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1jola  14 | 1875  
2 Nov 2009 /  #361
Good thing I didn't run into you on my trip to poland. I might have gotten the notion that Poles hate Jews.

To look and find people who dislike Jews in Poland, you would have to really have to go out out of you way; similarly, it would be difficult to find people in Israel who hate Polish people. I speak from experience, having been here and there. Sokrates is correct in a sense that Jews tend blame Poles for indifferance or collusion to their tragedy without aknowledging their participation in mudrder of Poles. I, personally, think this discussion is pointless, as both were victims of Soviet and Nazi crimes.

If Poles are so hateful, tell me, why my wife and I have such a hard time to get tickets to see a play at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw? Ok, the answer is that all theatres are booked. The Jewish one included; we just don't discriminate. Get it, everyone?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Nov 2009 /  #362
I agree with that, 1Jola. There is largescale indifference to the Jews now, a point I keep making. Residual hatred will remain but it isn't so noticeable.

The easiest way to find out, jonni, is to look at the prosecutors. Declinature is key but I'm not sure if it was followed here.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Nov 2009 /  #363
There is largescale indifference to the Jews now,

Not true, we're actively hunting Jews, just last week i've been hunting Rabbis, they were grazing on a slope peacefully and then *BAM* i shot one!

Now i got a stuffed rabbi head over my chimney!

Residual hatred will remain but it isn't so noticeable.

Oh come on Sean most of us never saw a Jew in our lives (which is why i keep a stuffed rabbi).

Would you want to live next door to this guy?

Jonni i'm sorry i try and try but you sir are a focking little idiot, how about you have a nice cup of shut the f*ck up you little imp?

You know what a discussion is you chimpansee? You come here and i come here and we exchange points of view backed by facts (unless you're Maregea and you have no facts to back you up) you do not come to a forum to smear people just like that because you dont like what they're saying.

Joe supplied a thesis, a fully provable one because Nuremberg was indeed run by people affiliated to American Jews or being Jewish directly so either provide a counter argument or get the f*ck out you little monkey, i'm tired of reading your input amounting to "UR RACIST!!!!!!1"

Bloody retard.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Nov 2009 /  #364
Well, I don't run into many Jewish people here at all. Gliwice obviously isn't a key attraction, LOL
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
2 Nov 2009 /  #365

I see your point.

And this ain't demented rhetoric?

Of course it is. Sokrates likes to exaggarate. Most of the incident concerning the Jewish kids in PL rest on "hearsay" as I have trouble believing that he was actually participating in one of those trips. Of course, "participating" is a brilliant vehicle to claim stuff as there is nobody else parttaking in this discussion who was there at the time.

And besides, if it were such a raving and crazed outragious issue - chaos in the streets, near revolution-like situations caused by a couple of Jewish kids, why wasn't this noted by the International press. Oh, I know why, because the Jews are manipulating the International Press to put the Poles down (isn't that right, Joe?), that's why I never heard about it. But as 1jola rightly stated: Israeli like to have a good standing in Europe, so the matter of a few groups of unruly kids will be taken in hand and as he stated as for nearly a year nothing is heard about mischievous kids of Jewish origin.

Professor Gross

Of course Gross is lying according to some in this thread, just like Cała. But if they are lying, how come they proceed so very well in their career - where I come from when a scientist is being caught at lying, it usually is a public scandal and he gets stripped of his title and disgraced severely. But then again according to those who claim him to be lying, everybody who doesn't support their point of view is lying anyway.

The true scientific way of finding out the truth is reading one side, then read the other side. Both are not 100 per cent true, so you take from both sides what is most likely and you come to a balanced and most likely truthful conclusion. That's what I liked about 1jola's recommendation, "Poland's Holocaust", it's a very well balanced book that shows us both sides and then makes a good conclusion. If I agree to it, is not relevant, the main thing is that it has taken into consideration both viewpoints. And that is what historical debate is all about. In this discussion I have absorped viewpoints which were 180 degrees opposit of my own, but I have taken them into account. I have read viewpoints which were similar to my own. And I have learned about neutral viewpoints and it's usually these neutral viewpoints which are most embarrassing for both parties. I have learned that there is still anti-semitism in PL, just like there is anti-Polonism in Israël. I have learned that both ppls have suffered tremendously, but that they both blame eachother. And this is not good. Like somebody said earlier on: let bygones be bygones, let the past be the past and look forward to the bright future you have. I have learned that Sokrates, unlike 1jola is not optimistic about the goodwill of the Israelis. But Sokrates is anti-semitic and a borderline fascist, so that somehow doesn't surprise me. 1jola has pleasantly surprised me with credible sources, sources that not just view things from one perspective. True, Sokrates brought in the Israeli professor, and states this as a credible source. This might be true, I haven't read the entire essay. However, at the same time he states that Professor Jan Tomek Gross is a lyer, while Prof Gross is an eminence. So, this may cast a serious shadow on proclamations.

