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Demographic twilight of Poland and Europe

ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Sep 2008 /  #1
European press constantly say over and over again about demographic crisis in Russia, but how about Poland and Europe itself? The situation with birth rate is so dramatic that it merely may be compared even with russian!

Western Germany has the worst index (1.4 children) among wealth europe, but it seems extremely high, being compared with Polish. Poland is going to be dead soon. But before she will run into fierce financial catastrophe due to aging population. Poland is dead already, and her corps lies here only waiting the arrival of hospital attendants to be dragged in morgue.
JaeTheProducer  3 | 33  
7 Sep 2008 /  #2
I assumed that Poland's birth rate was incredibly high. So many young people move from there yet people say that the city's are still buzzing.
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
7 Sep 2008 /  #3
Actually, demographic situation in Poland is quite depressed not only by low birth rates but by flight of youth from the country. They never will return to fatherland, it is a lost generation. Just imagine, all young generation of country flights on west. There is no fate!
JaeTheProducer  3 | 33  
7 Sep 2008 /  #4
There will be people from other nations breeding in Poland i believe though? I guess it is true that Millions of Poles will not return to Poland to live after leaving.

So to all you Polish women out there, get breeding to keep your country alive!
It's different in UK though, teenage kids cant stop having them.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
10 Sep 2008 /  #5
Demographic twilight of Europe

It might be coming...Europe is slowly being killed by tratorous political scum, an influx of 3rd World immigrans, and increase in abortions and divorce...And, you no longer believe in God...there is no hope for you without God and family...But, I heard news that the Polish birt rate is actually rising...True?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
10 Sep 2008 /  #6
there is no hope for you without God and family.

Sorry...but Christianity had Europe in their claws for over a millenia now...see what it got us!
Time for a change!!! :)

And again...being fixed on birthrates is horrible wrong and short sighted!
Wealthy, educated Europeans can never (and never should) take part and hope to win a breeding competition with the poor third world masses...for us it should be "Quality instead of Quantity"!

There are already more than enough people on this planet...(and most of them want to emigrate to the rich west!)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
10 Sep 2008 /  #7
But, I heard news that the Polish birt rate is actually rising...True?

Few years ago the birthrate in Poland was the worst in whole Europe if I remember correctly, but you are right, now is the time of my generation, so the generation of children of the 50's baby boomers. In some hospitals there are problems with finding places for pregnent women.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
10 Sep 2008 /  #8
Sorry...but Christianity had Europe in their claws for over a millenia now...see what it got us!
Time for a change!!! :)

You are making wild statements without any explanation or justification...Please elaboate on your comments.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
10 Sep 2008 /  #9
Time for a change!!! :)

Yes, an islamic change. Religion is the necessary evil. If you drop one, another will take it's place. It's best to stick with christianity, unless you krauts don't mind changing your lifestyles to be like middle east. Quite different from germany...
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
10 Sep 2008 /  #10
Dont be so skeptic... Poland will not go away... the world never ceases to exist. Whether by immigration or any other means... maybe some new means... we will have happy polish faces always smiling in Poland.

That is my belief.
Wittgenstein  - | 2  
11 Sep 2008 /  #11
Nature evolves, there is such a thing as evolution, and It's inevitable that today's racial/ethnic lines will be completely redrawn should the human race go on for another 1 or 2000 years...
OP ConstantineK  26 | 1298  
11 Sep 2008 /  #13
I had intention only to rephrase Herbert Wels's famous essay 'Russia in haze' concerning to Europe.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Sep 2008 /  #14
Is the answer not that we should just have more sex?

Pull the plug on the electricity supply and there'll be a baby boom.

(No PF though)ha ha ha...

I am not quite sure but if I remember correctly Ireland has the youngest population and Poland was next in E.U., so may be the Irish and Poles are getting jiggy with it?

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