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5 Jul 2009 /  #121
I think the reason that Jews and other immigrants did well in the US is that it's not a nation state.

Yes, but still US had numerus clausus rule for Jewish students until late 1950s
(see post #150) so even not being a nation state US had laws limiting Jewish
education opportunities.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
5 Jul 2009 /  #122
It appears anti social but it's the same sort of ordeal that many who are overly religious go thru. Why is it religion creates so much tension? Isn't religion about finding peace?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jul 2009 /  #123
Isn't religion about finding peace?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jul 2009 /  #124
Differences cause tension, simple point. Religion is about morality and belief more than it is about peace.
yehudi  1 | 433  
6 Jul 2009 /  #125
Religion is about morality and belief more than it is about peace.

Not all religions are about the same thing. Some are about achieving personal tranquility. Not Judaism. Judaism, in my opinion, is about making the earth a holy place where mankind recognizes its creator. Achieving this will bring world peace and people being good to each other. But the process of reaching this state may include suffering and wars and struggle. So in any given generation the best path to take is not necessarily one of peace and tranquility. You have to look at the long term picture.
1jola  14 | 1875  
6 Jul 2009 /  #126
Interesting. Is it possible that annimosity toward Jewish people might have something to do with this held view of

making the earth a holy place where mankind recognizes its creator. Achieving this will bring world peace and people being good to each other

since it is only the Jewish people who are tasked with this role of a guide?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
6 Jul 2009 /  #127
Judaism, in my opinion, is about making the earth a holy place where mankind recognizes its creator.

Religion is a funny thing...


Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Shoah victims - reincarnated sinners
...Still, they were punished because of sins of past generations."

yehudi  1 | 433  
6 Jul 2009 /  #128
s it possible that annimosity toward Jewish people might have something to do with this held view of... since it is only the Jewish people who are tasked with this role of a guide?

Could be. But are most non-Jews really aware of what Jews believe in? Were the pogromchicks really concerned with our view of theology? And the fact is that some of the most terrible cases of anti-semitism happened in countries where Jews were not religious and wanted nothing more than to assimilate, like Germany. What's more - there are religions that believe the most outrageous things and yet no one bothers them. And that's because they don't live scattered among other nations.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jul 2009 /  #129

Or could it be possible that pogroms were orchestrated by the Jewish ruling class as way to control Jewish population and avoid or lessen possibility of assimilation.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
6 Jul 2009 /  #130
That's probably not likely, Ironside. It sounds a bit paranoid.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jul 2009 /  #131
It sounds a bit paranoid.

There is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of paranoia !
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Jul 2009 /  #132
Who told you that? who? who?.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jul 2009 /  #133

Actually is darn good question....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Jul 2009 /  #134
Yehudi, you referred to personal tranquility. Did you have Buddhism in mind? If so, I'm sorry to disappoint you but it's not a religion. Do you know of Taoism?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 Jul 2009 /  #135
Yehudi, do you think this is where Islam and Judaism meet and share the most?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
7 Jul 2009 /  #136
As someone said, fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Jul 2009 /  #137
Could be. But are most non-Jews really aware of what Jews believe in?

True. Most are not. Judaism is complex and often taken out of context and used against Jews.

Were the pogromchicks really concerned with our view of theology?

I think not. Probably an economic factor played part and sheer ignorance.

What's more - there are religions that believe the most outrageous things and yet no one bothers them. And that's because they don't live scattered among other nations.

There are plenty of examples of religious minorities being violently attacked. Never understood this part of human behavior.
yehudi  1 | 433  
7 Jul 2009 /  #138
Yehudi, do you think this is where Islam and Judaism meet and share the most?

No. I think that the place where Islam and judaism meet is the belief in the total oneness of G-d. That's why neither religion can belief in the trinity or in the idea of a son of G-d.

As someone said, fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.

When I say that sometimes following Judaism can sometimes entail suffering, wars and struggle, I don't mean we want to wage a jewish jihad. What I mean is that a person or a generation is sometimes required to suffer humiliation, inconvenience or even physical danger while keeping the faith. Sometimes Jews have to struggle or fight wars to defend themselves, and they always have to struggle with the urge to give up and assimilate. In the short term it would look like the faith is failing the faithful, if you're looking for peace and quiet. But in the long term, keeping G-d's commandments brings peace to us and the world in general.

On a personal note, I have to say that I personally don't find it hard at all to live the Jewish life. I quite enjoy it. I'm talking in historic terms.
7 Jul 2009 /  #139
That's why neither religion can belief in the trinity or in the idea of a son of G-d.

It is more complicated with Judaism as Jews share the Old Testament with
Christians (they just refuse to accept the fulness of God's revelation
in Our Lord Jesus Christ and the New Testament), but with Muslims it is
exactly as you said, yehudi.