However, I won't be participating on this topic, unless I see gross (great!) nonsense. I will reduce myself to reading up on the topic and I will come with a conclusion to this topic in due time, once I finish distilling one in my thoughts.


M-G (was very busy today)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Nov 2009 /  #366
of the incident concerning the Jewish kids in PL rest on "hearsay" as I have trouble believing that he was actually participating in one of those trips.

I was but my personal experience is completely irrelevant just like yours, what matters is that i have posted quite a lot of links so no its not heresay, racism is norm for Jewish kids in Poland.

But Sokrates is anti-semitic and a borderline fascist

He's also a vampire.

True, Sokrates brought in the Israeli professor

I can bring more, its not like Israel is completely devoid of decent people and there's enough prominent Israelis who're obviously pissed at their own country completely butchering the Jewish-Polish relations, they're of course in minority but there's quite a few of them.
yehudi  1 | 433  
2 Nov 2009 /  #367
If Poles are so hateful, tell me, why my wife and I have such a hard time to get tickets to see a play at the Jewish Theatre in Warsaw?

I never said that Poles are hateful. I said that Sokrates is hateful. But that's nothing a rabies shot won't solve.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
2 Nov 2009 /  #368
Gross is lying according to some

He is not historian in the first place and secondly his story HIS interpretation.

But if they are lying, how come they proceed so very well in their career

That is a very good question sir!
And consequently we can come to two answers.

I have learned that there is still anti-semitism in PL,

Well, if you mean prejudice against Jews, this is mainly provoked by biased and attack on Poland and Poles by certain Jewish groups.

was very busy today)

Hopefully not too busy to think:)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
4 Nov 2009 /  #369
Healthy Jew Youth from US on a ski trip...

Healthy Polish Youth at Concert

You are only young once on this planet,enjoy it and everybody get along...
BenHur  - | 1  
6 Nov 2009 /  #370
Why “Jew Youth”? Why not “Catholic Youth”? May be what we are talking about is “Israeli Youth”? In Israel there are Catholics you know. In Poland, people who are born into a Christian family generally end up identifying themselves as Polish Christians. Most of us know that Poles are a nation more then 1000 years old. Polish Jews were in Poland for 800 years (evidence of this fact can be found in many Jewish Cemeteries in Poland that are left to the mercy of vandals and alcoholics). Unfortunately the New Testament that is full of hate towards the Jews, except one Jew, namely Jesus Christ, has been used to the full in Poland, so much so that majority of Polish Catholics over the ages were inculcated with a belief that Jews are bad, that they drink Christ’s blood, or that they are greedy and un-giving. So the result of such education delivered from the pulpits of Polish Churches was that Polish Jews were never accepted as Poles. They were primarily “Jews” not Poles. And so we have evidence here that this dogma continues today. It's the "Jew Youth" not "Israeli Youth". Poland like Nazis in Germany before WWII is familiar with such wording: "Jews" or "Jew Youth" “Greedy Jews” Bloody Jews” or diminishing common usage of “Zydki”. Jewish people who were born in Poland over the centuries were never recognised or accepted as Poles of Judaic faith. It’s a shame. Poland is a homogenous Christian white society. Nothing wrong with that. But in the past Century, it has been the most fertile ground for death camps. It’s unforgivable that in 1968 Polish Government shamelessly has created a social climate that made it impossible for majority of Polish Jews that survived the atrocities of WWII, to remain in Poland.

