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Germans file WWII claims against Poland

anielka  2 | 84  
30 Mar 2007 /  #61
the majority who are surveyed would not start a war over it.

Who wants to start a war over it??
daffy  22 | 1153  
30 Mar 2007 /  #62
not me :) but there are people who seem to think the germans are pushing them and that all salvdom will revolt etc etc.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Mar 2007 /  #63
43% had negative feelings and 23% having positive.

But Based on what?

what happened to them that they can have such negative towards Polish ?

Land taken back perhaps? money owed?

what type of feelings do they have for the United states I wonder? we came in
and bombed the heck out of Germany and my Grandfather in law was one of those
soldiers , my cousins were also there ( many of them) who came in and took over
and in Poland ( I forget the town I will find out) when one cousin who was at one
of the camps said the men were supposed to be happy because they had freed so
many prisoners, and they were not prepared for what they had found once they
arrived. it was horrible, and the moral was low because they didnt expect to see
such horrible sites, men were throwing up and depressed because they had felt
they had come to to late.

and you can ask any soldier who was at these camps like aushwitz how they felt
and they will immediately start crying. soldiers are conditioned to be tough and do
a job, but no one was prepared for what they found.

so bitter the germans are?? again, I ask why? what could they have possibly lost
those who are still bitter, not the whole german population because I know that
not all feel that way, but those who do, what reasons could they possibly have.
daffy  22 | 1153  
30 Mar 2007 /  #64
so bitter the germans are?? again, I ask why? what could they have possibly lost
those who are still bitter, not the whole german population because I know that
not all feel that way, but those who do, what reasons could they possibly have.

exactly, again for the stats mention i should have met germans like this but have not
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Mar 2007 /  #65
Daffy, theres even groups in the united states. I have one cousin whom I dont even
want to claim as mine, who is in a group like this. I found this out thru my searches
for family and he is Polish by our side of the family but also other nationalities, which
I dont know, I can tell you one thing, he has no regard for his own family, I would
never embarass my family that way, making himself known. Ive watched these types
of people and nothing stops them when they are on the move.
Crow  154 | 9525  
30 Mar 2007 /  #66
If they get their land back, then we'd have to redraw all of eastern europe back to its original boundaries so nobody else would complain.

Why only Eastern European borders? Why not Western, Northern, Southern- same way how some Powers doing with South-Eastern European borders (Balkan)?

It would be great party!

30 Mar 2007 /  #67
Chopin, Kopernik.....

Who defeated the Teutonic Knights? Germany didn't even exist until 1876.

Who would miss goose- stepping Prussians?
larry casula  2 | 69  
30 Mar 2007 /  #68
The Germans murdered an Uncle of mine in COLD BLOOD, and from what I have seen WWII they really didn't (most of them) didn't feel any remorse about murdering millions more, all because of one lunatic...OOP'S forgot the Holacaust never happened according to some.

I say go back to Germany and tak eit up with your own Gov't they were the reason if they did loose their land. From what I understand Poland used to be much bigger than it is now, so maybe we should get our land back.
30 Mar 2007 /  #69
Now I hate german pigs even more. Thanks to that german rat. You schould see how media in Poland talk about germans. Delicious! Now I`ll go to german forum to insult somebody.
daffy  22 | 1153  
30 Mar 2007 /  #70
From what I understand Poland used to be much bigger than it is now, so maybe we should get our land back.

russia, germany, britain could all 'say' the same :/

The Germans murdered an Uncle of mine in COLD BLOOD

A nazi, and im sorry to hear your of your families loss.

and from what I have seen WWII

How old are you? seen? unless your over 75 i expect you 'saw' nothing of WW2 sorry only the history books and the actaul people who 'saw' it. not being mean, stating the obvious.

The german people, like the polish, should consult there respective gov't you are 100% correct for issues rather than inflict randomn acts of hatred in person or on forums :/

Holacaust never happened according to some

who here said it never happened?

iwe know it happened. One of Humankind's many mistakes! liking using the atomic bomb as another.

it has to end somewhere and it wont end if you dont practise what you preach, (presuming your a catholic and were taught forgive and forget - yes it damn near impossible but trying is the key - to err is human to forgive is divine - while falling short on describing holocaust and nagasaki as 'err's the point is still present.

i forgive the crimes commetted by the english over 700 years of raping Ireland (and yes, my family too suffered loss - as the majority of the irish did)

Now I`ll go to german forum to insult somebody

eye for an eye....smart
larry casula  2 | 69  
30 Mar 2007 /  #71
who here said it never happened?

