I do not want Europe to become helpless consumers.
But that is fastly what we are becoming, we dont even deal with half of the customer service sector jobs now since what can be out outsourced has been outsourced.
They will not all move to asia.
Im sure 20 years ago people who worked for BT on their customer services team, wouldn't have imagined losing their jobs to someone in an Indian call centre!
Countries with little regard for human rights let alone working conditions will always win, since they can produce a product far cheaper - we are, after all price driven, so it only makes sense that products will be imported from these kind of places, and therein lies the problem!
No Sean its the same opportunities for a cheaper price! Large firms relocating to Poland has beeen going on for the last 10 years I don't see why there is such a panic now amongst the British. I suppose when the "chips are down".
Ten years ago we had more in the way of industry, ten years ago immigration was not as much as a problem as it is today, ten years ago we were starting to build the country again after our last recession, ten years ago we didn't seem to have the same level of anti social behaviour problems we have today, in short lexi a lot has happened in ten years and Britain is going down the pan with large industries moving to other countries, meaning less jobs, yet the influx of migrant workers grows, not a good recipe for a good economy and not good for British people.