The New Testament and the Catholic ideology have succeeded in the dispossession of Jews of their rightful lineage to their son Jesus Christ. If Jesus would walk across Poland and would witness what happened here during the Centuries of Pogroms, during WWII and more recently during the 1960's; and how much hate his Polish devotees have expressed towards his very own people from Judea, he would feel pain and disappointment. No doubt he would find refuge in the souls of those Poles who sacrificed their lives for protecting their Judaic brothers and those who never uttered such vulgar hateful words like “Zydki”. Jesus would never accept a label “Zydek”, but in line with the common Polish Catholic terminology that is precisely who he was: a “Zydek” who died for the sins of humanity.

So, it's not "Jew Youth" my Polish brothers. It's "Israeli Youth". And yes if they do come to your beautiful country and disrespect your faith and your people then they should be told to stop and not to come back.

What about "CHRISTIAN YOUTH" in Poland itself. Are they all nice and good? Do they all know who Kazimierz Wielki was? He was the greatest of Polish Kings. He loved his people dearly… both Christians and Jews.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Nov 2009 /  #371

Well spoken, my man. I couldn't have said it better myself. You wiped the floor in just a few lines. I am truly proud of you :)

Let all the anti-semites of this forum try and bring anything against this - and leave the stereotypes out of it, pls.


M-G (proud of BenHur)
Piorun  - | 655  
6 Nov 2009 /  #372
No need to reply to your post, your profile said it all “Agitator.” I see a lot of accusations, the usual Jewish rhetoric and slander against Poles without any substance and you call us hateful? Take a good look in a mirror one of these days, you like what you see?

I see this sort of thing appeals to you, and I thought you said you’re impartial.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Nov 2009 /  #373
Why “Jew Youth”? Why not “Catholic Youth”?

Because Catholic Youth does not act in such a vile manner as Jewish Youth does.

May be what we are talking about is “Israeli Youth”?

Israeli Jewish youth therefore we're fully justified in saying Jewish youth.

The New Testament and the Catholic ideology have succeeded in the dispossession of Jews of their rightful lineage to their son Jesus Christ.

As far as i know Jews themselves reject Christ.

The point you failed to adress still remains: Israeli is racist, Israeli Jews are racist, Israeli media is racist and there exists an anti-Polish policy evident in official publications of Israeli goverment proven here in the previous pages.

Now either adress the topic or get the fock out you little cvnt, i'm tired of you and other shytheads coming here and trying to derail the topic just to avoid the uncomfortable (to you) discussion about Israeli racism and anti-Polonism.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Nov 2009 /  #374

I am impartial, however, I see A LOT of the reverse things happen, so you cannot blame anybody in wanting to bring in some counter weight. I am the first to admit that there were Jews who were not acting correctly, but the statement that there were Poles on the wrong side of the line has yet to be made and not be dismissed as slander or lies. Only after the amount of accusations on both side of the spectrum equalize, one can speak of a balance. So in that respect I am impartial, where two fight, two are wrong, not just one, if you know what I mean. Have a look at Sokrates' postings, Piorun, and you know exactly what I mean.


Maybe ppl are tired of your rethoric as well?


M-G (sec)

note a certain pattern here, Poles post links to facts, events and accounts that point towards Jewish racism and a bunch of little fvks replies by smears and insults which amount to "Poles are anti-semite and deserve it".