Was a rhetorical question and half joke,
Actually the Iranian Preseident (good luck spelling his name), he held a confereence in Iran and the Venezualean President Chavez attended it, I am sorry but there are alot of people who have actually come out and said this never happened.

How old are you? seen? unless your over 75 i expect you 'saw' nothing of WW2

Also Rhetorical, No I am not 75 I am 45, I have seen documentaries on the war and seen what the Germans did to Jews and others in the gas chambers and also in the movie Shindlers List.

I did not say I did not forgive them, of course I do, its the insanity of the double standard I do not like,
#1) The invade Poland
#2) they kill, pilfer, destroy
#3) then the russians come and battle them back
#4) they loose their property that they stole
#5) the russians take it all away
#6) russians finally leave
#7) Germans want what never belonged to them
#8) Double Standard
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
30 Mar 2007 /  #72
Was a rhetorical question and half joke,
Actually the Iranian Preseident (good luck spelling his name), he held a confereence in Iran and the Venezualean President Chavez attended it, I am sorry but there are alot of people who have actually come out and said this never happened

Actually larry, they never said it didn't happen, they just believe it dodn't happen on such a large scale. They think the actual numbers of dead Jews were close to 2 million rather than 6.

If a fourth of Poland's population can disappear in a single war, then 6 million Jews can be killed too. I have no idea where these Iranian and Venezuelan guys are getting their stuff, but they didn't see what went on. They heard stories. My family died. There's got rich off oil. They want to know what happened??? TAKE THEM TO AUSCHWITZ and show them what it looked like. Show them the chains where Jews, Poles, and Ukranians alike were tied to, show them the tables innocent people were tied to so "scientific" experiments could be performed on them, show them the chambers where millions died, and show them the ashes that still sit in the bottom of giant furnaces. They didn't burn wood for the hell of it, they burnt innocent people that were supposedly "inferior".

These guys can have all the meetings they want, but **** THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT!!!
larry casula  2 | 69  
30 Mar 2007 /  #73
If a fourth of Poland's population can disappear in a single war, then 6 million Jews can be killed too.

I'm with you all the way Art, but on Fox News they showed them, even Arafat before he died denying the Holocaust happened and said it was made up ny the jews!! i am not kidding!!

And I agreee Hugo and Akmadinajad can **** each other til the day the cows come home to roost!!!!!!!!!!!

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Mar 2007 /  #74
Actually larry, they never said it didn't happen, they just believe it dodn't happen on such a large scale. They think the actual numbers of dead Jews were close to 2 million rather than 6.

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Mar 2007 /  #76
yes finally someone shut me up tonight. lol
larry casula  2 | 69  
30 Mar 2007 /  #77
Is it really possible??:)

We'll get you going again soon!!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Mar 2007 /  #78
I am sure of that. lol

Yes, Artur's post was amazingly so leadership like. I predict him as
our next senator!! for his state of course. Artur, dont forget me now. ya hear.
larry casula  2 | 69  
30 Mar 2007 /  #79
Artur for President..
Ya see Patrycja gotcha going again!!

ART for President!!!!
daffy  22 | 1153  
31 Mar 2007 /  #80
I have seen documentaries on the war

then you have seen no more than i have.

but there are alot of people who have actually come out and said this never happened.

sure, i know that, but you should have the smarts to know these people have 'agenda's and scores to settle. I ignore these people. you should too. to listen to them is to give them what they want. (in part)

Actually larry, they never said it didn't happen, they just believe it dodn't happen on such a large scale. They think the actual numbers of dead Jews were close to 2 million rather than 6.

a more factual quotation

#1) The invade Poland
#2) they kill, pilfer, destroy
#3) then the russians come and battle them back
#4) they loose their property that they stole
#5) the russians take it all away
#6) russians finally leave
#7) Germans want what never belonged to them
#8) Double Standard

The last two points are opinion. You have no idea that the German people 'want' poland 'back'

but its good to know you forgive them and wouldn't spit at them for no reason than for just being german.

I agreee Hugo and Akmadinajad can **** each other til the day the cows come home to roost!!!!!!!!!!!

what those two do in the privacy of their own homes is there business :)

ART for President!!!!

seems reasonable :)
larry casula  2 | 69  
31 Mar 2007 /  #81
sure, i know that, but you should have the smarts to know these people have 'agenda's and scores to settle. I ignore these people. you should too. to listen to them is to give them what they want. (in part)

Absolutley Daffy, I was just making a comment on the post. There is alot of this that goes on in America, not the same issue, but double standards.

