promiscious, some develop mental health problems!

chase her out of town, threaten her but dont touch her but give her the idea that her life is in danger! That will waken up her senses never to do that again!

There are cases of women who are serial rape accusers; one in England has accused 14 different men of rape over a period of several years. Her identity has been kept secret because of the "victim" protection law - even if the "victim" isn't one. Men's names are not protected even before they are proved innocent.

Prison for false accusations is the only way to go. That might waken up "her senses never to do that again" as you put

then you have the manipulative cry rape types! I understand where your coming from on that, it is terrible how the witness protection works, especially with a guy who is innocent! thats the joys of the uk system!

There is a million reasons why a woman accuses a man of rape - for example! maybe she hates the guy because hes a junky, maybe the woman has tourettes syndrome or some kind of mental health problem, maybe she was married and never got what she wanted i.e the money and the house and does that as an excuse to get his assets ( by the way, thats been recorded in many books all over the world for years and years!) then theres the honey trap - where a woman lures a man into bed by druging him for whatever reason ..again say it was for his money and assets that the woman claims is all hers and he keeps physically beating her up so thats her way of retalating! think zimmy!

women are complex both psychologically and emotionally! thats the way their designed and we are masters of sneakiness! you have to sieve them out individually and not tag them all by the same brush and throw them all in prison thats the thing...i do agree with you to a certain degree about throwing them in prison but the legal systems,particularly over here, are not working to keep people locked up either way! the girl will seee this as a joke and carry on doing the same ****! so you may as well chase her out of town untill one day the legal systems starts toughening up!!

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