Just like I notice a certain pattern in your behaviour: everyone who says the opposite of what you think or experience is a liar, a slanderer and is only out to diminish the Poles. If you read well, you could have discovered some sarcasm or even cynicism there. It's about balance. There were wrong Jewish ppl, just as there were wrong Polish ppl. But what I'm also sensing here is that incidents are getting torn out of their context and made bigger than they are. I have been to Auschwitz myself, a long time ago and I have behaved myself there. But that's what I usually do when I'm a guest in another country. Just as I expect others to behave themselves when they visit my country. The fact that some (with the emphasis on some Israeli youngsters misbehave themselve is by no means an indication that we are facing a tendency of Israeli kids doing nothing but crap when they are in PL. You portray it as if this were the case. And then you extend this to the Israelian state and everybody who live within it's borders and ultimately to every Jewish person on the planet. And you think it's strange that every now and then somebody comes along and tries to put in some counterweight? I don't think that it's a bad thing. These kids who misbehave need to be re-educated, just like any other unruly kids, and when they are, they will not do it again. You seem to forget that the vast majority behaves themselves very decently when in Poland. But then again, I know your views, so in a way it doesn't surprise me. And, some news for you: I don't hate the Poles. I've only been once to PL and that was quite some time ago; so my experiences with Poles would be only the ones I have here in Dubs or in my home country. And I have always taken individual per individual, person per person. I don't judge an entire ppl by just a few drunken Poles who vomit in my doorstep and then complain that I catch them and kick their *sses. Those to me are bastards, but that's individuals, not an entire group of ppl. I think it's time you should learn to think like that too. And if I may or may not made a statement that Poles deserved something, then it was mainly because I am getting a bit tired of hearing here what a glorious nation Poland is, in fact it's the best nation in Europe, no, the entire world. That kinda statements make me want to pull in some counter weight. Because, they may be a glorious nation, when I was a kid we collected food, clothing and toys for the Poles every winter to help them out. There are many Poles who survived on the stuff my mother (guess what, a Jewish woman) sent to you guys. Maybe you yourself did as well, don't know where the stuff went in PL. But finally it all comes down to a balance, otherwise it would not be a discussion; you don't want to preach for your own congregation solely, do you? Oh, perhaps you do? Well, you shouldn't discuss then, if that's the case.

The answer is yet again because Israeli racial prejudice is targetted specifically against Poles, because Poles are an easy target which makes it even more disgusting.

The inferiority complex is pretty deep, isn't it? Guess who's nation has the most notifications in the Forest of the Righteous?


M-G (now stop nagging; it's nearly beer time)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 Nov 2009 /  #375
Just like I notice a certain pattern in your behaviour: everyone who says the opposite of what you think or experience is a liar, a slanderer

The problem is that i said "Jews are racist" and then i provided what? a dozen separate sources?

You could not question a single one, then you come and say something and you back it up with? Nothing?

Yehudi comes and says "Israel has no bad mojo against Poland" and then i come and show a link to Israeli publication thats goverment issued, widespread and racist towards Poles.

You can say whatever you like but as long as you cant prove it its just bias, and you could not prove any of your claims, neither can BenHur.

The only grasp on the discussion you have is an underhanded tactic of attempting to turn the tables and post random crimes on Jews to justify their racist position.

The inferiority complex is pretty deep, isn't it? Guess who's nation has the most notifications in the Forest of the Righteous?

Which makes Israeli policies so very very low.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
7 Nov 2009 /  #376
Because Catholic Youth does not act in such a vile manner as Jewish Youth does

Just about the biggest load or rubbish I've ever heard in my life.

As far as i know Jews themselves reject Christ.

That's the point. You don't know anything at all. Only your little racist and fascist world, that's all you know and you keep repeating it, repeating it, even though nobody is interested in your points of view.

Now either adress the topic or get the fock out

You never addressed the point, so I would suggest, you follow your own advise. Nobody is waiting for your racist and anti-semite remarks. Pls leave this forum, you have nothing to add. Just go, you're just annoying every normal human being here.

You yourself openly said Poles deserve it

You yourself said Jews deserve it. You said you didn't like Jews. Guess you are just a hideous little moron with a retarded opinion. Nobody cares about your opinion. Leave this forum, you have nothing to add.

I've addressed the topic many times. Maybe in a way that you don't like. But I don't care about that as you're a racist anti-semite, so all of your worthless conclusions will turn out to have the same result anyway. So it doesn't matter. Most ppl don't take you seriously anyway. They think you're just some anti semite nutter who hasn't got a life. Now go away and don't bother the (mostly) good ppl on this forum. When even Poles themselves are embarrassed of your kind, it's time you leave this forum and don't spoil it anymore with your empty opinion.

You're a small little gnome. You're nothing. Nothing at all. You're less than good Poles. To call you a Pole would be an insult to Polish ppl. You're like vermin, keeps coming back when nobody is waiting for you.


M-G (tiens)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Nov 2009 /  #377
Unfortunately the New Testament that is full of hate towards the Jews, except one Jew, namely Jesus Christ, has been used to the full in Poland, so much so that majority of Polish Catholics over the ages were inculcated with a belief that Jews are bad, that they drink Christ’s blood, or that they are greedy and un-giving.