The last two points are opinion. You have no idea that the German people 'want' poland 'back'

Was not refereing to they want it back, just the land they felt taken from them, not the whole country.

what those two do in the privacy of their own homes is there business


seems reasonable

I have 2 nominations, do I have a third????:) :) :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
31 Mar 2007 /  #82
ART for President!!!!

geez you guys are soooo american... vote for anyone who promises to go in with guns blazing without a moments thought for the consequences... will you guys ever learn...?
31 Mar 2007 /  #83
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
31 Mar 2007 /  #84

hehehe... :)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
1 Apr 2007 /  #85
Poland should be pleased that their international standing, and fair legal system is recognised to the point where even the most spurious legal claim can be discussed.

If I were in the Polish judiciary, I would happily discuss these cases for the next 20 years provided that the German plaintiffs pay for their court costs.
Of course that would mean that the plaintiffs may not live long enough to receive their claim anyway - so problem solved!

Now you see the benefits of a free and democratic society.

That would be great... but those problems won't be resolved before polish courts unfortunately. :(

The whole situation is ridiculous... What those Germans try to do is to separate the cause and the effect. They try to separate the fact that they started the war with the later German exodus as if one didn't have anything to do with the other one. Suddenly, all those Germans that were forced to emigrate were all anti-nazi. Majority of them fled because they were afraid of the Red Army. Of course, the Russians won't pay for it now. Nobody won’t even mention it. The people that will pay for it will be the Poles that had a cheek to move into their abandoned homes. Just as a side news for you, those Poles that later replaced those Germans were nailed down to leave their homes by Russians as their land became part of todays Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. What have they done wrong to deserve all this? They didn't start the war. It wasn't their idea to move from their homes to Szczecin etc... Actually, it weren't even the new established Polish government that shifted the border more to the west, but it was Stalin and Roosevelt’s idea. (Churchill also was present, but as somebody rightfully noticed before, he didn't had much to say there), and yet it will be those people, and they children that will suffer from this situation.

PS: The biggest laugh is that the head of the Federation of Expellees, Erika Steinbach, was born on Polish land in 1941 during the German occupation, and still has the nerves to call herself an expellee!!!! WTF? Her father is from western-central Germany, her mother is from Berlin, and yet, she feels as a ******* victim because she was born on the land that was annexed to Germany after the German attack! The world is mad I tell you!!!
anielka  2 | 84  
1 Apr 2007 /  #86
[quote=Patrycja19] so bitter the germans are?? again, I ask why?

Patrycja, the info on the poll was taken from another website, stating the following reasons - millions of Polish immigrants in Germany were apparently from a lower social strata, thus damaging Poland's reputation. A fellow German joined in, describing Poles, amongst these Polish nurses as semi- skilled and dim witted - he really should tell that to my patients...It was also based on the uneasy relations of Poland/ Germany under Kaczynski's administration.

The Germans are bitter because what they considered "their" lands, caly Slask i Pomorze was relegated to the Poles by Stalin ( they have "forgotten" this was Polish land they stole 500-600 years ago..) They want to claim the land back? Go harrass the Russians- I'm sure Putin will be as sympathetic to their claim as Kaczynski is.

They're still sore over Dresden too and many who lived there through the Allied bombings consider themselves victims ( not to worry about Warszawa though ).
David_18  65 | 966  
1 Apr 2007 /  #87
German people are evul:)
anielka  2 | 84  
1 Apr 2007 /  #88
The biggest laugh is that the head of the Federation of Expellees, Erika Steinbach

Matyjasz, let her have her whinge. That witch Helena Wolinska-Brus leaves Steinbach for dead, prosecuting naszych bochaterow Armii Krajowej to death. The bigger problem is there's no need to claim through any court- since both are in the EU, Germans can simply buy the land , they can afford it.
David_18  65 | 966  
1 Apr 2007 /  #89
If they buy the land they will be hated all over Poland, so it would be a stupied move.
It will be like a black point of the Polish map.
Germans just do youre thing go and invade and then get thrown out, as always.

Germans are just like ants they invade and if they get defeted they just rais a new army.
Better to whipe them out of the map.
anielka  2 | 84  
1 Apr 2007 /  #90
Germans just do youre thing go and invade

It's almost impossible to oust them once their in.

Say they did- would you like to visit a museum to see what a Pole looked like?

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