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Should Poles become a minority in Poland?

Eliza95  - | 2  
13 Apr 2009 /  #61
are you English or Poles?????
Wroclaw Boy  
13 Apr 2009 /  #62
The way things are going and the smaller and smaller the world becomes i wouldnt be surprised if in 300 years countries are referred to as that used to be England, Germany or Spain in the old days, before the new world order.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #63
No, Poles shouldn't become a minority in Poland.

But 97% of people living in Poland are ethnically Polish. There are few countries that are so homogeneous. The immigration to Poland is very low comparing to most other countries. And immigration shouldn't go too fast. Too much immigration in too short time is not good for anyone.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Apr 2009 /  #64
Very true that, SwedishPole. Even the Japanese would be proud of that statistic. A minority, what paranoia.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #65
Usually the major problem isn't the immigration itself, it's the "speed" of immigration. In many Western European countries too many immigrants came in too short time. That's what causes problems. When there was a "slow" rate of immigration to many WE countries we didn't have these problems we have today.

I'm not against immigration, but it should be at a rate that allows these persons to adapt to their new country and culture.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Apr 2009 /  #66
Poland witnessed an influx of temporary workers when times were good 2 or 3 years ago. Many investors came on short-term contracts but that's about the extent of contact with foreigners here.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #67
In my opinion the immigration question is easy to answer.

If someone wants to live in another country he/she should absolutely be able to do this, as long as he/she behaves good and adapts to the new way of living (in the new country).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Apr 2009 /  #68
I agree with that and that comes with an open mind. It's as Voltaire said, maybe I don't necessarily agree with your way of thinking, I'll respect it.

I know I always harp on about Japan but adaptation there is as poignant as anywhere. Cultural awareness is an evolving state and takes a while to master.
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
18 Apr 2009 /  #69
In Britain, the ethnic British peoples (English, Scottish, Welsh) are set to become a minority by around 2070.

Very much doubted. If you asked around, you will find that even the most liberal person will agree that something big is eventually going to happen. Civil war on our streets has been mentioned on many occasions. This won't just happen in the UK but in Europe. Look up "European civil war 2025." I would predict something will happen between 2012 and 2025.

Muslims make just 3% of the population and already we have had riots in Oldham, Burnley, Birmingham, Leeds etc between white British people and Asians. It's just not going to happen. Since the points-based immigration system that was implemented Asian and African immigration has decreased vastly. European immigrants have overtaken both Asian and black.

A Polish workmate told me Poland is starting to receive a lot of Afghan immigrants... You'll be heading our way unfortunately.
Barney  19 | 1790  
18 Apr 2009 /  #70
It should be ok as long as the Pakistanis dont arrive.. after all they are only after the money or so I read.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
18 Apr 2009 /  #71
A Polish workmate told me Poland is starting to receive a lot of Afghan immigrants... You'll be heading our way unfortunately.

I doubt Afgan workers, but Poland is now seeing an influx of South eastern asian migrants using Poland as a stepping board to western Europe.
osiol  55 | 3921  
18 Apr 2009 /  #72
so I read

You've been reading Seanus and his ruminations on "the English". The English aka one occasional forum poster on PF.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Apr 2009 /  #73
My ruminations are various.
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
1 May 2009 /  #74
I would like to ask if Poles would be content if Poland was to be colonised by 40 million Africans.. Asians.. and other different ethnic groups? Would you mind if the Polish people were a minority in Poland? Or would you want Poland to be the home of Polish people?

If you think about it, British have history of imperialism and occupation so they developed extensive trade or control over other regions. Maybe I am missing something far back in history, and please forgive me, but the Polish do not have this record of imperialism and therefore did not open themselves up to this. I am not one to say it is right or wrong either way.

Just because our ancestors colonised the savages of the third world does not mean the current British people should become a minority in our own country. This is genocide of the British people.

Time to make more British babies then! :D
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
1 May 2009 /  #75
in Britain most people do not care about the British people being a minority.

Speak for yourself!

There is a difference between being British and having British citizenship.. or maybe you do not understand this ?

Most people dont.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
1 May 2009 /  #76
There's no such thing as permanence. Look at history.