There were no 'Jews' as such during Christ's time and the beginning of the Christian age...Unfortunately, translations of words from the Greek or Aramaic have been misinterpreted through sloppy translation...The word that we see as 'Jew' in the Bible, in the NT is actually 'Iudean' or a resident of Judea, or perhaps an Israelite descended from the tribe of Judah...But these people are not 'Jews'...The word 'Jew' only came into wide use in the period of the 17th Century...What we refer to today as 'Jews' are actually Khazars who practice the religion and customs of the Pharisees...Christ was quite clear on his judgment of the Pharisees...This is the religion of the Talmud...Unfortunately, as you say, many people identify present day 'Jews' with the Pharisees and Saducees and Iudeans who plotted to kill Him...But, these 'anti-semitic' references are slowly be 'cleansed' from newer editions of the Bible due to pressure from Khazars...A better solution would be to have a clearer translation of the texts.

Christ was not a 'Jew'...1) He completely opposed the religion of the Pharisees, which today's 'Jews' claim as their doctrine...2) Where does even the worst translation of the NT say 'Now, Jesus Christ was a Jew'?...3) Christ was an Israelite as a human, this being his descent...But an Israelite is not a 'Jew'; this is a mistaken identity taken on by Khazars and those who practice the religion of the Pharisees...4) How could the Son of God be a 'Jew' or a Hindu or a Buddhist?

In fact, the term 'Jew', as translated from 'yehuda' or 'yehudi' only appears in the OT in the 'Book of Esther'...Only ONE other place does it appear, and that is the Book of Kings, and it appears once, in reference to a group that opposed the Israelites...Please note: Abraham was not a 'Jew', Jacob was not a 'Jew', Moses was not a 'Jew'...There is no such reference in the Bible...'Jews' have claimed Moses, Jacob etc as 'their own', but Christians or Muslims can also say the same.
Arien  2 | 710  
7 Nov 2009 /  #378
Unfortunately the New Testament that is full of hate towards the Jews

That whole book is full of hatred. If you can't see this, you're blind. If you want to believe in God, then believe in love, not listen to hatred. If you want to be Atheïst. Also good, just be okay person. Good enough.


So just shut up about Jew youth and Polish youth and whatever, (Not directing at you, no worry!) we're all people. End. Period. Simple.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
7 Nov 2009 /  #379
So just shut up about Jew youth and Polish youth and whatever

The great dictator Arien has enforced a new law on PF. Nobody is alowed to write anything about YOUTH in GENERAL!
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
7 Nov 2009 /  #380
I note a certain pattern here, Poles post links to facts, events and accounts that point towards Jewish racism and a bunch of little fvks replies by smears and insults which amount to "Poles are anti-semite and deserve it".

Perhaps you haven't heard, but there are many Jewish 'Internet spammers', organized, who go into various websites and spew the usual double talk...There was an organization called 'CAMERA' based out of Israel, but all over American websites, dedicated to this...More recently, it was either Ha'aretz or YNet, one a big Israeli newspaper and the other a big online news service, that announced that Israeli intelligence services had called for 'volunteers' and also offered paid positions to young Israelis to form cyber-guerilla tams' to fight 'anti-semitism on the Internet...WikiPedia, although ostensibly 'run' by a non-Jew named 'Jamie Wales' is especially notorious for censorship of anything not supportive of Zionism or critical of Judaism that is added to various articles on Wiki...It has happened to me over some extremely mild updating of historical info on the page 'Ashkenazi Jews'...I made a few additions, with footnotes, and the info was deleted within 24 hours, with messages about an 'anti-semitic' attack...WikiPedia is supposed to be 'open source'...Polish Forums is no different...The Internet's anonymity is a great vehicle for stealth.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
7 Nov 2009 /  #381

Joe you have managed to start my day with a smile, and that is quite an accomplishment when I have been drinking the previous night. Chapeau.

Just to illustrate, a clip from Crow's funny cousin:


M-G (coffee time)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Nov 2009 /  #382
There is some truth in what Joe is saying, M-G. Haaretz I think it is. They spread propaganda and there is perhaps no greater forum for it than in the ME on both sides.

This is how Bosnia did so well, they hired the help of reputable PR firms whereas Serbia was left with the impossible task of trying to sell the truth to an uninterested public who had already been told that they were they bogeymen.