I always ask all those ecumenical freaks, who claim that Muslims and Catholics
believe in the same God, if Muslim God is Holy Trinity - the unity of Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. If He isn't then obviously it isn't the same God. Thank you.

I don't mind honest Muslims and I have a lot of respect for Jews (for historic and personal
reasons) but I just can't stand all those ecumenical half-wits, claiming that we all believe
in the same God, all religions lead to salvation, blah blah blah yada yada yada.
yehudi  1 | 433  
7 Jul 2009 /  #140
but I just can't stand all those ecumenical half-wits, claiming that we all believe
in the same God, all religions lead to salvation, blah blah blah yada yada yada.

I agree. I think we should respect the good intentions of each other's religions, recognizing that each is worshiping the Creator according to its understanding, but we shouldn't blur the differences. You can tell me that I'll burn in hell, as long as you don't burn me at the stake.
7 Jul 2009 /  #141
Well said.

You can tell me that I'll burn in hell

Actually as far as Catholic church is concerned - we don't know who
will burn in hell and who won't. Only God knows that. Catholic church
has never in any official document stated that a specific person is in
hell (not even in the case of such great villains as Hitler or Stalin).

We don't know who will be saved and who will end up in hell. We might
have some clues and suspicions, but the final decision is in God's hands.
Maurice  - | 1  
12 Aug 2009 /  #142
I would appreciate any help on this. My father was a Polish Jew from Warsaw who fought bravely with the Free Polish Forces, first in North Africa against Rommel, and then with Anders's Corp at Cassino. I would like to obtain any military records or history of his service. I can be reached at cotnermsbabbles@aol.com PS-Jew Youth? Sounds like something you would hear from Der Sturmer.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
18 Aug 2009 /  #143
I don't mind honest Muslims and I have a lot of respect for Jews (for historic and personal
reasons) but I just can't stand all those ecumenical half-wits, claiming that we all believe
in the same God, all religions lead to salvation, blah blah blah yada yada yada.

I am not saying all gods
I say Jews, Muslims, Christians belive in the same god. Don¨t they all have the story of Adam and Eva?
Muhammed saw Jews as a key factor can¨t remember why-
and Christians are Judaists who belive in what Jesus Christ said...
vetala  - | 381  
18 Aug 2009 /  #144

You could have chosen any thread on this forum and you picked this one? Lol...
lesser  4 | 1311  
18 Aug 2009 /  #145
I say Jews, Muslims, Christians belive in the same god.

They don't...
free palestine  - | 14  
15 Oct 2009 /  #146
very touching...but what is the difference between what happened to the jews then and what jews are doind to the palestinians?NOTHING.if anything palestinians are much worse off than jews ever were.please read this.

15 Oct 2009 /  #147
if anything palestinians are much worse off than jews ever were.

Yes, I'm sure that there are multiple camps in Israel where hunderds of thousands of Palestinians are sent and gassed.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
15 Oct 2009 /  #148
Mr Grunwald
I say Jews, Muslims, Christians belive in the same god

They don't. Old Testament hebrew/jews and and Christians say they believe in the same God. but today... the muslims worship allah, who does not have a son, some jews worship a god whose messiah is yet to come or may have come in the form of some Jewish guy (not jesus) .. some jews are atheists.. secular jews by ethnicity only.. there is talmudic judiasm.. the kaballah and all of that..

Interesting to note that Madonna (the pop star) was given a meeting with Netanyahu.. these are kaballistic talmudic jews... there is a huge difference between their beliefs and those of the old testament jews.

and lots of Christian feel it is their duty to support Israel at any cost.. thing is... while some old testament jews and talmudic jews may feel that it is their duty to purge the land of non-jews and muslims feel the same way from their perspective.. Christians were never told to do that.

and anyway, if you read the bible (OT) carefully you will notice, that the only people God ever told the hebrews to slaughter outright were populations that practiced human sacrifice, most notably, the sacrifice of children and babies, aka the worshippers of Molech (can go by other names).

and when the hebrews did not do that and started mixing their religious beliefs with those of the other arab tribes that still practiced human sacrifice, God cursed them.

Most jews I meet in the USA don't even believe in God. They are just jews by ethnicity.
free palestine  - | 14  
16 Oct 2009 /  #149
Yes, I'm sure that there are multiple camps in Israel where hunderds of thousands of Palestinians are sent and gassed

and am sure hitler is still alive and well and still gassing millions of jews.(although the figure of 6m is now open for debate IF some people will allow it).
mvefa  5 | 591  
16 Oct 2009 /  #150
very touching...but what is the difference between what happened to the jews then and what jews are doind to the palestinians?NOTHING.if anything palestinians are much worse off than jews ever were

u cant say that, i mean i have seen personally the situation in Palestina (this summer) and its nothing to be compare with the jews holocaust.

It's terrible what happens in Palestina now, Its like entering a prison which is carefully watched by israelis. Also such shame that the UN, really is not moving a finger to solve this long ongoing issue.

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