Like the history if China or Japan?
I'd say they are still pretty Chinese and Japanese.
Chirag  1 | 8  
13 May 2009 /  #77
ha! britain deserves that! there was a day when britain was ruling the world..now it will be ruled by the world..after all, every dog has its day
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 May 2009 /  #78
now it will be ruled by the world

Bollocks. What you should have said was now it will be owned by the IMF
Yoshi  - | 60  
14 May 2009 /  #79
I think Britishness is about having a certain kind of mindset, and not about blood lines.

Otherwise, the current royal family (von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha) and more than half of the House of Lords cannot be British. H.M.Queen is married to a Greek. Do you want to deport him for being too un-British?

Equally, if it is about blood and ethnicity, most of the North Americans, Australians, New Zealanders and White Africans have to be automatically given British nationality. It is not happening at all, because the British do not think in such a way.

Here in Poland, and perhaps more so in Japan, it's about ethnicity. Wherever you live, you are Polish if you look Polish, have Polish ancestors and speak Polish fluently.

So, a Chinese man who was born in, say, Manchester, speaks English as his mother tongue and behaves completely British is indeed British. A Chinese man who was born in Krakow, speaks Polish as his mother tongue and behaves completely Polish is not regarded as Polish at all.

One of the above two mindsets created an empire, and another didn't.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 May 2009 /  #80
I think Britishness is about having a certain kind of mindset, and not about blood lines.

Are you talking about British or English, Scotish (NI) Irish and Welsh?

White Africans have to be automatically given British nationality

As for white Saffers the majority of them are of Dutch decendents not British.

Equally, if it is about blood and ethnicity, most of the North Americans, Australians, New Zealanders and White Africans have to be automatically given British nationality. It is not happening at all, because the British do not think in such a way

All these countries have independence from Britain,they wanted independence they have their own nationalities now and they made it clear they wanted out and to break away from Britain so tell me why they should be given any preferential treatment because their GGGGG grand dad was born in the UK and left when he was 15 years old to seek fame and fortune, An English person can't just walk into any of the above countries and set up home.

So, a Chinese man who was born in, say, Manchester, speaks English as his mother tongue and behaves completely British is indeed British. A Chinese man who was born in Krakow, speaks Polish as his mother tongue and behaves completely Polish is not regarded as Polish at all.

Yoshi, British is a term that seems these days to apply to anyone born on this Island or rocked up here and stayed for a few years to get a passport. If you look at forms that ask questions about your ethnicity, you will always see a part that says (for instance) "Chinese" so whilst a Chinese person has a British passport and was possibly born here and speaks broad Manc, he is still Chinese, hence the new wording "British born" {ethnicity} - this is to keep a check on the "diversity" in the UK...
Yoshi  - | 60  
14 May 2009 /  #81
Are you talking about British or English, Scotish (NI) Irish and Welsh?

British, as it reads.

All these countries have independence from Britain,they wanted independence they have their own nationalities now and they made it clear they wanted out and to break away from Britain so tell me why they should be given any preferential treatment because (snip).

They shouldn't be. The way of thinking that you have just presented here is exactly my point. It's about their identities, and not about blood. They don't think they are British, so they aren't.

Yoshi, British is a term that seems these days to apply to anyone born on this Island or rocked up here and stayed for a few years to get a passport.

I didn't create that problem.

If you look at forms that ask questions about your ethnicity, you will always see a part that says (for instance) "Chinese" so whilst a Chinese person has a British passport and was possibly born here and speaks broad Manc, he is still Chinese, hence the new wording "British born" {ethnicity} - this is to keep a check on the "diversity" in the UK...

You are obviously confusing ethnicity (English, Irish, Chinese, Pakistani, etc) and national identity (British).

A British person can be English, Irish, Scotish, Chinese or just anything. It's all about whether the person feels comfortable with the fundamental values that Britain represents. A British-born Chinese is a Chinese person who identifies oneself as Chinese, but just happened to be born in Britain. Such person isn't really British.

So, a British-born British citizen who beats his 16-y/o daughter into marrying a 60-y/o cousin is not quite British in my opinion.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
14 May 2009 /  #82
So, a British-born British citizen who beats his 16-y/o daughter into marrying a 60-y/o cousin is not quite British in my opinion.

No they are not, but they will argue that they are....yet they will demand different rights to an indiginous (English, Irish (NI), Scotish, Welsh) British person...