Ask for the Jewish youth in PL, when was the last documented time that this happened? I don't read newspapers these days, of any description. I am one cynical son-of-a-gun when it comes to this. As long as my family is alright, I'm not interested in the vast majority of the mind-numbing BS that comes from the press.

If it's a factual sth or a documentary, then I can become interested :)
1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Nov 2009 /  #383
Israeli students told by Poland trip leaders: Don't wear flag


Another teacher says the flag is the "secular tallit, and the kids use it to address their feelings during the visit. The flag enables the students to express their feelings, and that's fine. It's not provocation, but an authentic expression of feelings. After their return from Poland many students hang the flag in their room. It is highly significant to them."

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
7 Nov 2009 /  #384

What is exactly bad about this, then?

I don't see any harm in this - just an expression of being proud.

This is how Bosnia did so well, they hired the help of reputable PR firms whereas Serbia was left with the impossible task of trying to sell the truth to an uninterested public who had already been told that they were they bogeymen.

Come on Seanus, you know better than that. How do you explain the massacre of Bosniaks in Srebrenica? And the concentration camps the Serbs built in B-H? All Jewish propaganda?


M-G (tiens)
1jola  14 | 1875  
7 Nov 2009 /  #385
I don't see any harm in this - just an expression of being proud.

That's why I recommend military duty to all young men. Among many other things you will learn there, one is not to treat your flag as a dipper.

I've travelled to many countries, and have never felt to wear my flag to feel proud. Star of David armbands would be more appropriate. Besides,

"Wearing flags conveys disrespect. In the winter the flag gets mud stains, and in summer, dust marks. This conduct does not lead the Poles to respect us," he says.


A teacher who has accompanied such delegations said students wearing flags convey "defiance against the Poles and a sort of revenge. It is entirely unnecessary."

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Nov 2009 /  #386
"The students' use of the flag is more reminiscent of behavior in football stadiums than memorial services," said Gideon Goldstein, who has been leading student delegations to Poland for 15 years.

A teacher who has accompanied such delegations said students wearing flags convey "defiance against the Poles and a sort of revenge. It is entirely unnecessary."

Another teacher explained that 'wearing' the flag "helps students cope with the intense feelings aroused during the visit."

Now, you see, many times the Israeli press can be very rational, and, maybe, 'balanced' in their commentary on certain issues...These kids, yeah, they think they at a football game, and want to play the hooligan...But, then, 'defiance and a sort of revenge'...Revenge for what?...Khazars often lament their 'Golden Age in Poland' because they were allowed so much freedom...In fact, the Rothschilds are building that huge 'Jewish History in Poland' museum in Warsaw.

What did Poles do to them?...Put them in 'gas ovens'?...There were no 'gas ovens'...Make them hide at the bottom of a 'potato pit', where their best friend was a rat, because the Poles hated them and even raped their 5 year old children?...If Poles went to visit the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and then **** in their hotel rooms (which Jewish teenagers did in Oswieciem) while waving Polish flags, what would Israelis think?

Sayeth the Lord: "Come, let us reason together"
yehudi  1 | 433  
8 Nov 2009 /  #387

've travelled to many countries, and have never felt to wear my flag to feel proud. Star of David armbands would be more appropriate.

An armband perpetuates our status as victims. The national flag of israel expresses our current status as an independent, free nation. The Israeli youth who visit the camps don't just want to empathize with the victims (often their own grandparents), but also to express their rejection of victimhood.

So it might look superficially like football hooliganism, but beneath that is a very real and relevant expression. In any event it's not an anti-polish expression at all. But it is sometimes flaunted in the face of Poles because they were the witnesses of our humiliation and destruction, so now there is an urge to make them witness our rebirth.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #388
Any other nationality perish at Oswieciem ?

Any other groups feel the need to drape themselves in a flag or just the Israelis ?

No ?
Just the Israelis..Ok.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 Nov 2009 /  #389
Any other groups feel the need to drape themselves in a flag or just the Israelis ?

Liars and hypocrits like Yehudi scream even if there's a cross at Oświęcim, think what would happen if there were flags.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
8 Nov 2009 /  #390
So Israel has a monopoly on the suffering that happened in Oswiecim ?

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / JEW YOUTH SHOULD CLEAN UP THEIR ACT IN POLANDArchived