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Nobility / Aristocracy in Poland ?

szarlotka  8 | 2205  
20 May 2009 /  #61
I could do his job - herding cats is a speciality of mine;)
lexi  1 | 176  
20 May 2009 /  #62
French is not obligatory in English schools

szarlotka, I do not want to fight with you, I think that you are quite a liberal minded person, but French is complusory, maybe because of the fact that they are our direct neighbours ,wether we like it or not! and secondly because it was a prerequisite to get into the best universities, this may have changed recently. Maybe someone on this forum has the up-to-date policy on the entrance requirements for Oxford and Cambridge.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
20 May 2009 /  #63
Oxford Entry requirements


National Curriculum Keys Stage 3 and 4 (secondary education).


BTW I did German and not French at O Level (showing my age there) and I sat Maths at Oriol College, Oxford
lexi  1 | 176  
20 May 2009 /  #64
Szarlota, university requirements on paper and" unwrittten codes" are as different as chalk and cheese. What these two universities proclaim to be acceptable, and what they accept differ tremendously.

Some traditional values never die in the uk ,as in any country it is because of this that England will always be classed as an eccentric country.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
21 May 2009 /  #65
What these two universities proclaim to be acceptable, and what they accept differ tremendously.

So you are saying that given a choice of candidates with equal ability and performance in interview for say a science degree the admissions tutors would prefer a candidate with good French. I think we must disagree in that case. In my experience they would more likely use potential for making the college rowing team as a tie breaker!
1jola  14 | 1875  
21 May 2009 /  #66

If you are still reading this, PM me and I'll give you a phone number in Warsaw that will help you meet the aristos.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
21 May 2009 /  #67
French is complusory

No its not, really, I promise you...:)
1jola  14 | 1875  
21 May 2009 /  #68
Patriotic= Love your country
Unpatriotic = not loving your country

Amor Patriae Nostra Lex
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
22 May 2009 /  #69
are your panties in a knot? no, then you're ok. ;)


Amor Patriae Nostra Lex

Ive got it memorized, no need for lecture :P
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #70
No its not, really, I promise you...:)

Cross your heart and hope to die? ;0)
sjam  2 | 541  
22 May 2009 /  #71
aristocracy or nobility in Poland


The Knights Hospitallers in Poland

There you will find members from Poland's oldest noble families :-)
lexi  1 | 176  
22 May 2009 /  #72
In my experience they would more likely use potential for making the college rowing team as a tie breaker!

Yes but if they had copious amounts of "college rowers for the next 2 years" the French speaker would get the placement.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #73
the French speaker would get the placement.

No they wouldn't, you are obviously not listening to what is being said, you do not need to speak French to get in to certain universities! Same as you dont need to be fluent in latin to study law or medicine!
lexi  1 | 176  
22 May 2009 /  #74
Shelleys please do not comment upon a system you know absolutely nothing about.
espana  17 | 951  
22 May 2009 /  #75
thiis is a free forum so she can comment what the hell she want.
lexi  1 | 176  
22 May 2009 /  #76
Okay point taken, anyone can comment upon things they know nothing about which resullts in B... S.....

Espania I am not attacking you, I lived in your country for 5 years, I loved the people and still have friends there from way back. I just thought the video was really "way over the top", and domestic violence in any nationality is dreadful.
SRK85  - | 72  
24 May 2009 /  #77
hmm came along this pnaf.us/korab.htm. I am pretty sure my last name is of nobility.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
25 May 2009 /  #78
I am pretty sure my last name is of nobility.

Well, name can be changed, do you have some prove to be of the nobility, same papers?
If not your claims could be baseless>
SRK85  - | 72  
26 May 2009 /  #79
Not really other than my last name coming up on most websites for Polish nobility. I doubt that the nobility even mattered when my Great-grandfather emigrated to America because back then he was considered Austrian.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
26 May 2009 /  #80
Definitely mattered at that time it was monarchy.
SRK85  - | 72  
27 May 2009 /  #81
Really I didn't think the Hapsburgs actually cared about the Szlachtas.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
28 May 2009 /  #82
Well, yes and no!
but someone with wealth was to be always reckon with
Yoshi  - | 60  
29 May 2009 /  #83
Związek Szlachty Polskiej

bobpol  1 | 2  
18 Jun 2009 /  #84
I must admit I have found this particular subject quite amusing. Going back to the original question though I think you may find that whatever was left of the majority of the Polish Nobility were probably victims of the 'Katyn massacre' in 1943.

You can find more info about it at wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre

As for the rest I don't really know, only what I've been told by Polish friends.
1jola  14 | 1875  
19 Jun 2009 /  #85
It is safe to assume that the OP was a joke. Neither French, nor noble. No manners either.
red_devil  1 | 23  
19 Jun 2009 /  #86
French nobility? Oh yes, I remember them - we slaughtered most of them at Agincourt. Ahh, good times. :) Magnifique!!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Jun 2009 /  #87
What about some information on the so-called Polish 'Black Nobility'?...I have heard the name Brzezinski mentioned in this regard...There is a long history of European 'Black Nobility' starting with Venetian aristocrats and banker, moving through Lombardy, then into the Low Countries, Germany and Britain...These families are sometimes referred to as 'Guelphs' collectively...The German family, the Saxe-Coburg-Gothes who call themselves the 'House of Windsor' in Britain are a part of this.
fiberflinger  - | 11  
9 Aug 2009 /  #88
There is a big difference between my country and the government that rules it. Patriotism is sometime looked upon as being unpatriotic. Specially if one is criticizing the ruling party. As far as Polish Nobility goes, I view it as one high class citizenship. Something other countries tried to copy but never quite got.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
10 Aug 2009 /  #89
French and noble = I surrender here is my white flag
fiberflinger  - | 11  
12 Aug 2009 /  #90
This would be an interesting discussion.

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