I didn't create that problem.

You didn't and the problem is being rectified.

You are obviously confusing ethnicity (English, Irish, Chinese, Pakistani, etc) and national identity (British).

Im not confused, being British before Britian became ethnically diverse related to people who were English, Irish (NI), Welsh and Scotish, the confussion started when eveyone who came here became British - British isn't just an identity....it was a name for a collective of the countries based in GB..
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
14 May 2009 /  #83
You are obviously confusing ethnicity (English, Irish, Chinese, Pakistani, etc) and national identity (British).

In old Europe national identity is the same as ethnicity, its different for countries like US and Canada but their historical and social principles are different, of course some black muslim or a turk who's father came to UK can claim he's British all he likes but there's culture, custom, religion and ethnicity setting him apart from real Brits.
grethomory  1 | 155  
15 May 2009 /  #84
why of course...why not?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #85
Because apart from very few who actually have gone native these people have different customs and religious beliefs and a very different culture thats often in direct conflict with the British way.

If you demand that your woman cover herself and exert authority over her free will for example you're in conflict with our western way of life, enough of these conflicting matters set you apart from the natives of the land and if you're trying to bend them to your ways its even worse since you become a hostile.
Wroclaw Boy  
15 May 2009 /  #86
I should think the amount of coloured foreigners relocating to Poland will hugely increase over the next 10 - 20 years with all the interacial marriages bound to occur from Poles hooking up with ethnically non white Brits.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #87
In old Europe national identity is the same as ethnicity

How old are you talking?

Even prior to the more recent waves of immigration, England (or the English people) constituted a mixture of Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Norse, and Normans.

There are some rather obvious physical differences between Vikings and Celts.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #88
How old are you talking?

I'm perfectly happy with colored minorities who live here longer than 6 generations, shorter than that they can go screw themselves, abroad.

There are some rather obvious physical differences between Vikings and Celts.

There's absolutely no physical differences, zip. Both ancient Gauls and ancient Norse come from Indi-European ethnic group which is white, pale and blonde, you actually compared some of the two closest genetic types within indo-european grouping.

Now lets take a black muslim or a turk, there's some obvious psychological, religious, mental, cultural and physiological differences between us and them, some of them cannot be overcome.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
15 May 2009 /  #89
There's absolutely no physical differences, zip. Both ancient Gauls and ancient Norse come from Indi-European ethnic group which is white, pale and blonde,

None at all? What about my ethnic group? My family has lived in England for many many generations but I am white with dark hair? Are you honestly suggesting that all white English people are from the same ethnic group?

Are Poles and Germans from the same ethnic group? They're both white European. Right?

Now lets take a black muslim or a turk, there's some obvious psychological, religious, mental, cultural and physiological

My sister goes out with an "ethnic" Turk. He was born in England (doesn't quite qualify as per your 6 generation rule) but he is as culturally British as Fish and Chips. There are no noticeable psychological, religious, mental or cultural differences whatsoever. Ethnicity does not determine character. Had he been born and raised in Turkey, the situation might be different.

some of them cannot be overcome.

Some people just make no effort and simply prefer to characterise people through physical differences. This is an ignorant thing to do.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 May 2009 /  #90
None at all? What about my ethnic group? My family has lived in England for many many generations but I am white with dark hair? Are you honestly suggesting that all white English people are from the same ethnic group?

Actually yes they are its called indo-european and there's variations especially after different sub-groups have been mixing, this includes Romans, Greeks, Gauls, Norse so its natural that not all people are identical.

Are Poles and Germans from the same ethnic group? They're both white European. Right?

And both from indo-euro group so yeah they're pretty close.

he is as culturally British as Fish and Chips

Right, i'm sure he is.

Ethnicity does not determine character. Had he been born and raised in Turkey, the situation might be different.

So why the hell is there so much religious issues by people born in Britain? Why do "fish and chips" muslims try to forcefully convert people? You want the colored minorities keep them but dont pour all that crap into Poland.

I dont want ethnic slums, i dont want religious and ethnic riots, i dont want dirtbags with sixty children saying how all Poles need to convert, keep your fish and chips honor murderers and slum missionaries to yourself, cultural diversity my ass.

And i have no big love for Germans but i'll take a Fritz over a paki any day of the week.

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